Love... Hate... and Then There's You

Written by: JadeFoxxx (AKA: Devil-Babe-911)

Summary – She had been betrayed by everyone she had ever let close to her heart, never trusting them or anyone else again...until she met him. Battousai the Manslayer...Can she find the trust and love that she's longed an assassin sent to kill her? Kagome/Kenshin RKIY

Anime – Rurouni Kenshin/InuYasha

Main Couple – Kagome/Kenshin

Genre – Romance / Action / Adventure

Rated – M (Medium Violence) (Medium Sexual Themes) (Excessive Blood and Gore) (Attempted Rape) (Excessive Language)


Distrust Humanity

The people I distrust the most

are those who want to improve our lives...

but have only one course of action.


(Entire Chapter is One Big Flashback)

Cowards...all of them, none worthy of the title hero as they had so been dubbed. To abandon her, leaving her with him as if she were a sacrifice well spent. They had spent the majority of her teenage years searching for the prick she now served...and for what!?

'I'll kill them for this...on that I swear.' Kagome thought, ignoring the annoying chattering of Kagura.

"―you help them?" Kagome caught the last of her endless prattle and closed her eyes before reopening them and glancing at her red eyed roommate.

"I will do no such thing! They deceived me...handed me over to Naraku as if I was nothing more than a getaway fee that they were willing to pay. They are nothing but disloyal and untrustworthy bastards..." She turned her eyes and looked into Kagura's calculating crimson gaze. "Why should I help them? However, you need not fret Kagura; I will not spoil your plans for Naraku, seeing as how I wish for his death just as much as you do. Do what you wish, but leave me out of it."

"What about the fox kit? He wasn't there when they handed you over, I heard he ran away from the group in order to find you."

Kagome sat in silence, thinking over what her partner said. Having been working along side with Kagura and Hakudoshi on her little missions for Naraku for the past seven months...she knew Kagura didn't lie...she only hid the fine details.

"I will deal with him after the final battle. He will not be killed, only those who have wronged me...staining my heart with murder...causing shadows to embrace my spirit...when will it all go away? This almost unbearable state of mind..."

"Almost unbearable?" Kagura asked as Hakudoshi entered the room.

Kagome smiled lightly, "If what you said about Shippou is true...then I have someone to look forward to."

Kagura nodded in understanding as Hakudoshi sat down before the two, "Naraku wants to see you Kags." Hakudoshi said once the two had finished talking.

"What does that eight legged spider freak want now?" She grumbled to her self as she stood and stretched.

She wore a white off the shoulders crop top and dark midnight blue waist corset that tied in the back. A pair of black Swordsman pants adorned her bottom half, the legs laced on her calves just below the knee were worn loose, the waist had a tie strap that went around her hip and swayed gently with her movements. She wore a pair of black leather boot's that came to just below her knees; her boots had bell cuffs that tied in the back and on her hip was a sword that she had gotten previously from Toutousai. He had said it was a gift from Sesshoumaru, her master when he was training her. On her back was a quiver of arrows and her bow.

She walked down the dimly lit hallway and found her way through the maze of turns until she stood in front of the door to Naraku's room. She stopped walking just as both Jakotsu and Bankotsu walked forward.

Jakotsu scoffed as he looked at her, "...aren't you that wench that hangs around with my Inu?" He asked.

'That's right, they don't know yet.' Kagome glared, "I'm afraid you have me mistaken for someone else." She looked away, 'I am no longer that naïve little girl. I need no one...' Her eyes narrowed as she knocked twice before entering the room, Bankotsu and Jakotsu following behind her.

"Good, you three are here. I want you to get rid of Inuyasha's group, I'm tired of playing with them, and they are gathering troops and becoming too much of a risk. Also, Kagome, deliver a message to Kikyou for me. Tell her, she is relieved of duty."

Kagome nodded. "Where are they at the moment?"

"Kanna..." Kanna turned to face them. Her mirror showed them two different images. One image was of Kikyou and Inuyasha and the other of Miroku, Sango and Kilala.

"Have you found Shippou?"

"He has managed to evade Kanna's mirror. I will inform you if I find him."

"Whatever." She walked out of the room, Naraku glared at her show of disrespect but let it go for the time being.

"Dismissed." The two followed after Kagome. She was already halfway down the hall when they caught up to her.


Kagome looked down from her spot on a sycamore tree branch. She was overlooking the camp that Miroku, Sango and Kilala sat silently in. Not too far off she could see the soul stealers floating in the air.

"You ready or are you too afraid?" Bankotsu asked teasingly.

"I will take care of Inuyasha and Kikyou. Get rid of Sango, Miroku and Kilala. If you see the Kit anywhere, bring him to me. If you see him and ignore that order or kill him, I'll send you back to hell before you can even think of an excuse." They stared in surprise but nodded anyways. Jakotsu scowled slightly before jumping from the tree with Bankotsu and down to the camp. Kagome made her way from branch to branch until she could see Kikyou and Inuyasha.

She jumped from the tree and they looked on in surprise, pulling away from each other. Kagome took her bow and notched an arrow, pointing it at the two of them, and then aiming it at one.

"Kagome, what are you doing here, I thought you were with Naraku."

", how are you? We missed you Kagome? You seemed so worried Inuyasha, tell me, while you were kissing her, did you ever think about the seven months of hell I've been forced to endure? No, I doubt it. The whore behind you has clouded your mind. You wouldn't have noticed that your bitch was sleeping with a spider, would you?" Kagome turned her eyes to Kikyou who stood glaring coldly at her. "See the Saimyosho...Kikyou? Their watching us...Naraku says that you are relieved of duty, in other're expendable..." Kikyou's eyes widened as Kagome released the arrow. Rather then its previous bright pink, a dark purple with pink electricity encasing it flew at them. Inuyasha dogged and Kikyou smirked.

"You fool, you're my reincarnation, just a second rate copy, I'll always be stronger then you!" She pulled a dark pink barrier up as the arrow hit...and broke through, embedding it's self in her chest. Her eyes widened as she looked on in horror as her body starting to turn a mix of greys and browns.

"Yes, Kikyou, I am your reincarnation, but I am no second rate copy. I am the upgraded version...of an old model. Don't worry Kikyou...Inuyasha will be joining you in hell soon enough." She said in false happiness, sarcasm leaking through her words. Kikyou's eyes widened in pain as her body chose that moment to combust with soil, dust and bones.

"...What...NO! DAMN IT KAGOME! YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!" He yelled as he pulled out his Tetsusaiga. He frowned when it didn't transform.

"Haha!, you moronic half-breed...have you forgotten. You can only use that blade to protect humans not kill them. Fool, I will hand that blade over to my master once and for all."


"No...Sesshoumaru; he trained me when you did not...not that it maters much anymore."

"You're the fool Kagome; I can easily dodge your arrows."

Kagome smirked, holding her bow out in front of her and letting it fall to the ground. She removed her quiver of arrows from around her shoulders and placed them carefully on the ground next to them. "Who said I was going to use my arrows?" He glared and threw his sword to the side, deeming it useless in this battle. She watched him race forward and pulled her own sword from its sheath. He dodged her first strike and landed behind her only to receive the blunt of the hilt of her sword in his gut. She did a flip away, her foot kicking his chin as she did do, landing a few feet away from him.

He glared at her as red started to seep through his eyes.

'Fool, you need your sword to keep your demon at bay, now you are nothing but a mindless killing machine.' She gracefully moved to the side to avoid his claws, this continued much like a dance until she saw that Jakotsu and Bankotsu stood with two lifeless bodies and her kit. "Hey, Inuyasha, look at who's come to watch you die." He glared and turned to where she was looking. Bankotsu leaned against a tree with Shippou's head tucked into his arm as he hid from the fight before them. Jakotsu was lying on the ground, using the two lifeless bodies of Miroku and Sango as pillows as he watched them fight.

"YOU BASTARDS!" All control he had left vanished at the sight of his lost comrades. He took off to kill Jakotsu and Bankotsu but Kagome appeared before them before he could cause them any injury. Inuyasha growled before bringing his clawed hand down, cutting through her waist corset which fell to the ground.

She glared heatedly at him, paying no heed to the four thin claw marks that adorned her abdomen.

"That..." She took her blade in an offensive stance. The silver blade now glowing black with the same pink crackling wrapping around it much like it had earlier. "...was my favorite corset!" She said coldly as she brought her blade down on the feral hanyou. He let a pain yelp out as he dodged a deadly wound but managed to get a gash across his chest.

"Did I hurt the little puppy? Aw, poor thing. Let me put it out of its misery!" She shot forward and Inuyasha turned to flee. She appeared in the air before him, striking down as he brought his bloody and clawed hand forward. They both landed, staring the other down in the eyes.

Bankotsu stepped forward as everything went silent. Jakotsu sat up and stared. Both were still, unmoving and silent. Suddenly Inuyasha coughed, blood spurting out of his mouth as he fell forward into her blade. She stepped to the side and tilted her blade to the left, letting him slid off her sword before she did a very Sesshoumaru move and flicked her blade, cleaning it of any residual blood, and then placing it back in her sheath with one swift movement.

"Tr-trai-tor...y-you bitch."

"Coming from you, I've been called worse." She placed her right high heel boot against his throat and his eyes widened slightly when he felt her put pressure on the thin flesh of his esophagus; feeling the skin break, he made a gargle sound as blood gushed from his bleeding throat. His lungs crushed and eyes wide, Kagome watched his body twitch before he completely shut down after a few minutes.

A tear fell from her cold sapphire eyes and the two men behind her looked away from her weakened state.

"It's done...I've shed one tear for you...Inuyasha...but I won't ever cry over you again. No, never again," She removed her heal from his throat and stared in distaste at the gapping hole in his throat. She walked up to her bow and quiver of arrows, setting them up on her form again before picking up Tetsusaiga and placing it in the sash next to her sword, Tsukihime.

"R I P, Inu." She said sarcastically as she walked away with the others in tow. Shippou jumped onto her shoulder, slightly shaken from the events that had just taken place.


Me: It's just a prologue, the next will be the happenings of Naraku's death and then it's onto Meiji Era. Look forward to it and update.