Us By Velasa

Summary- What thoughts ran through the monk's head as he lay helpless beside the battlefield?

NOTE- once again, inspiration strikes at the strangest times. I had just been reading one of my graphic novels to find out how different Pic looked in the anime than the manga, when the little images of Krillan caught my eye. What WAS he thinking amid all this? It's a very short piece, told in first-person so the thoughts are a tad erratic, but I hope you find it worth your time. I'll be working on this as more ideas come to me, and feel free to help me along by suggesting . PG13 for language. enjoy.

We should never have come here.

I knew from the start that it would be hard, Kami-sama told us that immediately, before we even started the training, but....

This- this isn't a battle. It's a massacre.

Chautzu, Yamcha (If only he had let me fight....), Tien, all dead. They're dead... I shiver at the thought of it. Now there's only us three left.

Goku, oh where the hell are you? You were suppose to be here already! We need you...

We were trained by God himself, the four of us, Goku by the lord of worlds, Gohan by.... by HIM, I was so certain we'd be able to take them! I was so sure, hey, we'd beaten every other threat that's been thrown at us. But this is nothing like silly little Pilaf or Red Ribbon or even Daimou. This is a thousand times worse....

I glance over to my side, trying to raise an arm, and have to bite back a shout. Kami I hurt all over... I wonder how many of my bones the big guy shattered. Wincing, I pull my head back up, trying to take in what's going on. Doesn't help much- just makes it more confusing. Gohan looks... happy? Yeah, he's laughing! WHY?

Then I hear them- my heart soars. Goku? He's coming?? FINALLY!!! If I could, I'd sing, I'm just so happy.. we're gonna get out of this alive! Unable to as I am, I settle with a smile. Good ol' Goku'll teach those sayian bastards a lesson, like he always does.

My joy is quickly cut short at the next words from the little one, Vegeta's, lips- "Kill those two NOW!"

Wait.... what about- HEY! Aren't I even counted? It's not like I WANT to die, not at all, but to be so insignificant as to be ignored, like I don't even matter? Now I'm pissed. This is horrible. Not only am I going to die, I'm going to die humiliated. I barely catch his next words, something about more dragonballs...


Now I'm listening. I'll file this information away for later, it might prove useful... If I have a later, that is. Goku, please, get here quick...

Gohan's telling Piccolo to run. I almost roll my eyes at that- the kid doesn't know him anywhere as well as I do, and I know that someone like him wouldn't run from a fight. Ever. The thought makes me shudder- that monster, I'm glad he's on our side, but he still frightens me. I can't help but hate him, even if he's helping us.

As I had thought, Piccolo declines the offer. I'm about to chuckle when a cold feeling brushes through my gut, making me shiver. Something really bad's about to happen... and there's nothing I can do about it, as paralyzed as I am lying here. Why can't I be stronger?

The big one moves again, and my fear seems confirmed- he's going after Gohan. An image from earlier speeds across my memory- the kid staring in frightened shock, running away instead of blasting Nappa. I'd been annoyed with him, though nowhere much as-

My head shoots up, and I think my jaw might have dropped- that's not Gohan's body flying overhead, that's NAPPA!! THE KID HIT HIM!!! He didn't chicken out again! Heh, that was awesome. The big guy's lodged in a rock right now, doesn't move. Is he-


He's not dead.

He's very much alive......

Now I'm scared.

There's this look in his eyes, this insane rage that almost seems to swallow me, I can feel it radiating from all the way over here, can only imagine how horrible his face must look from head-on. The kid is absolutely frozen to the spot, quivering with fear.

There's no doubt in my mind he's about to die.

That cold feeling in my gut explodes, and I want to turn away, but something makes me just stare on helplessly as he raises an arm engulfed in raw chi, and throws it forward..... A scream of "GOHAN!!!" breaks from me, I don't care about staying inconspicuous anymore, oh kami no, just don't let him die, he's so young, and I can't look away-


Time seems frozen for a moment as I stare blankly, jaw gaped in the beginning of a word. What's Piccolo doing? It almost looks like he's running... to hit Nappa while he's distracted, right? So maybe, we might take one of the sayians with us, that sounds g-


My heart stops.

Oh...... oh sweet Kami....

I don't know how long it was, but I stopped breathing, my eyes wide. My head spins, unable to process what's going on right in front of me, it has to be a mistake, it has to!


Then the blast hits.

That scream will haunt me for the rest of my life. I don't care how old I get, I'll never be able to sleep at night without hearing that sound. And still, I can only stare.

As the blast subsides, as the wind dies down, as the battered muscles of my neck shout out in protest at being used so long, I watch Ma Juniaar, the great deamon king himself, the object of my fear and hatred for so many long years, drop like a stone to the ground.

Gohan, is unharmed.

I still can't believe it.

Did he just-

My ears strain to hear them, and I barely catch the words, but they only further send my head in a spin. He doesn't complain once, save a sarcastic remark coming in a voice so soft I almost didn't recognize it, only whispers to the kid to run, to live.....

This can't be the same person.

He says something else, but I don't catch it, as my mind is shoved into further shock (I didn't think it was possible, but it happened). He's crying. He's crying.

My every impression of the man cracks like glass with a fist through it. This isn't the same person. Come to think of it, he DID save my ass back there. Maybe, he's not Damaiou.

Just maybe.

Shortly he closes his eyes, rests his head, and is gone. I just stare at the corpse, unable to comprehend everything that just happened. It takes me a few seconds before I realize he's dead.

But then something else catches my eye.

It's Gohan.

And he's furious.

His chi aura is amazing, it's beyond anything I've ever imagined, and the scream that escapes from him is an agonized, painful wail that pulls at my heart in the worst way. It seems whatever drew Piccolo to dive in front of the kid goes both ways. If we get out of this alive, I'm gonna have to ask him what exactly happened in that year they spent together. He certainly didn't eat him.

A tremendous blast tears from his palms, and hope lights my eyes for a moment, but it's shattered as the big sayian slaps it off like nothing. They're just too strong for us.

We never stood a chance.

As I close my eyes for what feels like the last time, I hear Gohan apologize to the corpse behind him. Damnit, I think I'm crying now..... All that, he did all that, and the kid only ends up dying two minutes later.... I feel sorry for the guy.

I brace myself for the sick crack of bones shattering, of the rush of chi escaping Gohan's poor little body, of my own death, and I whisper a prayer to Buddha to accept our souls into the next world- when I hear the thud of earth. Huh?

My eyes pull back open, and I see Nappa, staring at his foot blankly. Where's Gohan? I flash of gold behind him answers my question, as kint'oin appears, the kid on it's back. A light tapping noise behind me alerts my attention. It can't be....

Long-dead hope fills my battered, bruised eyes.

He's here.

Son Goku, make them pay- for me, for Gohan, Tien, Yamcha, Chautzu-

For Piccolo.

For all of us.