Hidden Truths

Disclaimer: I doin't own the characters. They belong to J.K. Rowling. I'm just playing around with them for a while.

Author's Note: I know what my regular readers checking this story must be thinking. I really should finish (or at least work on) my other stories before starting up another one. Sorry everybody, the plot bunny attacked me and wouldn't leave me alone til I wrote it. Thoughts are in single quotes while dialogue is in double quotes. I wanna give special props to my friend Joy (joyfulibee - she's got some great stories that should be checked out) for helping me as a sounding board and an unofficial beta/co-author. Thank you for putting up me the last few nights about this :) Enjoy the story everyone :)

Chapter One - Confusion and Letters

Harry Potter spent a warm July afternoon waiting for the owl post that was set to arrive. Since his return from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his friends had constantly sent him letters as well as care packages. Sometimes the care package would come from his best mate Ron Weasley's mother Molly who often saw him as another son. There had also been notes from members of the Order of the Phoenix, an underground group dedicated to fighting the most evil wizard of the age Lord Voldemort (aka Tom Riddle, aka He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who, aka the pain in Harry's arse) either to check on him or to offer condolence on the death of his godfather Sirius Black.

A speck of black and whilte flying in his direction caught Harry's attention as an unfamiliar owl dropped a letter off before flying back where it came from.

Mr. Harry J. Potter

Number Four Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey

Turning it over, the Gringotts seal was found.

'Wonder what the goblins want.' Harry thought to himself. 'N o time like now to find out Harry.'

Dear Mr. Potter, it has come to our attention that you have not been informed about your family vaults. Nor have they been visited or claimed. This is very important that you do so before your next birthday. If you do not, then the Ministry of Magic for Great Britain will attempt to confiscate the vaults along with any and all possessions held within if not claimed by age of majority. According to Goblin law, you would reach said age of majority at the age of sixteen. Please contact either myself or the Potter family account manager Griphook at the earliest convience. Thank you for your time. May your gold be plentiful.


President of Gringotts Bank

Leader of the Goblin Nation

'Vaults? As in more than one?' Harry thought as he bit his lip in concentration. 'I wonder why I never knew about this. Whoever is in charge of this must not want me to know about it for some reason. Can't be Moony. He would've thought I knew and would've told me if he knew I didn't. Same with Padfoot.'

The thought of his beloved godfather sent another pang to his already bruised heart, a heart wounded by all the loss he's gone through.

Harry's mind was racing as he looked down at the parchment again for a second read.

"My birthday. When's my birthday?" he asked no one in particular – although Hedwig was watching her owner with perceptive eyes as usual. "It should be sometime in the next week or two."

A soft hooting from Hedwig broke him out of his musings.

"What do you think girl? Should I stick it to the Ministry? More than likely the money they take goes in their own fat pockets if not to old Voldy himself."

Harry scanned the note a third time then glanced at the makeshift calendar above his desk.

'Blimey! Three bloody days? How am I supposed to take care of this within three days? And how do I bloody well get around the Dursleys?'

Another hoot from Hedwig got Harry's attention. He deftly untied the parcel attached to her talons.

"Sorry bout that Hedwig. Didn't notice the package." He apologized after relieving her of the extra weight and she affectionately nipped his fingers. "Let's see what you brought me today. Prank materials from the twins? Another book on occlumency from Hermione?"

Before opening the box Harry saw an envelope with unfamiliar handwriting. He figure it was either from Mrs. Weasley or Ginny since it was obviously feminine. And he doubted it was from either Luna or Tonks since the former had slightly messy handwriting and the latter had written him constantly since the end of last month.

"Only one way to answer the question Harry. Just open it."

Sliding a finger under the seal, he did just that.

Dear Harry, how are you? I hope things are good. Are the muggles treating you right? I hope they are because if they're not then I'll give them one of my Bat Boogy hexes.

'Yup, definitely fron Ginny.' Harry thought with a smile on his face.

Anyway, I thought I'd see how things were since I saw Mum baking muffins (she was about to make blueberry but I convinced her to go with chocolate chip instead) among other goodies to send with Hedwig. I hope you don't mind that it's me sending you this letter since I've never really written you before besides having Ron or Hermione tell you 'hi' for me when they do. Both send their regards by the way. And are currently in the middle of having one their famous rows. How do you stand it all the time? They're driving me barmy!

Harry couldn't resist the chuckle from escaping his lips. If anybody knew how Ginny Weasley felt about her brother and best friend arguing it would be him.

There was another reason for my sending you this letter. I need some help with something. Normally I'd go to Mione with stuff like this but there's two problems with that. Number one being that she's too busy fighting with Ron to ask for advice. Second of all she'd go run and tell him what I need the advice on.

Here's the thing…I got an owl yesterday. It was from Micheal Corner. You remember him right?

A scowl appeared on Harry's face while he read this part of Ginny's note. Of course he remembered the Ravenclaw she dated last year. As to his knowledge said Ravenclaw was currently dating Cho Chang. Part of this confused Harry as to why the other boy would be owling Ginny.

Anyway, he told me that he wanted to talk to me. Said he and Cho had split. That sure was quick. Maybe he took one too many trips to "Lake Chang." I'm a little confused about all this. To be honest I didn't really like Michael when we were going out. I guess I just dated him because he asked me and I was tired of being the only one in my dorm without a boyfriend. Petty reasons I know. Maybe that's why – never mind. What do you think I should do? Let me know. Your help and opinion really matter to me. I hope I could make you feel better a fewlaugh from this letter. Hope to hear back from you. With lots of love, Ginny

A warm feeling came over Harry after finishing the letter. Bringing it to his nose he caught a whiff of wildflowers and chocolate.

'She must've helped her mum bake the muffins. That was sweet of her.' He mused while opening the care package from the Burrow. 'And so pretty that I regret not noticing earlier when she still had that crush on me. Merlin! That sure was ages ago.'


The unmistakable voice of Vernon Dursley boomed all over Number Four. The whole month had gone by so nicely without any confrontation from any of the Dursleys. If Harry was being called downstairs then something had to be up.

"Coming right down Uncle Vernon!"

Author's Note: That's the first chapter. I hope everyone reading this liked it. If not, oh well. To each their own. Night :)