"Salams* Sheik Byakuya. I am one of the viziers of Sheik Kurosaki and I have been sent with a message to inform you of my Lord's impending visit. He travels from a great part of the Arabian empire and seeks rest in your humble abode. They are but one day's ride from your lands and ask that you send an immediate reply with me, for there is a fast approaching sand storm."

The man before Sheik Byakuya was down on one knee, his head respectfully bowed.

Byakuya silently eyed the man.

"What is your name vizier?" He quietly asked.

"Isshida, my Lord." The bowed man replied.

Byakuya paused for a minute before finally replying."Very well, tell your Lord that he is welcome to seek refuge here... I am well aware of the devastation these sandstorms can stir."

"Thank you my Lord."


Isshin looked up at the sheik.

"It is unwise to travel unescorted, therefore I ask that you bear the company of one of my retainers." Byakuya turned his head then, his shumag* slightly fluttering as he did so. He presently asked one of the servants to fetch a man called Abarai Renji and before long the tall youth appeared, his vivid bright hair quite distinguishable beneath his head piece.

"My lord," he meekly murmured then "How may I be of service?"

Byakuya instructed the youth with his task and emotionlessly watched thereafter as he lowered his head in comprehension.

"I will see it done."

"But be swift in your endeavour Abarai, the wrath of sandstorms are unimaginable..."

With that both of the viziers exited the tent and mounted two horses respectively as they kicked off to begin their journey.

Sheik Byakuya slowly leaned back on his plush cushions of the Persian rug on which he sat, one of his knees raised, while one of his hands rested indolently against the raised appendage. He continued to impassively stare at the retreating horsemen beyond the flapping opening of the tent before closing his eyes. After a momentary thought then, he raised his hand and summon one his other servants.

"Tell the women to get prepared for a feast tonight." Byakuya murmured.

"Yes my Lord..."

"It would be rude of me not to greet those men appropriately…"

(Within the harem)

Lady Hisana, are you not dancing tonight?" queried one of the smaller concubines, Hinamori. Hisana smiled at the young girl and gave a small, coy laugh.

"How can I dance tonight?" she softly asked, mysteriously veiling her face so that only her well made eyes were visible. "The Sheik has asked for my hand in marriage."

The other concubines that were present immediately began to giggle.

"You have become a favourite with the Sheik..." returned another concubine, Matsumoto, her blonde locks elegantly draping her shoulders beneath the silken veil she wore.

"I have not become his favourite..." Lady Hisana shyly returned lowering her veil to reveal her creamy cheeks, her long golden earrings dangling from her ears as she blushingly shook her head.

"Then what have you become?" her sister Rukia slyly asked.

"I-I...his betrothed…. that is all…" her face flushed even redder.

The other girls immediately began to giggle once more, filling the quarters they occupied with bell like jingles from their jewellery and laughter.

"Is-is that perhaps too presumptuous?" the fair Lady meekly queried as she shyly averted their gazes.

"No!" laughed Rukia as she looked at her sister's blushing cheeks, "If he has asked for your hand then indeed, indeed you are his!"

"What about Henna, when will you do?" asked Isane

Hisana smiled and looked at her presently undecorated hands. "Soon…perhaps the day before my wedding..."

"Oooohhhh..." the girls cooed

"Indeed, you do not expect him to take any other wives sister?" Rukia smilingly asked.

"No, a man will take only one wife if he is satisfied and thoroughly pleased with her. I believe... I believe I please my Lord enough to retain his love." Hisana had once again blushingly trailed away at the end of her sentence.

The other girls giggled and Rukia rose from her sitting position on the rug she occupied, the many colourful silks that adorned her, fluttering elegantly as she made her way towards her sister. She linked her fingers with her older sister's and tenderly replied. "You are blessed then, that Lord Byakuya feels that way for you."

Hisana gently eyed her younger sister and cupped her cheek.

"He is a good man," Hisana softly murmured as she eyed Rukia. "I don't think I could ask for any more."

"Yes well lets all hope we find a man that is willing to love us as Byakuya is willing to love you Lady Hisana..." Matsumoto mischievously murmured with a soft glint in her eyes.

Rukia smiled as she turned to look at the strawberry blonde. She, Rukia certainly hoped so too. Her sister had been fortunate to find love with the Sheik, he had always requested her presence so it really was no surprise...

"Well what are we getting all so sentimental for?" cried Matsumoto, after a thoughtful silence had settled over the room. "We have to dance tonight girls! We have men to please. We most certainly do not wish to disappoint our Lord and benefactor, Sheik Byakuya." The girls all hollered in agreement and instantly commenced a beehive of activity, all their silks, veils, bangles and jewels changing hands, all trying to find the suitable fabrics and items that they favoured.

Hisana was by now helping her sister dress. She of course did not have to dance tonight as she would be engaging the attention of none other than her betrothed. She didn't mind, though. She loved him and in any case, she had a lifetime to dance for Byakuya; something she did not mind in the least.

"Do you think there will be any worthy men tonight?" Rukia innocently queried after a moment.

"Of course there will." Hisana was gently brushing through her sister's thick hair, pinning a beautiful white lily onto her its black locks. She adjusted the lily to the side and smiled with satisfaction. "What about Master Renji? Do you not like him? I believe he has had his eyes on you for the longest while."

"He is strong, but my heart does not yearn for him. I do long to be with him. I believe it is a sign. I don't think we are suited."

"Dear child, you can't keep searching and searching, you will not be young forever."

Rukia giggled at her sister's reproaching tone. "I know" she smilingly replied as she covered her lips. She was absently and tenderly stroking the lily in her hair as she gazed at her reflection in one of the small fountains, the water cascading like ribbons onto the surface, sending ripples across it. "But I wish to find someone who will make my heart throb like I am sure yours does when Sheik Byakuya is near..." She wistfully murmured.

Hisana looked at her sister in surprise. "Rukia..." she softly whispered upon hearing those words.

Rukia turned around to face her sister then, her small fingers fidgeting with the other. "Do you not tremble in hunger and delight when he touches you sister? I have often heard that when you are truly in love with some one that is the case..."

Hisana was by now deeply blushing, "Um-well..."

"Well is it true?" Rukia eagerly asked.

Hisana sighed a soft sigh then unsure of how to answer her sister. "Well... I- I do feel different when he-he um touches me yes..." She was clearly too embarrassed to say how she really felt, "But-I-I cannot really describe the emotion to you see... it's there I assure you, but you have to experience it to know..."

"So you do feel it then, that desire?"

Hisana had gone ten shades more crimson. "Well- yes..." she blushingly confessed as she averted her gaze.

Rukia smiled again as she observed her sister's flushed cheeks. Hisana was obviously too modest to reveal the extent of her intimate emotions towards Byakuya but she supposed that was understandable. It had taken almost for ever for Hisana to admit that she had even shared a kiss with the sheik. Rukia giggled once more.

"I just hope Hisana, that I will find someone that makes me happy."

Hisana blinked at her sister before finally smiling. "I understand." she quietly murmured as she came to stand beside her sister. "You simply wish to find love in marriage."

"Yes..." Rukia admitted.

"Oh my dear child," the fair lady whispered as she cupped her sister's cheek. "That I believe is every woman's wish."

"It is isn't it?"

"Yes..." Hisana softly agreed.

After a while Rukia finally sighed and slung her veil over her lower face, only exposing her heavily kholed* eyes.

"Well I should be going." she murmured as she turned to look at her sister. "Do I look alright?"

"You look beautiful Rukia" Hisana gently murmured. "And I am sure there will be a man out there who answers your call tonight."

"Yes." Rukia shyly said. "I hope so too..."

Author's Note: I hope this isn't too farfetched, and well here's a list of sum of d strange words. Cheers!

*Salams- Peace in Arabic

*Shumag- the white or chequered head piece thing you see some of those middle eastern men wearing