Well, I've been playing Dissidia, and it declared total war on my writer's block. Well for this story, unfortunately the rest of my stories are stil bastared(Except 1, which'll be up tonight as well) Anyways, thanks for reading this, and hopefully, I'll be able to update this regularly enough.

Random Encounters

1. Squall and Terra. Stay.

Terra looked on in surprise as the brown haired warrior ripped the manikin to pieces before her eyes. The sheer power and ferocity in his strikes was shocking, and in seconds, the manikin she almost died fighting, lay destroyed at his feet. He turned slowly and regarded her.

"You O.K?''

She nodded silently, before lowering her head in shame. He made it look so…so easy! Why couldn't she be that confident? Seeing she was fine, Squall hefted his Gunblade over his shoulder and marched off. Terra conflicted within herself before crying out ''wait!'' and rushing after him. She may not be strong enough, but staying with someone who was could help. Who knew, maybe it could be fun?! Squall turned back with an eyebrow raised.

''Uum, can I stay with you? I don't wanna be alone.''

2. Zidane and Ultimecia. Woo.

Zidane gave his 'Award winning Smile' as he noticed a definitive female figure in the old tower. Grooming his hair, he ran off in chase. As he caught up, he called out

"Hey beautiful, what are you doin' in a place like this?''

Ultimecia turned and regarded the little monkey, before turning again, and, summoning her needles, shot them at him.

Zidane learned that it was not always wise to be so impulsive.

3. Bartz and Jecht. Curb.


Bartz yelped loudly and dived behind the rock, effectively dodging the furious blitzball throw from Jecht. He wiped sweat from his brow, who knew this battle was going to be so hard! He silently cursed Tidus for their dare.

"Oh come on kid! That wasn't even a good throw! It was a freakin' curve ball!''

Bartz rolled his eyes before he got an idea. With a loud shout he jumped out, and with a flash of light, formed a blitzball in his hand. It was a perfect throw, hitting the old Blitzballer where the sun didn't shine.

"No, THAT was a curve ball!''

4. Jecht and Kuja. Mutter.

"Hey babe, what's a fine lookin' woman like yourself doin' here!?''

Kuja froze solid when he felt the hand on his shoulder. This was corrected within 3 seconds when a well-placed Flare Star taught Jecht what Kuja's actual gender was, and what would happen if the action were ever repeated.

"Insufferable oaf'' He muttered quietly as he moved on.

5. Warrior of Light and Cecil. Categorize.

He instantly distrusted Cecil the moment he saw the dark armour. He was raised on the knowledge that the dark was evil, something to be fought, to be hated. But then he changed form. A shining paladin, fighting for the light and peace. It took an explanation from Cosmos before he full grasped it.

''My dear warrior, must you be so prejudiced? I know the darkness is often used for evil, but it is not always so. Cecil is a prime example. He uses the darjness yes, but in my name, in the name of our cause. He is a Warrior of light, in an armour of darkness. He can be trusted, do not worry dear one, I am positive in my choice.''

After that there was no more argument for him. Cosmos had spoken, and Cecil had proven himself a true warrior among the others.

6. Cosmos and Terra. Girl time.

Zidane, Tidus, Onion Knight and Bartz all stared in absolute confusion. The sight before them was absolutely staggering, how in the hells could they do this? And for that long?! They didn't notice the approach of Cloud, Squall and Cecil.

''Hey guys, whats up?''

Tidus turned to them, opened his mouth as if to speak, before shaking his head and pointing at the two women. The three gazes followed, and Cloud's mouth opened in shock. Cecil merely raised his eyebrow and Squall scoffed.

''So what, Rinoa and Selphie could go on for waaaaay longer than that.''

''I hear you on that, but it's a Goddess. And Terra. I mean, I know women talk alot, but this is weird.''

and Onion Knight. Practice.

The blonde child looked about nervously, hoping that no-one would walk in on this, especially Tidus. WIth a deep breath, he sprang forward and kicked the blitzball as hard as he could, watching it sail through the air, and strike a tree. Before he was aware of it, he felt a sharp pain in his face, and found himself staring at the sky, groaning. It took a few seconods before he heard the familiar laughter, of the last person he wanted to see this!

''You know kid, that wasn't a bad kick! With a little practice, you could be a pro just like me!''

Onion KNight, sat up a bt, and shaking his head whispered

''You really mean it?''

Tidus pondered for a second, seeing a similar situation between him and his father, except this time, he would be encouraging.

''Sure kid, no doubt in my mind, hell I'll even help if you want?''

Well that's it. Please review and tell me what you think, if I should continue it or what!

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!