A/N: I don't know how I got the idea for this, it just happened!

"Ah…..Lavi." Kanda moaned softly as the red head exorcist made magic with his fingers.

"You like that Yuu?" Lavi asked, smirking.

"Get that stupid smirk off your face, stupid rabbit. And don't call me by my first name." Kanda replied and softly moaned as Lavi moved his fingers again.

"Yuu, just accept the fact that only I can make you feel this way." Lavi replied and kissed one of Kanda's bare shoulders.

/Elsewhere in the Order/

"Komui! Where are you going now? You still have work to do!" Reever yelled to his boss. Komui sighed and turned to look at Reever.

"I spilled coffee on my clothes, so I'm going to take a bath!" Komui said smiling. Reever growled in frustration.

"You're just trying to get out of doing work!" The blonde yelled as Komui ran down the hall. Komui couldn't agree more with that statement. Komui went to his room to get a towel, and a fresh change of clothes, and then he started to make his way to the bathhouse.

/Kanda and Lavi/

"Mmm…..Lavi that feels really good." Kanda moaned.

"I know it does Yuu, but keep your voice down, we wouldn't want people walking in here to see what's going on." Lavi replied, a smile on his face.

"Shut up, rabbit." Kanda replied, but started moaning as Lavi speed up the pace, his fingers doing the unthinkable to Kanda's body.

"Does that feel good, Yuu? Do you want more?" Lavi asked, his finger's never stopping their actions.

"What do you think, stupid?" Kanda replied, and let out a gasp.

"You should let me do this more often. I like your reactions, Yuu." Lavi breathed in Kanda's ear, making the dark haired exorcist blush.

"S-shut up, you stupid rabbit!" Kanda yelled, making Lavi laugh.

/With Komui/

When Komui got to the bathhouse, he swore he heard a familiar voice moan. Komui walked inside to further investigate. Once inside, he heard the unmistakable voice of Lavi.

"Yuu, tell me if it feels good, okay?"

"Hn. I-it feels……so…..good…..ah!" Komui stood frozen in his place. Lavi and Kanda?!? Together?!?! In the public bathhouse?! Komui thought he would faint from the noises Kanda kept making.

"Yuu, are you ready?" Komui stopped freaking out long enough to start listening to the conversation again.

"Che." Was Kanda's half-ass reply. Komui heard the sound of water falling into a tub. "You asshole! That was cold!" Kanda yelled. Komui could hear the sound of water moving.

"I'm sorry, Yuu! Please come back over here. I won't do that again. Come on Yuu. Please?" Lavi pleaded. The sound of splashing water and Lavi chuckling signaled that Kanda hand moved closer to Lavi. More splashing water, giggling, and the protests were too much for Komui. He ran out of the bathhouse, and back to his office.

/Later in Komui's office/

"Lenalee said you wanted to see us?" Lavi asked Komui as he and Kanda walked into his office. Komui blushed then fixed his glasses.

"Yes I would like to ask you two a personal favor." Komui started. Kanda grunted.

"Hurry up and spit it out, I have to train." Was the raven haired man's reply.

"Ah, yes well I would like to ask the two of you to not have sex in the bathhouse." Komui bluntly replied.

"What are you talking about?!" The two Exorcists yelled.

"But I heard the two of you……earlier today." Komui said, now very confused.

"He was washing my hair! You fucking pervert!" Kanda yelled, taking his sword out of it's sheath. Lavi grabbed Kanda by his waist and pulled him into his chest.

"Calm down Yuu! You know we waited til we got to your room to do that."

A/N: Please review! :)