Disclaimer: Do not own TMNT. Sigh.
Michelangelo ignored the stitch in his side as he pushed himself to run faster. Splashing through God-knows-what that always ran through the sewers, he turned sharply down a narrow pipe and froze, using every ounce of his ninja training to hide in the shadows.
Growls and heavy footsteps echoed throughout the passageways. Mikey held his breath, waiting for his pursuer to pass by.
A glimpse of pink stalked by, and Mikey couldn't hold his laughter.
Honing in on the stifled snickers, Raphael's hand snaked into the darkness and grabbed his brother by the shell. "Gotcha now, ya little punk. Ya think its funny, do ya?"
Squirming in the larger turtle's grasp, Mike laughed again and grinned. "But Raphie, it's Valentine's Day! I just wanted to show you guys how much I love you!" He collapsed again in a fit of giggles.
Raphael shook his obnoxious little brother in anger. "It was bad enough last year when you painted the entire lair in red and white hearts, but this time you've gone too far!" He ripped off his mask and held it between them, the fresh flamingo pink dye practically glimmering in the dim lighting. His mask, elbow and knee pads, belt, and even the wrappings on his sai were of varying shades of the vile color. "I'm gonna knock you into Saint Patrick's Day!"
Leo and Don watched in throws of laughter over the monitor. Though they couldn't exactly hear the conversation, they had a clear view of Raphael's back.
Donatello wiped a tear from his eye. "Do you think we should tell him about the bright pink heart painted on his shell?"
It took a second for Leonardo to catch his breath. "Hey, we got lucky, at least. Last week, I heard Mikey muttering about making a Cupid, but couldn't find a diaper big enough."
Mental images of Raphael in tiny wings and a giant diaper caused the brothers to dissolve in hysterics once more.