Thanks for reviewing! This is most likely going to be the last part, so I hope that you enjoy. And tell me what you thought~ review! The song is by Faith Hill.

Disclaimer: Okay, here's the thing, they don't belong to me

"Mon...I...I just thought....will's just that you....I love...I want to...."

"Chandler? Is this supposed to be in English?"

"Yeah, see I wanted to know if you'd," he mumbled something.

"If I'd what?"

"Marry me," He looked up and took her hand. "Please, marry me. Love me and wake up next to me for the rest of our lives. Let me love you and I promise that I will for all of eternity." He looked deep into her eyes to watch for a response. She looked at their hands tightly clasped together. She knew the answer to his question, no other word seemed a possibility. Ever so slightly she nodded her head.

"Yes," she whispered so that he could barely hear what she had said.

"Was that a yes? Was that yes?" She nodded again and he swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

"I didn't know you could be that romantic," she told him between kisses.

"You underestimate me," he teased as he kissed her up and down on her neck. "Oh, Monica, I love you."

"And you're okay with the baby?"

"Thrilled with the baby," she gave him a look. "Well, getting used to the baby." She smiled and nodded. "Oh!"

"What?" She looked at him.

"I had a ring! I bought a ring! I got you a ring!" He pulled the box out of his pocket and presented it to her and she grinned as she peered inside.

"Chandler! It's gorgeous," she squealed. "You have excellent taste in diamonds."

"My father taught me well," he shrugged.

"Honey, you shouldn't say that to too many people," she said laughing slipping the ring on her finger. He shrugged and hugged her. Her hands slipped through his short hair and she rested her chin on his shoulder as he rocked her back and forth.

"I love you," she whispered.

"You too," he said smiling at her. "I'm so glad you said yes."

"And what did you honestly think I was going to say?"

"I figured yes, but a nagging feeling inside thought that you might laugh in my face," he held her closely to him not wanting to let her go for anything. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

"I would never," she whispered. "I would never hurt you."

"Ditto," he told her. The smoke detector went off interrupting the moment.

"My eggs!" Monica yelled making her way over to the stove where black smoke was billowing out from. Chandler ran and got the fire extinguisher happy he had made Monica get it. She wasn't too keen on the idea, as she explained to Chandler she never burnt anything.

"Never burn anything right?" He asked after the fire was out and the smoke began clearing from the room. He had grabbed her arm and pulled her away from it and now he led her to the couch because she was coughing.

"Not my fault," she argued. "You distracted me. Flash rings in front of girls and they, you know, get sidetracked." He laughed.

"You can never admit when you're wrong can you?" She shook her head and continued to argue.

"But I'm not wrong," she protested and was cut off by a kiss. He picked her up in his arms and began to carry her up to their bed.

"I guess I should move in," he said. "To keep you from burning down the house and everything."

"Ohhhh," she said and again was cut off by a kiss. "Stop that!" He just laughed and took her down the hall to her bedroom. Chandler laid her on the bed and continued kissing her as she, being Monica, continued to argue. He couldn't believe that yesterday he had been just Chandler, with a great girlfriend, and now he was Chandler, with a fiance and a baby on the way. A baby, who would be half him and half Monica. Hopefully their good halves. Chandler could readily admit that he had his bad traits, of course he could never see anything wrong with Monica, it had been that way for years. The phone rang and Chandler reached over and grabbed it half angry with it that it had the nerve to ring now.



"Hey Ross good timing buddy," he said and Monica laughed.

"Am I interrupting something?" Ross asked innocently.

"Nothing at all," Chandler said and sighed. "Need something Ross?"

"Just need to talk to my baby sister," Ross said.

"Yeah, hold on," Chandler said sighing and passing the phone to Monica who took it and made a face.

"Hey Ross," she said in a tired tone. Chandler watched her face as she talked and the way that when she was excited she tended to lean forward and her voice got low and bouncy.

"She's going to be my wife," he whispered to himself. He half couldn't believe, and half was afraid he still might lose her.

You turn around

and then you ask me behind tears of doubt

just what do I see in you

please don't cry

I know sometimes it seems we barely get by

but you don't see

how much you do

to get me through

"I don't know about this," Monica repeated to Rachel.

"You have to," Rachel informed her. "This is going to be the happiest day of your life."

"That's what you said the first time I did this," Monica reminded her. The small ceremony was to be held in a garden, and Monica had chosen a simple cream-colored gown.

"After all," she had said. "No one is going to buy me in white. A pregnant, divorced mother of a four year old? Yeah, sure." Her hair was half up held up by a diamond barrette and fell to her shoulders in curls. Her diamond necklace that matched the barrette and had been her grandmother's, was the only piece of jewelry, besides her engagement ring, that she was wearing. And now, an hour before the ceremony, she was terrified. It wasn't that she didn't love him, or knew that he would make her happy, but it was the way her first marriage had turned out. She was afraid of marriage. Monica Geller was terrified of marriage. Someone should have gotten that down for the record books. She paced in the small country house next to the garden and glanced out the window as she saw the very small group of people they had invited sitting down waiting for her. Ross and Emily and their two kids, Josh and Rene, had flown in and her parents had come too. His mother was there, and his father, or whatever she preferred to be called, had also come. They were thrilled about the fact that they were going to be grandparents, and adored Kayley.

"Ready to go?" Her father peeked in and she shot a terrified glance at Rachel.

"You'll be fine," she told her best friend and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Come on Mommy," Kayley said smiling and clasping Monica's hand in her own. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks sweetie," Monica said. She took a deep breath and stepped out into the sweet afternoon air. She smiled when she saw Chandler waiting at the end for her and she had a sudden surge of confidence. She could do this. She loved him. That was all that mattered. She would be his wife. She could do this. She told herself that as she walked down the aisle. She could do this. This was easy. Piece of cake. Piece of crumb cake.

When the world is cold

and I need a friend to hold

you give me love

you give me love baby

and when my hope is gone

and I feel I can't go on

you pick me up

you give me love

you give me love, yeah, yeah

oh baby

"I hate being pregnant," Monica whined as she took a seat on the couch in her and Chandler's home.

"Just last week," Rachel pointed out. "You said how much you loved it."

"I changed my mind," Monica said. "I'm as big as a house, and my husband is no where to be found."

"He can be found," Phoebe pointed out. "He's in Seattle. We know that, he just isn't here with you."

"But he should be!" Monica whined again. Her and Chandler had gotten married a very little, quiet ceremony a few months before. Kayley was thrilled about being an older sister, and she was constantly coming up with things that she could do with the baby.

"As long as it's a girl," Kayley informed her mother and stepfather. "No boys." Now Monica was nine months pregnant and Chandler was in Seattle on business. He was as worried as she was about being gone. Under no circumstances did he want to miss the birth of his child. Dan had flown up to see Kayley's kindergarten play and he was staying at a bed and breakfast about a mile down from Monica and Chandler's. The doorbell rang and Dan came in to pick up Kayley. Monica was still in the living room talking to Rachel and told him that he could go up to Kayley's room to get her. He nodded and headed up the stairs. Honestly it hurt him to see Monica pregnant. It brought back too many memories of when she was pregnant with Kayley. He had loved every minute of it, maybe even more then Monica, and had been so overprotective of her. She had gotten mad at him and blew up at him and they had had a fight right before Kayley was born. She got so mad that she punched him, and then went into labor. His nose had been broken and was black and blue and bleeding, but when she cried out in pain, he was there by her side making sure that she was okay. Every time they fought though, he tended to touch his nose in the same spot where she had punched him. As he was playing dolls with Kayley in her room, Monica's screams erupted throughout the house.

"It hurts!" She screamed. "It hurts!" Dan told his daughter to stay there and rushed down to his ex-wife's side. He still was in love with her, if you wanted to know the truth, and he regretted letting her go. But Dan could see how much her and Chandler were in love, and he knew that he was better for her then Dan ever was.

"Kayley is upstairs," he told Phoebe. "Go get her and take her to your house for us." Phoebe nodded, gave Monica a kiss on the cheek, and told her that she would be fine before disappearing up the stairs to take care of Kayley.

"Dan," Monica screamed gripping tightly to his hand. "It hurts."

"Shush, Mon, it's going to be fine," he assured her. "Rachel, do you know the hotel Chandler's staying at?" She nodded. "Go call him and tell him that we're taking Monica to the hospital."

"Oh Dan," Monica cried clinging to him. Rachel did what she was told and dialed Chandler's number.

"Hello?" He answered.


"Rachel? What's the matter?"

"Monica is in labor, but Chandler, Dan's here and we're going to the hospital," Rachel told him. She had never felt so helpless in her entire life, and on the other side of the country, Chandler could identify. He hung up with her and rushed to make reservations on the next flight out. The entire flight was spent with him kicking himself for leaving so close to her due date. And the selfish, jealous part of him kept repeating, why was Dan there with her and he wasn't? She was no longer his wife, and she was having Chandler's baby not Dan's. But everything took a backseat to Monica and the baby. It seemed every heartbeat and breath he took seemed to be pounding her name. He didn't know how he got into the taxi when the plane landed, or how he got to the hospital without having a mental breakdown, but he rushed in and found Rachel and Joey pacing back and forth in the waiting room.

"Chandler!" Rachel cried when he came rushing in.

"Where is she? Is she okay?"
"She's in the delivery room," Joey told him.

"I should be with her, is anyone with her?" He didn't want her to have to go through this alone, and he hoped they would say that Phoebe was with her.

"Dan is," Rachel answered biting her nails. Chandler sighed and Dan came into the waiting room.

"Chandler!" He said coming over. "I was just coming out to see if they had heard from you. Come with me." Chandler did what he was told and found Monica screaming in intense pain.

"Oh Chandler," she said looking up at him and studying his face with relief. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and took her hand which had reached out for his.

" Hey baby," he whispered. "I promised I'd be here for this didn't I?" She grunted in pain and flung his hand out of her grip.

"You did this to me!" She screamed at him. Dan pulled him aside.

"She did this when Kayley was born too," he told him. "Nothing personal." Chandler nodded and a minute later, Monica grabbed his hand again telling him that she loved him and that she had hoped that he would get there on time. He nodded and kissed her on the head.

"You're doing great sweetheart," he told her.

"What would you know?" She screamed at him. "You've never given birth!" Dan gave Chandler an all-knowing look and shook his head.

I apologize

if I never told you what you were in my eyes

oh baby let me tell you know

everyday, looks sweeter knowing you'll be there in every way

now how can you say

that's that not enough

Chandler had rushed in about an hour ago and Rachel and Joey were still outside waiting for his return. They were drinking coffee and playing a card game, when Chandler burst into the room smiling. They glanced up expectantly and he grinned.

"Ten toes, ten fingers, bright blue eyes, and a very loud mouth," Chandler announced.

"Girl or boy?" Rachel wanted to know.

"Girl," Chandler said smiling. "Eliza Madeline Bing." They hugged him and asked if they could come back and see her and Monica and Chandler agreed, telling them that they had to be quiet because Monica had just fallen asleep. Dan stood outside the room watching as Rachel and Joey came in and gushed over Eliza. Chandler came out of the room and found Dan standing there.

"Thanks," he said. "For being there for her."

"No problem," Dan said looking in on Eliza and Monica. "Listen, take care of her, because she's special."

"I know," Chandler said before going back into to be with his new wife and daughter. Daughter. He had a daughter. He was amazed by the amount of love he felt over his new little family. Monica glanced up at him.

"Hey handsome," she said.

"Hey beautiful," he kissed her on the head and brushed away some of the hair from her face. "She's so perfect," he commented as Eliza reached up and uncurled her fist.

"I know," Monica said shaking her head. "She really is. Someone should call Phoebe and tell Kayley that she has a little sister."

"Rachel did. Her response was a 'yeah!' and 'no brother!' that was about it." Monica gave a small chuckle and gazed down at the newborn in her arms.

"Chandler, did you ever think that we would make it this far?" She asked.


"Even when I was married?"

"Well, not then, no, but when I you showed up at my door crying," he said. "I thought to myself that this was my second chance."

"You did?"

"Sure," he said.

"You were married," Monica pointed out.

"But I didn't love her. Not like I loved you." There was a pause before he asked the question he had wanted to ask forever, but had been afraid to. "Do ever wish that your marriage hadn't of ended?"

"Chandler," she looked up at him and fixed her blue eyes on his. "I don't regret being married to Dan. I loved him. I really did, and we created a beautiful little girl. But we were not meant to be together. At least not like you and I were. I love you. A part of me always has, and I always will. No matter what. Do I wish it would have worked out between Dan and I? I wish that it could have ended better, sure, but I don't think that we would have stayed together forever anyway. But we will. I know that for sure."

"Well," he said after a few minutes of silence. "That was a very good answer." She laughed and kissed Eliza's forehead.

"I try," she said shrugging.

when the world is cold

and I need a friend to hold

you give me love

you give me love baby

and when my hope is gone

and I feel I can't go on

you pick me up

you give me love

"Sweetie? Can you grab Eliza for me?" Monica asked her husband of four years. Chandler yelled back okay and grabbed his daughter and pulled her back to the birthday party. She was running around with Kayley and had gotten too close to the swimming pool for Monica's liking. He handed her to her frazzled mother who looked like she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

"Remind me one more time," she said sighing. "Whose idea it was to have the birthday party in our backyard?"

"Yours Mommy," Kayley reminded her. It was her ninth birthday.

"Right," Monica said. "Thanks baby." Chandler laughed and took Eliza back off Monica.

"Why don't me and you go help Aunt Rachel with the balloons?" Chandler asked his daughter.

"Okay," Eliza answered and they went over to where Rachel was blowing up balloons to give to the kids running around the yard. After the last guests had left and Monica, Chandler, Rachel, her husband Will, Phoebe, and Joey were sitting in the backyard laughing at old stories when Chandler remembered about a year before when he and Monica had gone through a rough spot in their marriage, he had been sure that that was it for them. He had slept on the couch for about a half a month before deciding she wasn't letting him back into the bedroom and he told her that he was leaving. She had slammed the door.

"Fine!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Leave!" He had and she had slumped to the couch in tears. The girls were sleeping over at Rachel's with Gretchen. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out and stomped on. How had they let it get this far? She couldn't even remember what the fight had originally been about, but she knew that it didn't matter so much anyway. He was gone and she was alone. She fell asleep on the couch curled into a ball. The next morning, Kayley and Eliza had come running in and jumped on her. Rachel came in behind them and saw Monica and gasped.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Monica said folding the blanket.

"Where's Chandler?" Monica shrugged. "Monica, what happened last night?" Monica shrugged again. Then tears began falling fast and furiously and she sunk back to the couch.

"I don't know, we were fighting again, and he said he couldn't take it and he would leave, and so I said fine, and told him to leave, and...." she was crying and Rachel took her into her arms. She could understand. Her and Will had had their moments when she had thought that they weren't going to get past it. But this was Monica and Chandler they were talking about. After all they had been through to be together, she didn't think that it would end like this. She rocked her friend in her arms until Monica had calmed down and told her that if she needed her, she could call. Then Rachel left and Monica pulled herself together for her daughters.

"Where's Daddy?" Eliza asked.

"He had to go out," Monica lied. She hated lying to her sweet daughter, but what was the truth? That she had no idea where her father was? Eliza nodded and ran back outside to play with Kayley. A few minutes later, as Monica was heading out to check on the girls, she heard Eliza's scream and then...

"Mommy!" Monica ran outside and found Eliza laying on the ground and Kayley crying standing next to her.

"She fell out of the tree," Kayley said crying.

"I told you how many times not to climb that tree Kayley," Monica said, but all she was thinking about was Eliza, who was thankfully still conscious. Eliza was sobbing and then quieted down and Monica was terrified for her toddler.

"Go get me the phone," Monica instructed Kayley who ran inside and came back out with phone in her hand. She handed it to Monica who dialed an ambulance and told them what had happened. After that she tried comforting both little girls wishing that Chandler was here with her.

Chandler came into the hotel room he was staying at wishing he was home with his daughters, he thought of Kayley as his own, and his wife. His cell phone began to ring and he answered, and his heart stopped beating when he heard Monica's upset voice.

"Chandler? It's Monica, we're in the emergency room. Eliza fell Chandler, and she's hurt, oh Chandler..." she trailed off.

"I'll be right there Monica," he told her. He grabbed his coat and ran out of the hotel room and to his car. He droved past the speed limit, but the speed limit didn't matter then. Only Eliza mattered, and getting to her and Monica. He ran into the waiting room and found his wife sitting in one of the chairs crying.

"Chandler!" She cried jumping up and running to his open embrace. She sobbed into his shirt and he let her as he rubbed her back and told her that everything would be okay.

"Is Eliza okay?"

"She has broken arm and their doing CAT scans on her to see if she hurt her head," Monica said holding onto Chandler. "I don't think I've ever been more scared in my entire life."

"Shush, baby, I know," he kissed her head. "Where's Kayley?"

"Rachel's." He just rocked her in his arms and told her that it would be okay.

"I'm sorry we fought," Monica finally spoke up and looked him in the eye.

"Me too," Chandler whispered.

"Come home?" He nodded and this seemed to calm her at least a little. The doctor came out and told them that Eliza was fine. She had broken an arm and she had a mild concussion, but other then that she was fine and he led them back to her room.

"Mommy," Eliza said reaching out her good arm to Monica.

"Hi baby," Monica said hugging her daughter. Chandler did the same and kissed Monica's forehead.

"See, she's fine," he said to her.

you give me everything my heart desires

morning, sun, and midnight fires

someone there to share my dream

with you I have everything

when the world is cold

and I need a friend to hold

you give me love

you give me love baby

Chandler moved to the bed and climbed in next to his wife. She sighed and rolled over and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Long day, huh?" He asked and she moaned in response.

"Remind me never to have a birthday party for either child here ever again. Why again did we invite so many kids?" Chandler laughed and kissed her forehead.

"I don't know," he said and closed his eyes and laid silent for a few minutes. "Mon?"


"Did you ever think of having another baby?" He asked in the dark.

"I just figured you were happy with Eliza," she said and he could feel her shoulders shrug. "Do you want to have another one?"

"I don't know," he said and he fell silent again. "It might be nice to have a baby around." She sat up.

"Are you serious?"

"Why not?"

"You really want another baby?"

"The first two were wonderful, let's keep the streak going," he said. "And I always thought that you wanted a big family."

"I know, but I thought you wanted a small family?"

"That's before I got one."
"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," he answered. In fact he had never been more sure of anything in his life, with the exception of asking Monica to marry him.

"I guess we could try," she said. He kissed her. "But now I want to sleep." He laughed and brushed her hair out of her eyes as she laid back down and fell back asleep. He let her rhythmic breathing lull him to sleep. Another baby. That would be wonderful. He couldn't believe he, Chandler Bing, wanted another baby, but he did. He wanted Eliza and Kayley to have another sister or brother.

"Should we tell them that we're trying to have a baby?" Chandler asked the next morning as she put the eggs on the table.

"Why get their hopes up?" Monica responded. "If for some reason I can't get pregnant again, I don't want them to be upset." He agreed and kissed her neck.

"I have off today," he said. "Why don't we drop the kids off at school and get started on trying to have that baby?"

"What an excellent idea," she said turning around and kissing him. Kayley was at the stage where that was gross and she made a face.

"Mom," she whined. "I'm trying to eat here." Monica gave a laugh and kissed her daughter's head.

"So sorry," she said as Kayley wiped the kiss away.

"I don't know what I'm going to do when she's a teenager," Monica muttered and looked over at her daughter with amusement. Eliza, however, came running in and hopped into her mother's arms.

"Morning Mommy," she said.

"At least one of you still loves me," Monica said hugging her back. A horn beeped and Kayley grabbed her lunch.

"Bye Mom, bye Eliza, bye Chandler," she yelled as she ran out the door. They waved and Monica place Eliza on the floor.

"Ready for preschool?" She asked. Eliza moaned. She had gotten into the habit of not wanting to go to school. Chandler couldn't blame her, but Monica said that was just because he had a short attention span.

"Not when it comes to you," he reminded her. "So stop your complaining." She giggled and left the room to drive Eliza to school. He waiting in the kitchen for her return and thought about their life. They had certainly had their obstacles, but they had jumped through them and were doing great now. He felt like the Chandler who kissed his best friend on the cheek and told her that he was happy for her was another person. And that was a lifetime ago. Almost ten years. Monica and Dan would have been married for a decade if they hadn't divorced. He wondered briefly what life would have been like if he had stayed with Mandy and Monica had stayed with Dan. Deciding that he didn't like that scenario, he pushed it out of his head and waited on Monica's arrival. Life had turned out perfect, well, maybe not perfect, but it had certainly turned out good. He couldn't complain. He wasn't going to. He was just going to sit there, eat his breakfast. He wasn't the man on the side anymore watching the girl of his dreams marry someone else. Chandler sighed contentedly. That was all that mattered.

and when my hope is gone

and I feel I can't go on

you pick me up

you give me love

yeah, when my world is cold

and I need a friend to hold me

you give me love

you give me love baby

and when my hope is gone

and I feel I can't go on

you pick me up

you give me love

yeah, when my world is cold

and I need a friend to hold me

you pick me up

you give me love

~* That's it! I hoped that you liked it, this chapter wasn't as good as the others, I know, but I was running out of ideas. So please tell me what you thought and review. Press the little button right there, that's it, that's all you have to do! *~