A little author's note…

Listen up. When I say I want reviews, I mean it. I swear to you, I won't post up the next chapter until I get more reviews. Even when I finish typing up all the chapters or whatever, I won't post it up until more than 2 people actually care to review. Yeah, yeah, I know… "But there are already 17 reviews to your story! Be happy!!" NO. Sixteen of those reviews come from one source (yes, Sam/Squishy/Sammy, I'm talking to you, SO BACK OFF) and only one person who has an account here care to write something about the story.

So let me rephrase this little notice, m'kay? Instead of "I want a certain amount of reviews", I'll be using "I want a certain amount of people to review." Let's see how that works out.

I'm not being mean. I just really need some input to these chapters. I know a lot of people read it, and special thanks to those of you who put this story in their favorite list or story alert or putting me on their author alert, I just need to see if anyone takes a little time to just type up what they have in mind about the chapter or story. I'm not asking a lot here.