Enchanted Night

Summery: Gestures of consoling comfort after a nightmare turn into something much more...

Pairing: Atreyu/Childlike Empress

Overall Rating: M

Chapter One; Sweet Reflections and Stiff Greetings

Chapter Rating: Mild T

Author's Notes: This story is not tied in with my other fic: MoonChild. The only characters you will find from that fic are The Empress's Eight Handmaidens. For overall mature content of this fic [ i.e. dark themes woven into some of the chapters & a good amount of romantic intimacy between Atreyu and The Empress ;D, I thought it be appropriate to have our couple be of legal age. [i.e. mature young adult age] I do hope you all keep an open mind on this as I try to stay true to their movie personalities as possible.

Thank you for your support of this ship :).

DISCLAIMER: The names, people, places, etc of The NES are all owned by the late Michal Ende & Warrnor Bros. Copyright © 1984. I'm just borrowing them for fun. I do not own anything but the plotline of this fic.

The sun was setting low on the horizon as Atreyu rode towards the Ivory Tower on his way to yet another visit with The Empress of Fantasia-or as he loved to call her: Moonchild. This had been a pleasant pattern of theirs for the past eight years and this time was no different. Since the time he and the human child Bastian had kept the Nothing from conquering Fantasia. the land had since then prospered greatly, with new lands and creatures being added every year or so-due largely in part to the vast creativity coming from the many different areas of the human world.

Atreyu smiled to himself, remembering how, as the the days, weeks, and months melted into years, he and Moonchild had not only grown closer emotionally to each other, but they had also grown to become an strikingly attractive couple.

Technically The Empress herself had not aged at all. But due to a wish made by Bastian eight years beforehand, Moonchild had since then grown into a unspeakably breathtaking and beautiful young woman. She still possessed the same childlike facial features she always had. But aside from this she had physically matured to where she now possessed the soft, delicately young body of someone eighteen or nineteen years of age.

As for Atreyu-being three or four years older then Moonchild-he too had not changed all that much except for a slight deepness of the voice, broadening of the shoulders and a considerable change in height. At just over six feet in height with his long dark brown hair and slender figure, he had become very handsome indeed.

Since the fateful day they had met so long ago, the two had become rather close Not the brother/sister kind of close but the kind that goes much deeper-the sort of closeness that involves matters of the heart and soul. True, there was no doubt in anyone's mind these two were the very best of friends. There were no secrets between them-having shared just about every emotion one could think of: Joy, tears, anger, sorrow, laughter-everything. Every emotion that is-except for two:

Romantic love and passion.

These two very important emotions, that still filled their own hearts, they kept hidden from each other. Not due to fear or uncertainty. But from unspoken, invisible, and forbidden social boundaries that barred their heart's paths from uniting together to become as one.

. . .

A Guard, one Atreyu had grown to know well over the years, had seen him approaching and signaled to his partner to open the gates leading to the Tower Grounds. After passing though, a stable hand came walking into view and accompanied both rider and horse to the latter's personal stable where Atrax could be fed, watered and generally enjoy himself without worry.

Dismounting his steed, Atreyu gave his childhood friend and pet a grateful pat along with a word of thanks before heading up to the entrance of the Tower itself where Cairon, The Empress's Head Adviser/Servant, greeted him with a barely suppressed stiff smile and wary look in his eyes.

It was common knowledge among the Tower Staff that Cairon had harbored a great dislike for the Plains Warrior ever since he had set foot on the Tower Grounds after being summoned by The Empress to save Fantasia. But due to even greater respect for His Empress, Cairon had managed to keep such thoughts to himself-though his tone of voice and body language gave away his true feelings about the boy-turned-young man.

The truth was that Cairon couldn't stand Atreyu.

Deep down he had highly disapproved with The Empress's choice of having a 'mere commoner' carry forth her request to find a cure for her and to save their world rather then an experienced knight or nobleman. But since she had the final say-despite his protests-he had reluctantly sent word for this "so-called" 'Great Warrior" to come to the Tower.

He was infuriated even more when he actually saw the person The Empress had in mind when he finally arrived on the terrace of the Ivory Tower.

The boy-whom looked to be on the verge of manhood-was not only the EXACT opposite of what Carion would have chosen to send out [he would have preferred someone of royal blood or at the very least someone possessing some sort of nobility] but was undeniably good-looking as well. Reluctantly The Head Adviser carried out his duties as requested by The Empress and passed on the requested offer: to not only find a cure for the Empress's mysterious illness-a daunting task in itself-but to save their world at the same time-while all the while hoping and praying the boy would deny the offered quest, turn around and go straight back from where he came from.

His prayers were not answered.

Though Atreyu had accepted his quest bravely-and ended up succeeding in accomplishing his task to the fullest extent. Cairon was quite relieved to see the hunter return to his homeland shortly after the healing of their world. In his mind, he assumed it was to be the last time he or The Empress would ever set eyes on the young warrior again.

Unfortunately his assumptions were grossly incorrect.

To his horror, a year afterward, Moonchild had gotten the insane idea to have Atreyu come to the Tower to visit-for no apparent or important reason but to just to spend the time talking to and get to know the Plains Warrior better on a more personal level, to the point where she saw him not as an 'acquaintance' but as an equal or a friend. Just the reminding thought of this alone-of what Atreyu was to The Empress in her eyes-made Cairon's stomach churn with uneasiness. What was even more ludicrous then the idea of having this common Purple Buffalo hunter visit Moonchild in the Tower was her request to go accompany Atreyu unchaperoned to not only his homeland but to other parts of Fantasia on numerous occasions. To this day Cairon STILL had no clue as to how the hell she managed to talk him into that one. Only AFTER his insistence that Falkor the luckdragon be her transport at all times did he give his consent, reluctant as it was. to her request. From the expression on Atreyu's face every time they returned from one of these many trips, Cairon could see the young man thoroughly enjoyed showing Moonchild the world she 'ruled' over but rarely got to explore let alone see with her own eyes.

Now, once again, Cairon did his best to be hospitable as his least favorite person in Fantasia stood before him as he had done countless upon countless times in the past few years.

"Good evening Atreyu. I see you have arrived here without any complications."

Atreyu smiled, giving a polite nod of acknowledgment, refusing to let the Head Adviser/Servant intimidate him. "Yes, I have Sir."

Cairon turned on his heel and began to walk briskly ahead of Atreyu. "Your room on the seventh floor has been prepared and readied for you as usual."

Atreyu almost had to jog to keep up with Moonchild's Head Adviser and Servant as he followed him up series of winding staircases and along lavish hallways. "Thank you. It is most appreciated."

Cairon forced himself to maintain a courteous tone of voice-though he was dying to turn on 'this person who was not worthy of The Empress'-as he liked to call Atreyu in his mind-seize him by the back of his buffalo-made belt, drag him to the main gates of the Grounds, toss him out on his ass and send both him and that damned horse of his packing back to where they belonged. Instead he heaved out a sigh. pretending he was getting slightly winded from moving so swiftly up so many stairs and along so many halls.

"My dear boy, your words are most kindly indeed. It is a a pleasure to know you are a dear, loyal companion to Our Empress." This statement, he told himself, was of course, a total lie. But Cairon had been Head Adviser/Servant to The Empress of Fantasia long enough to know when and how to use the appropriate words to say to those who came to visit The Empress even if he didn't approve of the social status of some of the visiting guests-like the one he was making conversation with at the moment. "Ah, here we are."

They had arrived at a pair of double doors near the end of the hall-directly next to The Empress's own bedchambers, which thoroughly pissed Cairon off. He had been furious the first time Moonchild had shown him where she planned to have Atreyu reside during his visits. In his mind it was not only against proper Royal etiquette but scandalous as well. Hr had given her a huge lecture on the subject right then and there. She, of course, had put her little foot down, irritably pointing out the fact that Atreyu was 'not just any commoner' but the sole person who helped save them all, as she had done so many times in the years since the Nothing. Thus, he should receive the same treatment as their Savior: Bastian. That shut Cairon up. For he did not disagree with her about all the perils Atreyu had gone though to bring Bastian to them. He just wished she would have chosen a person more worthy of her company.

Now he stood aside to let Atreyu enter.

"You should have just enough time to freshen up before dinner."

"Is the ball still going to be held afterwords?"

"Yes. The Empress has taken the liberty of having the appropriate garments made for you. You will find everything you need atop the dresser. Dinner, as always, is at six. If you need anything don't hesitate to contact someone. I, or another Staff Member will be happy to assist you."

This said, Cairon gave a slight, curt bow and shut the door in front of him, leaving Atreyu alone.