AN: This is the very end of the story! I hope you enjoy it! It's pretty cheesy... actually, extremely cheesy... but hey. Sometimes life is cheesy, you know? Anyway, on with the story!

Epilogue: The Happy Ending

Amy's POV

I gulped as I took Ian's hand and headed towards his fancy car. We were on our way to a dance. A ball, to be exact. It was a charity event that Ian had tickets to, and I was his date. After having Nellie primp over me for over two hours (I never knew she was so girly!), I was dressed in an elegant russet colored gown that shimmered slightly, my hair fell down my back in delicate ringlets, and, even though I didn't like it, Nellie had put some make up on me. A little mascara and lipgloss. And blush, as though I needed it. I was already flushed with excitement.

"Are you ready?" Ian murmured to me.

Gulp. "I think so," I said uncertainly.

"Don't worry. It'll be fun," he promised.

"I hope so," I told him. I knew it would be, because I was with him. Just being with Ian made me happy. We were meant for each other.

"It'll be perfect as long as we're together," Ian said as he opened the door to the car we were riding in.

Hamilton's POV

"Hey," I said as Kaitlin walked up. She looked gorgeous, even if she was just in jeans and a t-shirt. We were going for a walk in the park.

"Hi," she greeted me. "Haven't seen you in a while," she was joking. We had played soccer against each other just this morning.

I smiled. "Yeah, I haven't seen you in what, like six hours?" Kaitlin laughed. She looked so pretty when she smiled.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," I told Kaitlin uncertainly.

She was curious about my tone. "What?"

"Well, I was just wondering..." I trailed off. I was nervous about her reaction.

"What?" She pressed me on.

"If you'd go out with me," I mumbled, my face bright red.

Kaitlin's brow furrowed. "Huh? Didn't quite catch that. A little louder, please?"

I cleared my throat. "I was wondering if you would want to go out with me." My palms were clammy as I waited for her reply.

"Like, on a date?" Kaitlin clarified.


Kaitlin's features relaxed into a smile. "I thought you'd never ask," She said, as she took my hand.

Dan's POV

Ugh. This outfit was awful. I was wearing a dress shirt! A dress shirt! Hamilton had set me up on a blind date, for no apparent reason, and I had to dress up! I didn't want to go on a date in the first place! I liked Reagan! And now I was going on a date with some random girl. Great. (Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?).

Hamilton wasn't actually with me now. He was on a walk with his "friend" Kaitlin. From the way he talked about her, he wanted them to be more than friends.

So, that made my night even more annoying. Dress shirt, blind date, no support. Plus, no time for Ninja Warrior Three! Could my night get worse?

I walked alone to the restaurant that I was supposed to meet this girl at. It served hamburgers, so that was good, but still. The only incentive I had to go was that Hamilton said he'd beat me up if I didn't, and from his tone of voice, I didn't think he was joking.

When I walked through the doors of the restaurant, called 'Joe's Burgers', I scanned the area for a girl sitting alone at a table. I was a little late for the stupid date, so she'd be here.

What I saw was shocking. There was only one table with one girl about my age at it. And that table was inhabited by none other than... Reagan Holt.

My face lit up into a grin. "So you're the mysterious girl for the blind date," I told her.

She smiled back. Reagan looked really pretty when she smiled. "Yeah. You're the elusive guy," she replied. "Come sit down."

By now, both of us had figured that the Hamilton's choice wasn't random. He knew we liked each other. We knew we liked each other. Our friendship was becoming more than friendship, sort of.

"Okay." I walked over to the table, and sat down across from Reagan. I couldn't believe my luck. I owed Hamilton, big time.

Not wanting to waste a minute of this date, I started the conversation immediately. I wasn't sure what to talk about, though. So, I asked, "So, what did you think when Hamilton ordered you to go on a blind date?"

"Oh jeez," She told me. "I was just so nervous..."

And the conversation went on from there.

The End.

AN: I can't believe it's the end! I know it took a long time to update, which is really sad, because it was already written, but I was super busy. Well, thanks to everyone who reviewed, and I hope you like the ending! Also, I'm putting another 39 clues story up if you want to read it. It has nothing to do with this one, but... yeah. I can't believe the story is done!