Please note this chapter is M-rated for a reason.

Forbidden Fruit Part Deux

Don's hand slipped from her hair and down her back until it joined its partner, stopping at the backs of her thighs and lifting her up, causing her to wrap her arms around his neck. "I quite like it in the gutter, Jess." He murmured, dropping her on to her bed and crawling on top of her. "Why don't you join me?"

Jess moaned, her head falling back against her pillow, as his lips fastened themselves to her neck. "I guess I could. I'm the only one dressed for the gutter, after all."

"We can fix that." Don sat up slightly, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it into the corner, neither of them bothering to pay attention to where it landed. Almost immediately, he returned to her neck, but his mouth quickly slid down to her collarbone, nipping and sucking at the soft skin.

Jess's hands slipped over his shoulder, her fingers dancing across his bare skin. It wasn't the first time she'd seen him shirtless, but it was the first time she hadn't felt she had to admire it covertly or, worse, avert her gaze completely to keep from jumping him in the locker room. She had never met a man who affected her quite as much as Don did. In fact, she'd never met a man who affected her at all.

Not like this, anyway.

In her other relationships, she had held the power, although she wasn't entirely sure she could call them relationships; they had been mostly physical and hadn't lasted very long, usually because of her job and the hours she had to put in to it.

Maybe that was why this affected her so much. Maybe that was why one look caused her heart to skip a beat, one touch caused her skin to tingle all day, one kiss made her feel like she could move the sun and stop the tides if he asked her to.

Don transferred his mouth back to hers, kissing her deeply and effectively cutting off all coherent thought as his hands slipped behind her back.

Gripping his shoulders, Jess flipped them, taking back some semblance of control. She sank into the kiss, her hands running across his chest. Her lips followed them, exploring his skin as he had hers, eliciting a low moan that seemed to send a rush of heat downwards.

Don unclipped her bra and pulled it away from her body, letting it fall to the floor. The sensation of skin against skin caused both of them to gasp slightly and he pulled her back up so he could kiss her properly, their passion slowly rising as his hands slid down to her waist to pull her closer, skimming the sides of her breasts as they did, causing her to shudder.

Again, they turned; this time, Don stayed her side, rather than on top of her; the loss of contact was disappointing and she caught his gaze, a split-second before his hand cupped her breast, the pad of his thumb brushing across the nipple, causing her eyes to flutter shut with a gasp which turned into a moan when his lips landed on her other breast, his tongue doing things to her skin that made her arch up into his touch.

He lavished her upper body with attention close to reverent worship, reducing her to the point where she felt she might just spontaneously combust if he stopped touching her.

The heat inside her was becoming more and more unbearable and she unzipped his pants, pushing them down; he pushed them off the rest of the way, kicking them to the ground.

The shift in position meant that he settled between her legs, only two thin pieces of materiel separating them. Both moans echoed through the room and Don kissed her shoulder, her neck, and finally a tender spot just below her ear that she knew he had taken note of the first time his lips had travelled there and drawn a soft moan from her parted lips.

"Have I told you lately how gorgeous you are?" Don murmured, his hands tracing circles on her abdomen. He didn't wait for an answer. "Because you are, Jess. Stunning. You have no idea what you do to me."

Jess lifted her hips slightly, feeling his hard length pressing against her core. She heard his breath hitch slightly and his head dropped to her shoulder and a thrill ran through her that he was effected by her just as much as she was by him. "I have a pretty good idea."

"God, Jess, I need you so bad …" His words were hushed and she felt them, rather than heard them, but they still sent another shot of heat through her, causing her panties to dampen even more than they had; she was sure he could feel it even through two layers of fabric.

"Curtains." She whispered. "They need closing first."

Don lifted his head again, a mixture of wonder and lust in his eyes. "I thought you said you always waited until the third date. I count two."

"Yeah, well I started counting earlier than you." Jess told him breathlessly. "Technically speaking, we're up to about twenty; we just weren't calling them dates."

Don kissed her. "Right." He stood and crossed the floor to the window, pulling the drapes closed. The light of the setting sun still filtered through, bathing them in a soft glow as she slipped her panties off, tossing them in his direction with a smirk.

They hit their mark as he turned, falling from his chest into his hands. She watched his eyes darken with a sense of satisfaction, wondering what it was about him that made her so confident about herself. He moved back towards her slowly, his eyes running over her naked body laid out before him like an offering.

The bulge in his boxers seemed to grow even more, as he ran his hands up her leg until he got to her thighs. Then they slipped them between them and tugged gently, forcing her legs to part so they could continue their journey up her inner thighs, slower this time, causing her hips to buck slightly, desperate for some release from the tightening coil inside her.

Finally, his fingers brushed against her soaking wet centre, one slipping inside her in exploration. She let out a moan, her hips subconsciously lifting again.

"I never knew I had this effect on you, Detective." Don murmured, pressing a kiss to the inside of her thigh.

"So it's not my knowledge of cause and effect that needs questioning." Jess responded teasingly, her voice sounding strange to her ears. "Because you clearly have no idea what you do to me."

"Oh, I do now." Don disagreed with a smirk she could feel against her skin. Without warning, his mouth slid up to her centre, closing around her clit, causing her to cry out.

One hand grasped her hip, holding her down, and his tongue ran across the tiny nub as his finger worked inside her, another joining it, seeming to know that she wouldn't last long. She could feel herself clenching around her fingers as she writhed beneath him. Replacing his lips with his thumb, Don kissed his way back up to her mouth, kissing her deeply, letting her taste him on his tongue, but he pulled away a moment later, his eyes locking with hers.

Her eyes must have held some sort of question because he smiled softly at her. "I want to watch you when you cum for me."

It was his words that pushed her over the edge, although his very talented fingers definitely helped them along. Her back arched, her inner walls clamped down and her breathing quickened, her hands clenching on the sheets at her side. "Fuck!"

Don's fingers stilled and slipped out of her as he kissed her again, softer this time. "I think that's the first time I've heard you say that."

Jess smiled, the haze that had descended at her orgasm slowly lifting. "I'm sure I've said it before." She pushed his boxers over his ass and he kicked them to the floor. His hard length pressed against her and she throbbed deliciously. Her hand slipped between them, grasping him and stroking him gently, drawing out a moan from the man atop her.

"I need to be inside you, Jess." He groaned, his hand returning to her breast.

Jess gasped slightly. "Top drawer. To your left."

Don reached across, causing him to press even more firmly against her, eliciting another moan from the woman beneath him. He found what he was looking for and pulled back, sitting up to slip the condom over his hard member. His fingers pinched her nipple gently, making it harden even more. "Don …"

Smirking lightly at her reaction, Don swept her hair away from her face and kissed her. As her hands wove into his hair, she felt his tip against her and then he slipped slowly inside, causing her to gasp into his mouth as he did the same, stilling above her.

Jess had been expecting some form of pain or discomfort; he was bigger than any of her previous lovers, something which had scared and excited her at the same time. But he fit inside her perfectly, as though his body had been created specifically for hers. Or hers sculpted to welcome his. Maybe even both. And she knew, looking into his eyes, that he felt it too.

His lips ghosted over hers as he moved inside her, pulling out almost all the way, before pushing back in. His hands slid back to her hips, before running back to cup her ass, squeezing gently as he pulled her closer.

Her head fell back, her nails scraping lightly against his scalp and down his back, as he made love to her, almost torturously slowly, until she fell over the edge again, his name mingled among words in both English and French, a split second before he groaned her name, reaching his release as well.

For a few seconds, they just lay there, bathed in the afterglow.

"Am I crushing you?" Don murmured into her neck.

"No." Jess whispered. "I'm fine." She sighed, feeling a little giddy again. "That was …"

"… overdue." Don finished.

Jess smiled. "Yeah, but that wasn't what I was gonna say."

Don lifted his head with a smirk. "Amazing? Fantastic? The best you'd ever had?"

"Yes, yes and yes." Jess pressed her lips to his lightly. "Something along those lines."

"Does this mean we can skip the awkward post-sex conversation?" Don asked.

Jess laughed quietly. "I guess so."

Don grinned at her, kissing her softly. "I'm gonna go clean up."

"Kay." Jess watched him stand up, suddenly realising how cold the room was without his comforting warmth. "Can I borrow your shirt?"

"Sure." Don stooped to pick it up, along with his boxers and her panties. He tossed her underwear to her and watched her slip them on from the doorway to her bathroom.

"What?" Jess asked, seeing the look on his face.

"You're beautiful, Jess." Don stated softly, throwing his shirt across the room to her. He didn't give her a chance to reply, disappearing through the door, leaving Jess slightly stunned by the raw honesty in his words.

She had left any insecurity about her looks behind with her teenage years, having been on the receiving end of enough leering looks and lame pick-up lines to know that she was attractive. But this was the first time she could remember anyone telling her she was beautiful. When she had caught his gaze just now, his expression had been one of adoration, with no other word to describe it.

When he ducked back out, his boxers back on, that look had gone, but she knew it wasn't far away, hidden behind whatever mask he felt he needed to wear. "You look good in my shirt." He told her, lying down at her side. "Of course, I still think you looked better out of it, but …"

Jess laughed again, pulling the blankets over both of them and nestling into his side, feeling him kiss her hair. Her hand slid down his chest to rest on the scar on his abdomen, a habit she hadn't realised she'd picked up until he asked her about it. Her theory was that it was the most vulnerable part of him, as well as the most likely place for a cop to get injured and she just felt better like that, even if her hand offered little or no protection from the currently non-existent threats. Her quiet explanation had provoked nothing more than a fond chuckle before they had sunk back into silence.

She was drawn from her thoughts when Don rested his hand on hers, tracing the tattoo around her wrist. "When did you get this one?"

"About a year after I joined the Academy." Jess answered quietly. "My Nana used to make friendship bracelets like those. When she died, I wanted something to remember her by."

"Good idea." Don complimented. "I'd have done the same thing."

"No, you wouldn't." Jess disagreed, smirking into his chest. "You're scared of needles."

She felt him flinch. "Good point."

Jess fell silent for a few minutes, before asking, "Do you want me to drop the case? Because, if you're really that unhappy about it …"

Don shifted slightly and cupped her face, lifting it to meet her eyes. "Do you want to drop the case?"

"No." Jess answered. "I want to get this guy."

Don sighed and kissed her forehead. "Then go for it. Just be careful."

Jess rested her head back on his chest. "I always am."

"I didn't know you spoke French." Don commented, his voice a lot quieter as sleep began to steal over them.

"Little bit." Jess murmured, pressing a kiss against his shoulder, smirking inwardly. He didn't really need to know that she was bilingual. Not yet anyway.

His hand ran through her hair, as the first returned to hers, and he kissed her forehead softly, his lips lingering against her skin. "Night, sweetheart."

Jess smiled softly; she loved hearing him call her that. "Bonne nuit, mon amour." She remembered the mood she'd been in when she arrived home from work; it seemed like a lifetime ago. His arms held her at his side where she knew she belonged, fitting perfectly into his embrace and reminding her of her earlier thought that they were made for each other.

Maybe some fairytales ending weren't as impossible as she thought.

AN: Please review!