
This was just a cute little idea I had one day. The story isn't all that good, but the concept is cute and I like the general idea behind it.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. If I did, Zoro and Sanji would spend their free time sexing it up in the galley. XD

Nami collapsed on the bed, gasping for breath. Robin was there, holding her hand and stroking her hair comfortingly.

"It's all over," she said softly. "You were wonderful."

The red-headed navigator felt anything but wonderful at that moment. Rapidly cooling sweat covered her entire body, plastering her hair, clothes, and sheets to her body. Her limbs ached with exhaustion, and it took every ounce of energy she had left to keep her eyes open and trained on Chopper. Even his small body was enough to hide the object of his focus from her view. She tried to lift her head, and found she didn't even have the strength for that.

Then she heard it. A tiny voice started to wail and cry as it drew in it's first breaths. Before Nami could react, Chopper pranced over and placed a squirming, pink-swathed bundle on her lap.

"It's a girl!" he told her merrily. "Congratulations!"

Ignoring her body's protests, Nami forced herself to sit up against the headboard. Her infant daughter cried and flailed her arms as she was gathered into her mother's arms. By now, both of them were crying.

"It's alright," she cooed, smiling through her tears. "Everything's going to be okay. I've got you. Mommy's got you."

The child quickly settled down, soothed by the sound the woman's voice. Nami's smile grew as she gently rocked the baby back and forth.

There was a quiet knock on the door. One of Robin's duplicate arms appeared on the wall and opened it, allowing the rest of the Thousand Sunny's crew to shuffle in and stare at their newest member with wonder.

Sanji was the first to break the silence. "She's as beautiful as you are, Nami dearest!"

Zoro extended his arm, smirking when the little girl wrapped her tiny fingers around one of his own. "She's got one helluva grip, considering she's not even a day old."

"Hello there, cutie!" Usopp exclaimed, grinning at the child. "Wait until you hear all the stories that I, Usopp, brave warrior of the sea, have to tell you!"

Franky wept without shame. "She's such a super kid already!" he sobbed.

"Yo ho ho! I am inspired!" Brook crowed, raising his violin and bow. "I vow to compose her a lullaby before the day is through!"

Luffy was the last to come forward. He was uncharacteristically quiet as he craned his head forward, staring intently at the little bundle on his navigator's lap.

"Luffy," she said softly, "would you like to hold her?"

He nodded, his expression serious as he took her in his arms. The rest of the crew looked on in wonder as he gently cradled the baby against his chest, leaning his head forward so she could grab the strings that held his beloved straw hat in place. He sat down next to Nami on the bed, crossing his legs.

"What's her name?" he asked, never taking his eyes off the child for an instant.

Nami looked down at her hands. "I have one in mind. It's just..." She hesitated, chewing her bottom lip nervously. "I don't want to give her a name she won't be able to carry."

"That's stupid," Luffy declared. He gazed calmly into her eyes when she looked up. His head cocked to one side when she didn't say anything. "This kid is gonna be strong, just like her parents. The name isn't too big. And if it is, we can all help her carry it."

Tears welled up in the red-head's eyes, but she blinked them back. Smiling, she nodded to the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He grinned back at her, lauging in his unique, innocent way. He looked back at the tiny infant in his arms, gazing warmly at her jet black hair and big, brown eyes.

"Welcome to the world, Monkey D. Bellemere!"

What else would Nami name her first daughter? XP