Seth POV:

Hmm…where could they be? I looked around the forest. No one.

Currently, I was in my wolf form, and looking for Seth's pack. I told them to come here, and they agreed. So where were they? I huffed and trotted further in. I finally decided to wait, so I sat down next to a tall tree. I pawed at the ground a little, bored. Sighing, I looked up.

At that moment, it was as if my heart had gotten run over by a million pregnant fat ladies. Up in the tree, the one I was sitting next to, was the most beautiful girl ever. And she was just lying on a branch, sleeping. She was just so incredible, so amazing…Her hair was black as night, wavy, and it reached down to her waist. She had slightly tanned skin, though I wasn't sure in the moonlight. Oh god, and her lips…

Wait, what? Her lips? What was wrong with me? I shook my body, and looked up at her again. I felt so attracted to her…like a magnet. I just wanted to go up there and be with her, to love her, for her to love me…

Was I going crazy?! I shook myself again, but found myself shaking the tree, hoping to wake her up. Why was she even there up there? Was she stuck? Don't worry; I'll get you down…

Violet POV:

Slowly, I drifted to semi-consciousness when I felt the branch I was sleeping on shaking. "W-what?" I murmured, sitting up. Everything was blurry, but I didn't care. I hadn't slept in days.

I heard a whimper far below. I looked down. I could see a wolf, looking up at me. He probably wanted to eat me. "No wolfie, you can't eat me..." I murmured, smiling a little. I unfurled my wings, and I heard the wolf gasp and it backed up a little. "See? I'm no good. I'm part bird, you see, so I my bones are thin and don't have much meat…" I nodded solemnly, tucking my wings back in, and sighed. "Speaking of meat, I'm starving, like you. I haven't eaten in a couple days. But don't worry wolfie, I'm okay with that, because I'm out of the torture place I was in. With a bullet wound in my wing, no less, but still free, right?"

The wolf whimpered and shook the tree again. Such a strong wolf…

For some reason, I found myself climbing down the tree. I don't know why, but it was like I had to.

"There, I'm down now wolfie…" I said, and then turned around so I could pet the little thing.

When I did, I almost doubled over. It wasn't a small wolf… I rubbed my eyes, and everything was clear now. It was about the size of a horse. It whimpered, taking a step closer. I took a step back. "Get away from me." I warned, taking a stance. It wasn't like a regular flyboy. It didn't have wings, and this one was just like a huge wolf.

Please, don't leave… His thoughts floated to me. I blinked.

Suddenly some branches snapped behind me. I turned to see the guys from earlier. Including Paul. I narrowed my eyes.

"What are you doing here late this night?" He asked me, eyes narrowed too.

"I could ask the same thing." I retorted, using my ol' sarcastic charm. He took a step forward. I didn't budge. Then, he did the weirdest thing. He sniffed the air in front of me. I gave him a look, but his eyes widened.

"It's her! I can smell it." He said, causing the others to tense up. I didn't like where this was going. "You're the white werewolf thief!" He said, and my eyes widened just a fraction. Werewolf? Thief?

"I have no clue what you're saying. Werewolves don't exist." I said, steeling my voice a little more.

"Then what do you call the thing behind you?" Paul said, glaring. I turned around. The giant wolf was still there. I looked back at them.

"That's a werewolf?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Paul grinned and nodded, like if he was expecting me to freak out. Seeing as this was me, I just began to laugh. "Next you'll be telling me vampires exist!" I continued to laugh.

Until Paul made the mistake of grabbing my arm. I snarled and pushed him away. He stumbled back, looking pissed. "Don't ever touch me." I growled. He reached for my hand again, and I pushed him harder, snarling. Then he began to shake extremely.

"Back up. Now." Sam said, and I did. Was Paul having a seizure or something? I guess not, because in the next second he morphed into a huge wolf, and he snarled at me. The wolf behind me growled, stepping in front of me. What the heck is going on?

Oh, right! I could read minds! Duh! I concentrated.

Don't touch her. Came from the wolf protecting me.

She hit me. So move out of the way Seth, before I kick the crap out of you. Came from Paul. I frowned. For some reason, I didn't like Paul talking to….er Seth that way.

I stepped forward pushing "Seth" out of the way. "I'm not afraid of you. So go ahead wolf boy, make your move. I'm right here." I said, determination in my voice.

That's when he lunged for me. "Paul no!" I heard Sam yell, but I dismissed it. I ran forward, grabbed onto Paul's neck as he came down, and swung him, letting go so he'd crash into a tree. It snapped.

For a second, everything was silent. Then, Paul attacked again. I grinned, before I concentrated. Suddenly, I transported behind him. He skidded to a stop, and I took the chance. I transported in front of him again, and he blinked confused.

I gave him the "Look".

His eyes widened, and suddenly he was on the ground, whimpering as if he was getting his tail pulled. This is my chance. I ran forward, tapping Paul on the forehead, and he stopped whimpering. Without another look, I ran into the forest, and then concentrated. I transported out of there, ignoring everyone's voices, everyone's thoughts.

It was time for me to leave.

Hey! I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated this in literally forever!!! I just wanna thank Water vs. Fire and Angel'sCousinTwiceRemoved for giving me some ideas. I used them, if you didn't notice in this chapter. =) So I will be udpdating this story and my other stories now. Thanks and keep reviewing!