Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Y.R: this would be on Naruto and Sasuke's POV.

Thank you for my reviewers…


Chapter 24

"Two men who loves me…"



Naruto's POV

Idon't know why but Sasuke has been avoiding me since that incident…whatever the reason is I don't know…whenever we met or cross paths on the corridor of school on our respective houses, when our parents have dinners together. He never looks at me or talks to me. What is his problem? I should have be the one who have feel angry with him or I should have be the one who is avoiding him! He is the reason why that happened to me in the for first place so why the hell he's avoiding me! I feel so upset right now! arrg this is his fault why I feel this pain! Stupid Teme! I stopped in my tracks when I saw Sasuke coming in my way. I was with Ino so I pretend not to see him. I casually look down in my book as he walk closer. "Oh hey Sasuke-kun morning!" I heard Ino greeted Sasuke and the teme just nodded his head on my friend as a sign of acknowledgement and just walk passed on me. WALK PASSED TO ME! Yes, you heard it right! Sasuke-teme walk passed on me without being so casual and say hello to me HELL he just walk passed! What's with that attitude huh! I am so fucking pissed what the hell did he think he is! For treating me like this!

"Hey Naru…am I the only one who notice it? Is Sasuke-kun avoiding you?" I heard Ino asked me…but I'm so angry to care and just walk off without waiting for her. Ino smirk, "Did I hit a nerve?"

"Shut up." I growled, I don't really care if Sasuke avoid me…so what? That is good because he will not and finally going to stop following me or annoy me! I am happy, right. Nevertheless, what is this feeling…it seems like there is a hole in my chest…

I sighed as I fluffed myself on my bed exhausted from school…I look at outside the window. Seeing Sasuke's window close but the lights are on. I gritted my teeth in annoyance…there's no question…and that conclude my suspicion. Sasuke-teme is avoiding me! The hell! He don't ever close his windows neither am I because it's our childhood rule not to close our windows…and if we close the windows it means one thing we are in war.

I huffed in anger as I sat up; punching my pillow repeatedly imagining, it was Sasuke. "I'm sooo fucking pissed! What the hell do you think you're doing! Huh, teme! If you want that game, so be it! I will not lose! I will do it too!"


Sasuke's POV


I stared at Shikamaru, I don't know but he's right, he caught me…I look down avoiding his gaze, I don't want him to know the whole truth in my eyes, I have to keep it in my very soul.

I have to…

"You don't have to keep the truth from me Sasuke." I heard Shikamaru said as he yawned boringly. Damn I hate this feeling of being caught in the middle...I know that I am running away from the truth but I have too…I don't want her to get hurt again just because of him. I want her safe so I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe…even it means avoiding her. I love her so goddamn much and I hate to see her so suffer even more.


"This is for the best." I whispered but loud enough for Shikamaru to hear.


"I know your still feel guilty of what happen but if you don't do anything then Hyuuga will…" I grunted, I know if I let go of my feelings towards my best friend then Hyuuga Neji will be there to rescue her. However, even though I decided to let her go…there is still pain lingered on my chest…letting her go means everything to me…letting her go means—

Letting go of my—


My life


My love




















I need her so goddamn much but still I need to let her go…


"Letting her go means you let Haruno-san win…are you sure about your decision?" I heard Shikamaru said with a long sighed. "Fight for her…if you want to protect her then be with her…being with her side gives you that power…"

"So, see you tomorrow?" I heard Neji said we are currently in front of my house, ever since that incident he always fetch and bring me home. Afraid that incident will happen again if he let me alone by myself. Very sweet of him isn't it? not compared to Sasuke-teme who avoids me since two weeks. Arg! Remembering him makes me angry! Now, I am so pissed! However, I cannot show to Neji how angry I am right now. I have to be nice to him. I nodded my head and smile, "Yeah, sure let's meet tomorrow Neji-kun." I frowned when I saw the serious look on his face.

"What's the matter Neji-kun?" I asked with a frowned, I jumped on my position when I felt Neji lift my hand and hold it with his.


"Naru…I want to be your real boyfriend so please let me court you properly." I heard Neji said that makes my world spin.


Oh my god is this for real? Is this really happening to me! Neji-senpai just ask me to be his girlfriend! And he told me that he would court me properly…oh my god…what should I do? I should have felt happy right. Nevertheless, what is this feeling? Back then, I want and dreamed of person who will love me…as if Sasuke thought he would to me…but then Neji-senpai came…what should I do!


"Don't be so happy with it…" I froze when I heard someone said behind me, suddenly I just found myself spun around my back pressed up agains't the wall.

"Sasu— Sasuke-teme what do you think you're doing let me go!" I demanded as I struggle on his hold but still did not budge Sasuke is excessively stronger than I am, I felt so helpless. My heart started to pound against my chest as I watch Sasuke leaning down onto me… I close my eyes shot tightly as his lips just millimeters away from mine.

"Please don't." I managed to say before I felt his hot breath on my neck. Oh, my god what does he think he is doing!

"I love you too Naruto Uzumaki so I won't let that Hyuuga win…" I heard him say as I shuddered…his breath ticking my neck…


"Your mine…"

Moreover, I will definitely going to win your heart…

The End…











Hahahaha ;)

Please Review!

End is a joke okay don't hate me!