Hello everyone! I'm balletbanana! (Well, not literally…) and this is my first fan fic evah! Woohoo! It is also the first story that I've ever written (or typed) on my own so please forgive me if it is suckish. And if you are wondering why I come up with such weird names, I HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD EXPLANATION!
Anyhow, I hope to see you on the other side of this story! If you survive the boredom it will bring you if you do get bored… alright?
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Oki dokes?
(Oh my gosh! My first disclaimer! XD)
Once upon a time, there lived a peaceful kingdom called Stringdalasia and it was ruled by a peaceful queen named Misa. (Wow, so peaceful.) Queen Misa was a loving and caring ruler who disliked war and played the piano with so much love it could make your heart burst. She had a son name Len. He was a violin prodigy but no matter how good he was, he always thought he had to get even better even until he was seventeen years old. He had a cold personality and spent his day practicing. Practice, practice, practice… And no matter how much he practiced, he could never get that special tone a musician gets when he or she loves music. Music was never enjoyable to him, heck, nothing was EVER enjoyable to him.
A little distance from the castle, there lived a small but lively town called the…ehhh… The town with no name. In it lived a redhead girl (well, they aren't exactly adults) Len's age named Kahoko. She had big amber eyes and a bubbly personality. She never concerned herself with romantic fantasies, always thought about others, and she had a great trouble with punctuality.
Kahoko woke up to a bright, sunny morning. She felt good today, like something special was gonna happen. She completed her nine, or maybe ten, hours of sleep and felt as fresh as a… something fresh.
"Aahhhh," she yawned as she stretched her arms outwards before getting out of her bed to join her mother for breakfast.
"Good morning." Kahoko greeted happily as she sat on the table with her mother.
"Morning." Her mother greeted her back. "Somebody seems to have woken up on the right side of the bed." She commented.
"Uhuh, I feel just great today, I'm not sure why…"
After she had finished her breakfast, she went into the bathroom to wash herself and clean her teeth (did toothbrushes exist?). She wanted to go outside today, she didn't know why. As she put on a fresh change of clothes, she noticed something shiny on the floor. "Oh, what's this?" She said to no one as she bent down to pick it up. "It's so preeeetty…" It was a bracelet. It had a delicate-looking shiny silver chain and seven bright yellow-orange tear-shaped gems hanging from the chain like charms. Without thinking, she slipped it on to her right wrist. "It's so beautiful… Wait why am I wearing it?" She began to try and take it off, "Why is it stuck now? It was loose a while ago." She tried looking for a way to take it out. "Ehhhh, this is hopeless…" she said giving up.
After she was done getting ready, she had probably forgotten about her bracelet problem because she was cheery again.
She stood by the opened door and inhaled all the scents around her, the flowers of her neighbors' garden, whatever they were cooking for breakfast, and even the garbage they left outside their house, but of course, she didn't mind that last one.
"Ahhhhh… such a wonderful morning…" she sighed. "Now, all I want to do is go for a peaceful walk, that would already make my-"
"Oh, Kahoko!" called her mom, "Before you do anything else, could you go to the bakery and buy some bread?"
"Okay, Mom!" Kahoko replied. Well, there goes my day…
She quickly went back inside to fetch her shopping basket and with that, she started her journey to the bakery. At least I still have my walk.
When she reached the market, she began to look for the bakery. "Where is that bakery? If I remember correctly it was called Pan de Manata…" She began to think. She turned around, she saw the bakery. She laughed at herself, "So it was behind me all along?" then she headed inside.
It was very fragrant all around her, baskets of freshly baked bread on every shelf. She began to pick some random pieces of bread and put it in her basket. She went to the counter to pay for her bread and then she noticed something yellow on a shelf beside the counter. "Oh, goody! Mozartrella cheese~!" (That was on purpose) She got a small block and bought it, "This is great on bread." and with the chore done, she went outside to head back home but she felt like she wasn't going anywhere, like something was pulling her the opposite direction. When she looked back to see why she wasn't traveling any faster, she saw her right arm being pulled by no one in particular. She was actually being pulled by her new bracelet. And now it was glowing strangely. It started getting stronger and now she was being dragged. "What? What's going on?" she said, bewildered. She still kept struggling against the bracelet. "Man, this is one heck of a piece of jewelry." Then eventually, she gave up. "I wonder where it's taking me…" after a while, she found herself somewhere she didn't expect herself to be.
-end- well at least for now! :D
Hello again, this is sort of like the introduction and I'm really a beginner at this! Don't worry, I promise to make it better! I have trouble describing some parts like the pulling part, gah. I need to read more books… Oh by the way, If you want to ask me how I come up with unusual names, you can. :D Osrry it's still short. I typed the others already! by others I mean chapters XD