To Love A Doctor.


AN: I do not Own Star Trek. Any of Them. This Idea came to me in the middle of marking my CACHE3 Mock exam today at 12pm. There will be a companion Piece to this which I will put up when I get home.

Chapter 1: Introductions.

Right so how do I start this. I work on the Star Ship Enterprise. As does the Man I love. I didn't always love him. In the beginning I would have settled for being friends and getting a reply that was more then a grunt.

Oh did I mention that we are both on a mission with the away team at the moment. Yep the Good Doctor and I are with them and we are both at gun point of a crazy man. Yes an actual gun. No I didn't tell you that? Well now you know, because we are. The Weirdest things go though your head when you are at gun point.

So I have to tell my story, so I will start from the moment that we first met. My name is Lt. Montgomery Scott. Scotty to my friends and I am an Engineer on the Star ship Enterprise. The man I love Is Dr. Leordard McCoy. Bones to the Captain who is his best friend.

Right Hi. I got the new Star Trek film for my dad for Christmas & I loved it, I have seen it 3 times in 1 week. :D So This Story is from Scotty's Point Of View always.

The companion piece is going to be called 'To Love an Engineer' and will be from Leo's point of view.

I will only put Scotty's accent in when he talks same with everyone else because it's easier. :D

Ok if you haven't realised yet, this story is a Slash.

Talk to you guys later please R&R.


Violet44 xxxx