5 January 1546

(Edward's POV)

My mother today lost the baby. I guess all the fighting she does with my father proved to be too much stress on my sister. Dr. Linacre said that the baby was deformed but was in fact a girl. I think my father wasn't as disappointed because it was a girl and not another son.

I get the fact that a king needs a son, two to make sure that in case something should happen to the first one, there is still another son, but a daughter is just as good as a son. I just don't understand how my father doesn't understand that. Look at Elizabeth. She is a daughter, but she could make an amazing Queen of England. She was kind, generous yet fair. Just look at how she treats strangers, even those that hate us. Her saying was 'If someone comes at you with fire, don't go back with fire because you will just get burned, but get back at them with kindness, then they are the ones that get burned.' It made sense.

I was mad at King Henry, because while his wife, my mother, is laying in her bed crying and in pain while he brings his stupid mistress, Jane Seymour back to court with his new son; John FitzRoy Duke of Richmond to officially declare him a Duke. The worst part was that my father was expecting Elizabeth, Madeleine and I to attend. It was horrible.

"Ready sweetheart?" I asked. Madeleine turned around from the window she was looking at and nodded. I offered her my arm and we walked together to the presenting room. We walked in silence and many people where talking when we arrived. Elizabeth was already standing on the dais talking to our father. I led Madeleine up there.

"Edward, how are you son?" My father asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"To be honest, I wish right now that I could be with mother and comfort her in this dark time." I replied stepping out of his reach of my shoulder. Then it was time to start the ceremony. I went over to my throne next to my father. Madeleine sat next to me and Elizabeth sat next to her.

The horns went off and Lady Jane Seymour came walking in holding her bastard. My father smiled proudly and I do not know why. He had three healthy legitimate sons, one of which is sitting right next to him. Then I saw he wasn't smiling at John, he was smiling at Jane. And she was smiling right back at him.

The ceremony dragged on and I just zoned out. There was no point in me being here except accepting my brother.

Once the ceremony was done we had to attend the feast. At this time I was noticing that Madeleine wasn't looking too good. She had gotten paler and her eyes looked empty.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" I asked her and she just gave me a weak nod.

"Edward, go dance with Madeleine." My father ordered and I knew I couldn't refuse and order. I offered my hand to Madeleine and she took it and I led her out to the dance floor. By now I was noticing that she was beginning to sweat.

"You sure you want to dance?" I asked wearily. Again she just gave me a weak nod. We began the dance and I was surprised that she lasted as long as she did. When the dance was over I led her back to the table to sit down. I was getting very worried for her.

The feast was over but we still stayed there and watched the dancing. "Your majesty." Edward Seymour said bowing to my father. "Your highnesses." He said still in his dance. "I was wondering if I could get the privilege of dancing with the new Princess." He asked, and I got mad. Couldn't he see that she wasn't feeling well?

"Of course you can." My father said before I could say a word. Madeleine got up weakly and allowed Lord Seymour to lead her out to the dance floor. I noticed that John Crawford was dancing with Elizabeth.

"Look son," My father started and I tore my eyes from Madeleine to look at him. "I know you may not be happy with me recognizing John as my own, but he is my son and I have to provide for him just like I do with you and your brothers and sisters."

"I just understand father why you would have this celebration on the day mother miscarried." I sat back to him and father ripped his eyes away from Lady Jane holding John while talking to people.

"It was only a daughter." He said harshly.

"But it was still your child. Ever since Eleanor died you have been getting distant with us and mother. It seems as if you don't even love us anymore." Before he could reply I heard screams from the crowd. I looked and saw Edward Seymour holding an unconscious Madeleine on the floor. I stood up and ran to where they were fighting against the crowd.

"Someone go get Dr. Linacre." Someone shouted.

"Let's move her to her chambers." My uncle George Boleyn said and Edward Seymour picked her up.

"Here I'll carry her." I said not wanting him touching her.

"Your highness…" He started but I cut him off.

"Hand her to me. She is my wife." I said more boldly and he handed me Madeleine. She wasn't heavy for me so I got to her chambers quiet easily. Dr. Linacre was already waiting for us as we arrived. I sat her down on her bed, and he ushered me out.

I waited outside for a long time with my father, Elizabeth, all my siblings, my uncle and aunt, and many curious onlookers wanting to know what happened to their beloved French princess.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Dr. Linacre came out of her bedchambers. I stood up immediately and went to him. "What's happened to Madeleine?" I asked.

"Princess Madeleine is in god's hands now. I have done everything I could and it seems as if only time will tell. I have given the princess some tonic for the pain and sleep. We can only wait." He said before leaving saying that he will be back. I walked in and saw her ladies putting a blanket around her to keep her warm

When they say me they curtsied but I just ignored them and went over to Madeleine. I kneeled down at her bedside and took her pale hand. "Please god, in your mercy. Don't take her away from me. We have just started our life together and I do not know what I would do if she was gone. I need her. She is the kindest most wonderful thing I think I will ever meet in my life. And I love her." I cried out. One of her ladies gave me a chair to sit in and I sat next to her bedside till she woke up.

28 January 1546

(Anne's POV)

When I heard that Madeleine was sick, I cried. I had just lost my own daughter; I couldn't lose a girl who was becoming my daughter. When I heard that Edward never left her bedside, I smiled. When I miscarried I just wanted Henry to come in and comfort me, but he no longer even kisses me. I know that I lost his interest and favor, but I gave him 3 sons, he couldn't get rid of me, even for the Lady Seymour.

Finally, Madeleine did wake up and Dr. Linacre said that she will be just fine, but she still had to stay in bed for a bit. I was given the clear to be able to walk just a few days after my miscarriage. I know now that Arthur will be my last child. I have been getting older and I guess it is just my time to stop having children.

"I cannot wait to get out of this bed." Madeleine said when I came to visit her.

"Did I tell you that when I was pregnant with Edward and Elizabeth, I had to start my lie in at only 4 months? I spent almost 5 months in bed." I said.

"How did you do that? I can barely stay in here for 2 weeks." She exclaimed and I just laughed. That visit like many others had us laughing.

Then of course we had to be interrupted. "Your majesty. Your highness." Lady Mary said and scowled at her.

"What is it Lady Mary?" I asked wanting to get back to having special time with my new daughter.

"His majesty is very sick. He wants you and their highnesses to come so he can say his goodbyes." She said and tears were falling from her face. I got up quickly and without saying anything to Madeleine I took off running towards Henry's chambers.

Everyone was quiet and I bursted through Henry's doors. "Anne..." Mary said but I ignored her and went into Henry's bedchambers. What I saw in front of me stopped me in my tracks. Jane Seymour was kneeling next to my husband. When she heard me come in she looked over and stood up hastily to curtsy.

"Your maj-" She started but I cut her off.

"Get out of here. And don't come back if you value your life." I said harshly looking at no one but Henry. She curtsied again and quickly left and my eyes followed her. When I turned back to Henry, all the hate and anger I had at him went away. In that moment he was back to the loving man he was when I first met him.

"Anne, please come." He said weakly and I walked over and sat down.

"Yes sweetheart?" I asked taking his hand and kissing it.

"I need to tell you something." He was so sick his voice was as quiet as I could hear. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said as a tear fell down from my eyes.

"No, I need to talk." He coughed and I nodded. "Ever since Eleanor died, I couldn't look at you the same. She looked just like you even had your spirit, and it hurt me. I loved El so much, even if she was a daughter. Never think for a minute I don't love any of my daughters because they aren't sons. You gave me 3 beautiful healthy sons and 3 beautiful healthy daughters. I'm sorry about Lady Seymour; I only eyed her because she wasn't you and that I didn't have the pain I do when I see you and El. Please, forgive me." I said and I couldn't help the tear that fell from my face.

"Of course I do. Remember, I am your humble servant. If you want me gone, no matter how much it will hurt, I will leave. Just please, don't go. Don't leave me." I cried and he raised his hand and wiped away my tears.

"Sweetheart, don't cry. One day, you will join me again. And we will rule together once more. I am going to go be with our baby Princess Eleanor. We will wait for you. I love you." He said and I bent down to kiss him. The kiss was sweet and overdue.

When we broke apart he was smiling. Then the priests came in. They said their prayers and I held his hand. I cried the entire time and I forgot every bad thing he had ever done to me. This man was a kind, loving, generous man. I remember when I first caught his eye dancing. That seemed so long ago. And now I held his hand as he died while our children were probably in the next room praying. Our 5 children as he went to go join our sixth.

Dr. Linacre walked out when he was sure Henry was dead and I bursted out weeping. Then it didn't take long for the bells to be heard ringing and a man shouting 'Long live the king. Long live the king." Over and over.

25 July 1549

(Edwards POV)

Today seemed like an ordinary day. I woke up this morning and went to my wife's chambers for breakfast. We had a lot of fresh fruits as it was her favorite meal in the morning. Today we laughed and joked.

Since I became king when my father died, England seemed to be at peace. There were some riots, but my mother was saying that England is heading into a golden era. My mother helps Madeleine and I all the time. She decided that when my father died that since I was already married, I didn't need regency and I am glad for that.

"Edward," Madeleine said after we laughed about something that Arthur did the other day.

"Yes sweetheart?" I asked smiling at her.

"I'm with child." She said biting her lower lip as if she was wondering whether I would be please. I took the grape that I was in my hand and ate it. Then I stood up and walked over to her. I knelt down and took cupped her face. Then I leaned forward and kissed her.

"I love you." I said when the kiss was over. She placed two fingers under my chin and smiled at me.

"I love you too." She said.

"Sweetheart I hope you don't mind, but I need to get going." I said patently and she nodded in understanding.

(Madeleine's POV)

When Edward left, my ladies walked forward to clean the table. Lady Jane Seymour came forward to take my plate. Even though none of the Tudors really liked her for having the king's child, she didn't deserve to be punished now that King Henry was gone.

I stood up and went to go to the gardens. They were my favorite place in this entire palace. While I was walking I saw Elizabeth talking with her cousin Lady Anne Boleyn, Mistress Annie Stafford, and Lady Dorothy Crawford. I decided to go chat with them and tell them of my pregnancy.

When they saw me they went into a curtsy. "Your majesty." They all said and I smiled at them.

"Good morning." I said to them as I sat down with them.

"Good morning your majesty." Lady Anne said. "How are you this morning?"

"Very well. I just came from having breakfast with his majesty. There was some important news that I had to tell him." I said still smiling.

"What is it?" Elizabeth said with a smile and I think she knew what it was.

"I am with child." They all hugged me and said congratulations.

"Madeleine, can I talk to you?" Elizabeth said and I nodded.

"Of course Beth." I said and we stood up. "Ladies." I said.

"Majesty." They replied as I walked off with Elizabeth.

"I was hoping that you would become with child soon. Lord knows we need another child around here." Elizabeth said laughing and I joined her. It was true though.

"I am very excited to be a mother. And Edward is happy as well." I was just hoping it will be the boy he needs.

"Don't worry. Edward will love you and the child even if it is a daughter." Elizabeth said as we continued to walk.

"What is it that you needed to talk about Elizabeth?" I asked decided to change the subject. It was much needed too.

"Well, ever since my parent's marriage, and watching other marriages especially between the Duke and Duchess of Suffolk," She took a deep breath before continuing. "I have made a vow in front of God that I shall never marry." She said looking at me but not looking me in the eye. "I have come to you about this because I am scared to tell my brother and mother. Afraid that they will force me to marry against my wishes."

"Elizabeth," I said as I stopped walking. "I understand completely. Your brother is a very understanding man, I think he will understand and won't be angry but proud of his sister. I am." I said and we started to walk again.

"Thanks Madeleine." She said smiling at me.

"You're welcome." Then I turned to one of my ladies. "Lady Seymour, go tell his majesty and the Queen Dowager that Elizabeth and I need an audience with them." Lady Seymour curtsied and left as we went to my chambers. We both finished freshening up when the Lady Seymour came back.

"His majesty is please to see you both." She said and we smiled.

"See Elizabeth, it will be all fine." I said as we walked to the king's private room. When we got there, Edward was sitting on the dais and his mother was standing next to him.

"Your majesty." We both said curtsying.

"Madeleine, Elizabeth, what is going on?" He asked looking to Elizabeth then me.

"Brother," Elizabeth said stepping forward. "After seeing what happened with many people and their marriages, I have decided I do not want that. And because of that I have made a vow to God that I shall never marry." I saw Edward shift in his seat and Anne looked as if she wanted to just hug her daughter.

"Are you sure that is what you want?" Edward asked finally.

"I don't want to be forced into a marriage that just ends up in fighting and abuse. I would much rather live here and be with my friends and family." Elizabeth said and I was proud.

"Lisabeth, it is your decision and I cannot force you into something you have vowed against doing." Edward said standing up. "Now I'm sorry to leave but I have some important negotiations to handle." We curtsied once more as he left.

"See Beth, it wasn't so bad." I said as we walked around the court.

"Thank you Madeleine for being there with me." She said hugging me.

"Anything for my sister." I replied.

13 March 1550

(Harry's POV)

Tomorrow there was going to be a ceremony celebrating the new betrothal between Mary Queen of Scotland and myself. She was eight years old whereas I was thirteen. That would mean I have to wait 7 years to be married to her and become King of Scotland.

Also today was the day that Edward and Madeleine were crowned king and queen of England 4 years ago. Soon in about a month Madeleine was expected to give birth, so she had already started her lie in. Every day I tried to go visit her to bring her spirits up. Everyone in the family did too.

"Her majesty is sleeping my grace." Lady Seymour said when I went to go see her.

"Fine, but will you tell her majesty that-" But I was cut off from Madeleine's grunts.

"JANE!" She screamed out and Jane ran in there. Then she ran out a few seconds later.

"Her majesty has gone into labor." She said before running off to fetch a doctor. I ran off to go tell my brother.

"Harry what in god's name is wrong?" Edward asked startled when I barged into a meeting with the council.

"Her majesty has gone into labor." I said with a smile. Edward smiled and excused himself from the meeting. We walked to his private chamber where we would wait for the news of the baby and Madeleine. When we got there everyone was there waiting for us.

Mother was sewing in a chair. Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. Arthur was pacing, and Jane was looking out the window. We waited for a long time, and after 7 hours Edward started pacing. His servant came in at some point to set out meals, but he just nibbled at his food.

"Where is Elizabeth?" Edward asked still pacing. The sky was bitch black now and it has been so far 10 hours since Madeleine went into labor.

"She went to go help Madeleine with child-birth." Jane said as she looked up from her French book.

"Why haven't we heard anything?" He asked still pacing.

"Edward, childbirth takes a long time." My mother said. "My quickest was with Jane and she was 4 hours. My longest was with you and Elizabeth and you took 20 hours." She said looking up from her sewing.

Time went by and Edward never stopped pacing. It had been 23 hours when one of her ladies; Lady Anne Boleyn, our cousin came in.

"What is of her majesty?" Edward said quickly rushing to her.

"Her majesty has given birth to a son." She said look at the ground. We all broke into smile and I hugged mother. Edward got up and walked out of the room. We all followed him to the Queen's chambers.

"How's Madeleine?" Edward asked Dr. Linacre.

"Your majesty, her majesty lost a great deal of blood in birth and I'm so sorry to tell your majesty this but," Dr. Linacre took a deep breath and I knew what this meant. "Her majesty is with God. She has died in childbirth." Edward just shook his head.

"No, you're lying." He said and stormed into Madeleine's bedchambers. The ladies were washing the sheets and the queen laid there life-less. Elizabeth walked up to me in tears. I opened my arms as my eldest sister cried into my shoulders. I looked past her and saw my brother lying next to the lifeless Madeleine begging her to wake up.

Everyone was crying. Edward lost his wife and best friend. His son lost his mother. Mother lost her daughter. Elizabeth, Jane, Arthur, and I lost our sister. And England lost her Queen.

Women lay their lives down in childbirth. Madeleine laid her down to give England a prince. A Prince of Wales. Jane Seymour came up to me with the new Prince. I held my arms out and she set him in my arms.

"Before her majesty passed, she named him Henry." She said before walking away.

"Henry, Prince of Wales." I said looking down at my nephew. I could already tell he was going to look a lot like Madeleine.

Hey guys, here's another chapter. I know a lot of you like Madeleine and I do too, but I had to kill her off. But there will be a lot of cute moments soon. This chapter was a bit random and not my best. Please review.