Authors note: hey ppl slight swearing n angsty goodness 4 u all any way this is light a prequel thinggey to my poem Despite the name. this takes place after a battle Character death. Poem at the end written by me and its Sideswipe to Sunstreaker.
Disclaimer: I do not own the 'bots I just like to torture them XD
"Sunny! Look out!!"
Sunstreaker's optics onlined. His spark felt heavy in his chest and sharp spikes of pain shot through it, almost rendering him paralyzed. Groaning, he sat up ignoring the pain and waited for the fog to clear from his vision, then almost wished he didn't, Sunstreaker's paint was flaky and chipped, dents marred the once perfect body, the slim figure warped out of shape. Slagging seekers. He thought bitterly, glaring murderously at the wall of the med-bay. Stupid, fragging, slagging seekers! Sunstreaker shook his head, memories of the battle that had occurred only last orn came back to him in drips and drabs. All he could remember presently was him, hanging onto Thundercracker's jet form under side. It had all been going well tell Skywarp teleported in, but something else had happened….but what?
Sideswipe, he realized suddenly, another fierce stabbing pain tortured his spark. Where was his brother? What condition was he in? The panicked thoughts were interrupted by a low wheezing as intakes somewhere around him hitched, finding it hard to pull air in to cool the system of said 'bot. Sunstreaker felt doubt flitter through his processor as he looked down at the broken frame on the berth next to his. Sideswipe lay there, in less than all his glory, an ugly grey panel covered part of his torso and midriff, one legs missing at the knee, most the deep red paint had been stripped, leaving the body beneath it exposed and his helm was almost smashed in on itself. Worried Sunstreaker leapt off his berth and walk to his twins berthside, smiling gently at the peaceful face, it was a smile he only reserved for Sideswipe, every on hid something in this slagging war, himself hid a more sensitive psychopath, who enjoyed arts and down time instead of charging and killing. Sideswipe hid his depression, very well might have to be added to that, pranking and causing mayhem was the only way he knew to keep the crushing darkness away, but if you hide under the mask to long, you become the mask.
"Su…..Sunny?" a laboured voice choked, yanking Sunstreaker from his musings. Gripping a partly black hand, squeezing it slightly.
"Hey Sides," Sunstreaker felt the hand weakly squeeze back, " you look like slag bro" he muttered, only loud enough for Sideswipe to hear, even though they were the only ones in the med-bay. Guilt washed over Sunstreaker when he remembered the reason his brother was in this state, Sideswipe took the point blank shot from Skywarp, not him. Fucking Seekers.
"Your one to talk Sunflower" Sideswipe teased. If he wasn't so badly damaged, Sunstreaker would of cuffed him around the head for the stupid nickname. Still holding hands, Sunny perched on the side of the berth.
"Like I didn't notice!?" he teased back to the wounded mech to his right. A faint wheezy laugh rang in Sunstreaker's audios alerting him something was wrong. Standing up to go find Ratchet Sunny felt the hand in his faintly pull.
"Don't go"
" I'll be back" Sunny whispered looking down into the pained optics of his brother, but something in the back of his mind was telling him to stay and spend the rest of the orn with Sideswipe, maybe it was the constantly decreasing bond between their split sparks or maybe just the look on his twins face, whatever it was it convinced him to stay put.
"Thank you" a soft murmur escaped cold lips. Sunstreaker looked away, not wanting to see his better half's face.
"Sunny look at me" Sideswipe begged
"No." Sunstreaker said, that was the last thing he wanted to do.
"please, for a mech on his death berth?" Sunstreaker growled
"Don't. You. Dare. Say. That." he hissed, snapping his head towards the red Lamborghini "Your. Not. Dying." To Sunstreaker surprise Sideswipes expression twisted into one of annoyance.
"Fuck it Sunny! If I can accept it then you fucking can!" the human swears felt stronger than theirs, that's why Sideswipe was using them to scold Sunny. Sunny on the other hand felt a grip of ice capture his spark.
"Sides please! I….. I'm sorry, its just…..its just so dam slagging hard! Sides! Primus if you die, I'm coming after you!" Sunstreaker started to babble in distress. "Don't you dare Sunny!" Sideswipe almost shouted, voice stern
"Don't you dare stop shining!!!" Taken aback by the outburst Sunstreaker sat in the chair by the berth so he could rest his head on the berth to sob. A hand fell on his back, but the comforting gesture didn't work, Sideswipe was going to die and nothing in the slagging universe was going to stop that! A seeker just signed his death warrant.
"Primus I'm tired" muttered Sides, expelling a torrent of air in a sigh. Sunstreaker looked up with teary optic oh no he thought this is it.
"Stay with me Sides." Sunstreaker pleaded
"But I need recharge you big dandelion" Sides snickered. Sunstreaker noticed the words starting to sound strained "howelse ami gunna get betta?" the words were now sliding into each other "just lemme recharge for afew." He groaned.
"No Sides, I can't let you slipped away like this! Its not the way we go remember?! Please Sides Please!" the last few words became desperate; more tears flowed down Sunny's face.
"just let me go Sunny, its for the better" Sideswipe's optics were nothing but a thin, blue haze, barely online.
"No!NONONONONNNNOOO" Sunstreaker yelled as the monitors started beeping, medical staff ran in, Ratchet pushed Sunstreaker aside, Sunny tried to push back to his brother, two pairs of strong arms gripped him, holding him back out of the way. Everything happened so cruelly slow, Ratchet checking the monitors then dragging out an EMP and placing the paddles on the dead red chest. The body on the berth arched as the electricity shot through it. Ratchet tried again and again before throwing the paddles down and thumped Sideswipes chest, again nothing. Shaking his head in defeat, Ratchet switched of the monitors and life support.
"NNNOOOO!" Sunstreaker screamed and franticly started pulling to free himself from the restraints that held him, freeing one arm he lunged forward only to be stopped by two enormous arms
"LET ME GO!!" shrieked at the top of his vocaliser before collapsing to the floor in a mournful heap
Keep on shining, Sunshine
Even though the battle id near
Don't stop shining
Don't lose your faith
I am here
Watching you
Keeping you safe
Keep on shining, Sunshine
Even through are darkest hour
Don't stop shining
Don't you dare
I need you
Be my strength
Be my fire
Cuz you're my Sunshine
Keep on shining.
Foot note: I might do a sequel like the after all the drama and how sunnys getting along and stuff like that but for now I leave you with this.