Jet's Want

Shadowin-Hedgehog RQ

'Sonic…. Oh, why did I agree to this? I'll never be able to get any sleep!'

Poor Jet. I was staying the night at Sonic's house, and he and Sonic were sharing the same bed. Sonic has been asleep for an hour, but not Jet. Oh, no. Not Jet. The Babylon Rogue couldn't keep the arousing thoughts out of his head no matter how hard he tried. He was so tempted.

'I couldn't…. what would he think of me if he woke up and saw me doing that? Or…. What would he think if he saw the mess in the morning?' Jet thought unhappily.

Jet hated Sonic and craved him at the same time. He hated losing races to him, but staying away from someone that you want is painful, and the fourteen-year-old hawk didn't enjoy pain. Of course, not touching himself right now was painful. He needed satisfaction.

Jet shivered as more erotic thoughts of Sonic doing sexual things to him flooded through his mind. He imagined Sonic telling him of how much he loved him and having secret sex with him behind Amy's back.

'Just a little…. I have to. I'll lose it if I don't touch myself!'

Jet nearly whimpered as he stared at Sonic's body. Sonic was facing away from Jet, but even his back was sexy to Jet. He wanted Sonic to fuck him. He wanted it deep inside of him until he couldn't take it anymore. His desire for the azure hedgehog was driving him crazy with lust. He couldn't handle this feeling anymore.

He slowly reached down between his legs and touched his hard on. The emerald hawk gasped softly. He had to be quiet. He failed to ask the speed demon if he was a heavy sleeper, so he didn't know how much he needed to worry about accidentally waking him.

Jet quietly turned over on his side away from Sonic. He slowly began to stroke and massage his member. The bird shivered with delight, and continued, going a little bit faster. Her took the whole thing into his ungloved hand, and rubbed it up and down, from top to bottom. He whimpered. It felt so good.

'Sonic….' He moaned in his thoughts. More sexual thoughts spilled into his mind like the cum that threatened to spill out of Jet. He rubbed the throbbing organ faster, and was careful not to shake the bed too much. He felt like he was about to reach his peak. His orgasm was nearly there. It was about to come out.

"Sonic…." He moaned as softly as he could, the name of the hedgehog he so desperately desired as the sticky fluid spilled out of his cock. He prayed that Sonic didn't hear him in his thoughts, and gasped for breath. He looked at his cum-covered hand, and licked it. He imagined Sonic doing something erotic like that. He made a sour face after that. It wasn't as good tasting as he figured it'd be….

'I don't know how much longer I can hide this from him…. I mean, what if he heard me?'

Right after the green bird thought that, Sonic turned over on his side, sleepily put one of his arms over Jet's side, and pulled him closer to him. He sat up and whispered in his ear,

"Jet, I heard you."