I do not own NCIS or any of it's characters.

Chapters will be longer than this as the story goes on.

Tony walked into NCIS in a very good mood. He came in whistling a very upbeat tone.

McGee smiled, "Your in a good mood today, Tony. Was she a blond."

"Probie! Just because I am in a good mood doesn't mean that I have slept with anyone....some times. Today is the first day of spring which means. The cold days of winter are a thing of the past. I can hear those birds singing all ready!"

Ziva rolled her eyes, "Today is thirty degrees. That is still very cold, and I hear no birds singing."

"For now! Soon all will be better. No more bare trees, no more icy winds and no more having to shovel the ice off of my car."

"I hope it also means no more talking from you," said Gibbs walking in.

"Sorry, boss. What's the case about?"

Gibbs shook his head, "We had one. The damn FBI took it over though. I couldn't win this time."

"The Spring god's have answered my prayers. So can we all go home, boss?"

"Asked the director the same thing. He said that he's paying you to be here, so you have to be here," with that Gibbs walked away holding a caf-pow, that was probably for Abby. Sometimes Gibbs could never understand Leon.

Tony grouchily sat down and McGee chuckled, "So much for the spring god's, but you could always try Spring Cleaning."

"McClueless, I never do that. DiNozz's don't clean."

"Fine, be board," McGee went back to typing.

Tony looked around for a couple of minutes than sighed, he opened one of his desk drawers and began cleaning.

He had no idea how much junk was in there. Wrappers, crumpled papers, tissues, paper clip chains, old magazines, and more. Even an old candy cane.

Ziva caught site of it, "Toss that over here."

Tony did as told and he tossed it over to her, she opened it and started sucking on it. Tony and McGee looked at her in disgust.

"What! I have not eaten break feast and I have a sugar tooth."

"Sweet tooth," Tony corrected and he went back to cleaning. The next draw had about all of the same things with the exception of a almost full bottle colone. Worst money ever spent. He remembered Gibbs asking him if he had gotten a dog. He was now almost done. He knew the last draw was clean because that's were he kept all of Gibb's awards that he didn't want so he gave them to Tony. Awards that he hoped that he would get someday that had his name on it.

Tony then went onto the second to last of the drawers and in it was a dead cockroach. Tony yelped when he saw it.

"What's wrong," asked Ziva.

" A very large dead cockroach.I shouldn't have left an open bag of chips in there."

" It's dead. What's to fear?"

Tony rolled his eyes. He was not a fan of alive or dead bugs. He went back to cleaning.

He almost cleaned the whole draw out when he saw an envelope. He picked it up, and wiped the crumbs off of it, he also turned it all around making sure that there were no cockroaches on it. The envelope had not been opened yet and on it was 'Tony' in fancy writing, Tony held his breath. Fancy writing that was Kate's.

That's the first chapter. I hope that I got everyone in character. The part about Gibb's rewards is from a episode.