Disclaimer: Thank you goes to Stephanie Meyer who owns Twilight. I really enjoyed using some of her characters in my own story.


~2 weeks later~

"I, the undersigned promise to …"

"That's where you sign your name," my little girl informed us indicating the blank.

I continued, "Will never, ever go on a vacation again without letting my children know where we are, what we will be doing, and how we can be contacted at any time."

"Hmmm…is that it?"

"Yep, that pretty much covers it, Dad," Alice sighed determinedly.

"Do you want me to sign in blood," I joked. "Or will Jasper threaten to rip off a limb and beat me with it if I don't sign?" Jasper grinned and dropped his head sheepishly at the reminder of our little adventure.

"Do you even have any blood, Daddy?" asked my little jailer. I hope she was not seriously contemplating this.

"No!" I answered her directly.

"Then, I guess a pen will have to do," she said as she smiled sweetly. There would be no getting around this little schemer.

"And I take it you are all in agreement?" I asked the rest of my kids scattered around in their various parts of the living room.

Rosalie sat on Emmett's lap on the sofa. Jacob was in the overstuffed chair near the window with Nessie at his feet getting a neck rub. Bella and Edward were standing near the picture window in a loving embrace and Jasper and Alice were in front of my wife and I determined to keep us in check.

"At least for the next 100 years," Emmett replied from the sofa. "That was a little too close for comfort, Pops."

I was surrounded by a chorus of laughter from my children. I was lucky. I had done so well raising my family. God only knows what I would do without the love we all felt for each other. I smiled at my beautiful wife and she understood my feelings as well. She smiled back and pulled me into a loving embrace.

"Alright everybody, let's go hunt," Esme suggested stepping fully into the mom mode and getting us all on track.

I smiled as I signed the form that I was sure my little Alice would produce anytime Esme and I stepped out of line and forgot; not that we ever would. It was merely a show of love. A rekindling of the togetherness we already had and was rededicating ourselves to one and all.

Whereas there are some covens that are so close they are like family, I realized that mine was exactly that, a family. Each person connected to the other in a bond so tight that nothing would ever break it. We were a family, not a hierarchy of order and rank but mom and dad and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters, forever a part of each others lives.

~*~ The End ~*~

Thank you so much for your faithfulness to this story. I appreciate my readers as much as you appreciate my stories. Show me some love one more time and review. Thank you once again.