This story will have extreme adult themes in later chapters, so if your under 18 please do not read.

A Special Thank You to Emg78, because without her no one would be able to understand a thing I write. Her OCD ways fix all my lame mistakes. Also this story would never even have titles without her.

The Beginning of the Truth

I feel like a failure as a journalist, I have been working here at the Eventide Gazette for six months now and still have not been given a major assignment. My boss, Brett Warner, doesn't believe that a woman can do as good a job as a man can do in the field, so he puts us women on the fluff work at the paper. I have been writing beautiful words of love, faithfulness and devotion. Yes you assumed, correct, me, Isabella Swan, has been covering weddings. I hate weddings. All the time and money that is spent for only a few hours enjoyment seems wasteful to me. The whole wedding industry brings in millions of dollars a year only to have half of the weddings end in divorce. In my opinion couples should take half of what they are planning to spend on the wedding and put it aside for their divorce.

Take for example the wedding that I just attended. It is one of the best cases of being doomed to fail. Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley have known each other for all of four months. The groom spends his days working for his father and his nights partying and spending Daddy's money. The bride is madly in love with the idea of being in love. Mike is now being forced to marry Jessica because she is pregnant with his baby and both sets of parents are furious. Mike spent the whole time before the wedding getting drunk while Jessica talked about the house Mike's parents are giving them as a wedding gift. I wish I could write what I really saw and felt but alas I can not. I have to write what the parents want society to think of their darling children. I never realized how much I would need my creative writing class that I took in college.

After sending the copy of my article to the editor I closed down my computer and gathered my things together to leave. As I walked by my bosses office I popped my head in to let him know that I am leaving for the night. "Brett, I'm going to head out. My article on the Newton/Stanley wedding is with the editor. Is there anything that you need before I go?"

"Aw Swan. Come in I was just given a scoop and you could probably handle it. But I do have a few concerns because you would have to be gone a few weeks and it would mean traveling. Do you think you can handle that right now?"

I hate that Brett is such a chauvinist pig, but I would do anything for a real story. It was like someone was listening to me and answered my prayers. "Brett you know I have no family near by and can travel with no problem. What's the story?"

Brett pushes down his glasses and sits back in his chair. He looks at me with his lifeless gray eyes and a smirk appears on his face. "Just let me start by saying that I wouldn't normally give this assignment to a rookie, but all my major writers are on more important assignments. Also these people usually keep to themselves and never talk to journalists so I don't think there will be much involved. Anyway there is a Christian Polygamist group living in Forks, Washington. No one knows much about them, but with all the commotion that the polygamists in Utah are causing I think we may have a story. Forks is a small town on the Olympic Peninsula the population is only a little over 3200. We don't know what percentage of that are polygamist but from what we do know I think it's high. The town is about a four hour drive North West of Seattle. Like I said before you probably won't get much but do you think you can handle it? If you were able to make any new discovery it could be your big break."

I couldn't believe my luck, this is just what I have been waiting for. "I have been following what has been going on in Utah with the Mormon Polygamist and I know I can get to the bottom of what is going on in Forks. If it is anything like what is going on in Utah I will find out and expose it. So when do I leave?"

"Could you be ready to leave tomorrow morning? There is a 10:15am flight to Seattle, from there you can pick up your rental car and drive the rest of the way." Brett handed me a file that I hadn't noticed was on his desk.

I was out of my seat before he had even finished talking. "Thank you for this opportunity I swear I won't let you down."

"You better not Swan or this will be your first and last assignment. I'll e-mail you all the information you'll need. I want to be kept informed of what you find, so report back every couple of days. Now get out of my office. "

Running back to my desk I tried to think of everything that I might need over the next few months. Grabbing my notebooks and backup netbook I shoved them into my messenger bag. I think that should be all that I will need, I can always buy anything I forgot. I love my laptop but sometimes the netbook comes in handy, it is half the size and can do anything a laptop can do. Getting into my Oldsmobile Cutlass I make my way home.

I quickly ran into my apartment building and knocked on my neighbor Cora's door. Cora was a waitress at the diner down the street and I knew I could count on her to look after my apartment while I was gone. She opens the door after a few seconds and smiles. "Bella how are you doing dear, come in. What can I do for you today?"

Plopping myself down on her couch I look down at my hands. "Cora I need a favor, I'm going out of town in the morning for work. I am going to be gone for a few months, do you think you could get my mail and keep an eye on the place?"

"Of course I will, you don't even have to ask. You said you're leaving tomorrow, do you need any help packing? I don't go into work for another few hours, I'd be more then happy to help you pack."

"Oh my God thank you that would be a huge help. I have no idea what kind of cloths to bring with me. I mean what the hell does one wear in a small town while your trying to find out all the people's dirty little secrets."

Cora surprises me by laughing her ass off. " I have no idea, but I'm sure we will come up with something. Well what are we doing sitting around here lets head on over and get started."

I lead the way into my apartment while telling Cora the details of my assignment. Cora walked right into my room and headed straight to my closet pulling outfits out and placing them on the bed. We decided that it would be best if I brought a little bit of everything. After two hours and a pizza later my suitcases were packed and ready to go.

"Thank you Cora, I would have never been able to get everything done without your help. I'll call you later in the week and let you know how its going." Pulling Cora into a hug we say our goodbyes.

After spending an hour cleaning and paying all my bills, I finally have time to do a little research. I only come across one website that tells me some basic information. Christian Polygamy is a new practice that only started fifty odd years ago in the United States. They believe that by having more then one wife it allows the family to work more as a true unit. It also says that God never intended for us to live a monogamous lifestyle. I guess it is safe to say that they believe in the saying it takes a village to raise a child. It seems to me that they just took it a little further and said why not have the village all in one family. Well there is no way I can base a feature piece out of that information alone. Hopefully I will have more luck once I get there.

Climbing into bed I can't help but feel a little discouraged that there was so little information. It looks like I really will be breaking the news on Christian Polygamy. I have a really good feeling about this feature. For some reason I just know that this is going to change my life. A good night sleep is what the doctor ordered I have a long day ahead of me.

Taking a cab to the airport the next morning all I can feel are the butterflies in my stomach. Maybe getting down to work will help calm my nerves. So using my time in the air wisely I start writing notes. I write the possible different angles this story can take, then I write what I know about polygamy. Lets see I know that polygamy means a marriage where one spouse has more then one partner at the same time. The term polygamy derives from a Greek word meaning the practice of multiple marriages.

Deciding to research Mormon Polygamy because there is not much about Christian Polygamy I am sickened by what I read. They follow a very strict dress code it explains that they all dress very conservative and show almost no skin at all. They wear special undergarments that are believed to protect them from all the worlds evil. They all had long hair that was always tied back. They believe that their hair is there crowning beauty and they feel that their husband are the only ones that has a right to see it loose. They are also forbidden to wear makeup. Now I personally see nothing wrong with not wearing makeup but for it to be forbidden is ridiculous.

Some articles talk about nothing but how they force young girls to marry men twice there age and that many of them don't even meet the man until the wedding. These poor girls are given no choices in life, it seems that they are brainwashed into believing that it is God's will. It goes on to say that they live in extreme poverty and abuse the welfare system. The articles stated that the women were treated like second class citizens and most didn't even have an 8th grade education. Now as a journalist I know that I can't believe everything I read. I'm sure not all Mormon Polygamist are like this. But I will admit that many of my profession only focus on the negative and not the positive. I just hope that I will be able to find some positive aspects of this lifestyle because the way the world sees polygamy right now they don't need any more negative press.

The flight was long and the drive from Seattle to Forks seemed even longer. Reaching my hotel room I was eternally grateful to be able to relax a little and get cleaned up. After my shower I felt human again and decided that I was going to walk around town. I wanted to get a feel for the small town and the people who lived here before I start asking questions.

Forks was a beautiful town, it was lush and very green. The whole town was surrounded by woods that created a feel of privacy even when living in town. It was very quaint and had a homey feel. At night the stars shined in the sky there were no bright lights of the city to block out the brilliance. There are even a few beaches nearby that have the most beautiful scattered driftwood. The only downside that I have seen so far was that it rained aaaaaa lot.

After walking around for the past few days it was nothing like what I had expected. Everyone seemed so normal... Not one woman was wearing long dresses, and where some did have long hair it seemed to be by personal choice and was worn in many different styles. These women looked like they walked right out of a fashion magazine, not what I was expecting at all. I had hoped that I would be able to tell who was a polygamist just by looking at them. So either there were no polygamist living here or they did not follow the same dress code as Mormon Polygamist.

I took notice that a lot of the women meet at the local diner and also at Fork's Outfitters Bakery and Deli. All the people I have met in the town have been very friendly and welcoming. But the most fun has been sitting around the old men that meet every morning at Forks Coffee Shop & Family Restaurant. I always thought that women liked to gossip but these men could give any women's group a run for there money. They knew everything that went on in this small town. At first they didn't want to talk to me when I told them I was a journalist, but I guess they must have seen something in me that they thought they could trust because after two days they invited me to sit with them.

I have been meeting these men every morning for the past three days and now I am finally getting somewhere with my story. Mr Banner is my personal favorite, he is an eccentric man and likes to talk with his hands. He was the biology teacher at the high school for fifty years before he retired. This morning he finally told me that he himself is a Christian Polygamist. He has five wives and has never been happier. After he lets it out of the bag two of the other men also admit that they are polygamists.

They explain that polygamy is not about re-defining marriage. It is simply what works best for them. They all said that they have great respect for there wives and would never be dishonest with them. Mr Banner was telling me that many people see it as a way to have adultery and wife swapping, but he said that it is really a spiritual state of mind that caters to everyone's needs equally. They all told sweet and funny stories about there wives and children.

When I question them about the percentage of the town that follow Christian Polygamy I was surprised to learn that over 75% of Forks practices. But what I found most ironic was that two of the local doctors were polygamist and that they were open about it. He said no one hid the fact that they practiced polygamy because they were doing nothing wrong. I never expected such well educated men to be polygamist, I know it was small sighted of me but what can I say I bought into the media's negative image of them. I always thought that polygamists were small minded individuals that barely finished high school.

I thanked the men for once again sharing their stories with me and got up to leave. On my way out the door I was so lost in my thoughts that I failed to notice the car that was turning the corner. The next thing I knew I was laying on the cold ground and I could feel searing pain coming from my right arm. The next thing I smelled was the familiar rust scent that always made me queasy it was then that I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

I awoke to a velvet voice and a bright light shining in my eyes. "Everyone step back for a moment I think she is coming to. Miss Swan can you hear me? If you can hear me I need you to open your eyes."

The voice was so enticing that I was unable to deny it anything. So I slowly opened my eyes blinking many times from the sudden bright lights. When I was able to focus on the man in front of me my breath hitched in my lungs, standing there was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. The eyes staring into mine were remarkable, they started out as a light emerald color and darkened as they grew away from the iris. There were small flecks of blue and gold mingling with the green and they were so expressive. I found myself getting lost in his gaze, I was brought out of my musing by a light chuckle.

"Can you tell me your name and do you know where you are?" I felt my whole body flush and I knew that I was now beat red. I turned my gaze onto the rest of this man's face only to be met with the face of a Greek god. He had a strong prominent jawline and slight dimples in his cheeks, the smile that was on his face seemed to brighten up my whole day.

"Well I'm not sure exactly where I am but I suspect by all the equipment around me that I am in a hospital. And I'm Isabella Swan but you can call me Bella and I also believe that you already knew that because you called me Miss Swan earlier." Where did that came from I have never been so bold before in my life. I was usually very shy when I first meet someone, and when that someone was a handsome man it usually left me tongue tied. Once again I felt my ever present blush sweep across my face.

"I can safely say that I don't think there will be any permanent damage to you brain. It's seems that you have excellent cognitive function. Also your circulation seems to be in fine working order as well. Now Bella I am Dr. Edward Cullen, the doctor assigned to your case. Can you tell me what you remember before you passed out?"

"Let's see I was leaving the coffee shop when I started walking across the street and I guess a car was turning at the same time and it hit me. The next thing I remember is hearing your voice." I bit my lower lip, it was a nervous habit that I have had since childhood.

The doctor looked at me for a long second. If I didn't know better I swear he was trying to read my mind. There was just something about him that drew me in. "Can you tell me if anything hurts Bella. From eyewitness accounts you were not hit very hard but I need to do a complete evaluation before we can let you go. You did have a nasty gash on your arm that required 7 stitches but nothing seems to be broken and I do not believe you have a concussion. All in all I would say you were extremely lucky it could have been a lot worse. Now I am just going to examine you before I release you."

When Dr Cullen placed his hand on my wrist an electric shock went through my body. My head snapped up and I met his shocked gaze. So I think it is safe to say that he felt it to. After a brief pause he continued his examination. I was glad that he was in professional mode now, he was so focused on what he was doing that it gave me the opportunity to study him.

It was hard to explain but Dr Cullen had an old world feel to him. When he spoke it was with a warm velvet voice and the words he used had a formal sound to them. His skin was pale but not in a sickly way. The way he carried himself with such grace and poise you would expect him to be on a stage instead of a hospital room. The scrubs that graced his body fit him like a glove, it allowed me to see all his lean muscles and impressive height. Now everything about him was so well put together that it was almost comical when I looked at his hair. The bronze locks were slightly longer then how most normal professionals would wear their hair, and it looked like it had never seen a comb. It was so out of place with his neat appearance, but I had never seen anything sexier.

Once again I was caught ogling the good doctor. "Bella, you seem to be fine, I would like to keep you here for a few more hours just to be on the safe side but other then your arm you are in perfect physical condition. Why don't you try to relax for a little while and I will be back to check on you soon." As he walked out of the room I could not stop myself from checking out his ass, and I was not disappointed by the sight. He was the sexiest man that I had ever seen.

Getting out of bed I grabbed my bag to take out my netbook, if I was going to be stuck here for the next few hours I might as well get some work done. Mr Banner and his friends had given me a great start to my article that I couldn't wait to finally get started. I was interrupted a few times by nurses checking my vitals. Then another handsome older doctor checked over my chart and the work that Dr. Cullen had done on my arm.

The words were flying out onto the screen, I couldn't believe how easy I was finding it to write. I was startled when I felt the now familiar electric shock go through my body. Looking up I saw that he had gently placed his hand on my shoulder. But really I hadn't even had to look up because I knew right away that it was Dr Cullen, he was the only one that had ever had this effect on my body.

"I'm sorry if I startled you I called your name but you seemed lost in your writing. Would it be two forward of me to ask what you are writing about?" The smile that he gave me was so heart stopping that I was glad that I wasn't hooked up to a heart machine or he would of known right away the effects he was having on my body.

"No it's okay. I am working on an assignment for work. You see I'm a journalist and am doing a story about the Christian Polygamists that live in this town." I stopped when I saw his whole body stiffen. I was shocked, it couldn't be, I know they said that there were two doctors that were polygamist but this man before me could not be one of them. But by the look on his face and body language I knew that he was indeed a polygamist. Maybe he would relax when he knew that I was not out to do a negative article that would tear this charming town apart. So I decided that I needed to let him know my intentions. "I have been talking to Mr Banner and his friends and am truly fascinated by the differences between the Christian and Mormon Polygamist. They seem to have two truly different approaches to how they follow polygamy. I want to do a piece that will allow the world to see what it truly means to follow this lifestyle."

He studies me for a few moment before he finally speaks. "Bella I can tell that you suspect that I too am a polygamist and I will tell you that you are correct. Now with that said I hope that you can respect not only mine but everyone in this town's privacy and not write something that will cast us in a negative light. Normally I would never admit any of this to a reporter and neither would anyone else. It says a lot about your character that Mr Banner would open up to you. I don't know why but I can see that you honestly do want to learn the real truth about our way of life and wish you well on this endeavor."

I can't stop the blush that covers my cheeks. I realized that at this moment I was going to have to pull out all the stops if I wanted a truly accurate account of their life and what better way then to speak to this man. "Dr. Cullen I can guarantee you that this piece will be truthful and respectful. You wouldn't by any chance be willing to give me an interview. It would be amazing for my readers to hear a first hand account on what it means to be a polygamist." I think he was in shock he just looked at me like I had two heads.

I couldn't bear to see that look on his face so I hurried to correct myself for being so forward. "Look Dr. Cullen I didn't mean to put you on the spot. Please forget that I ever asked you. It's just ever since I met you my internal filter has just seemed to disappear."

Another soft chuckle escaped his lips and it was an amazing sound. "I have never known a journalist to apologize and take back a question. And I won't lie, the thought of having my story put into print for all the world to read does leave me a little apprehensive. Not because I am ashamed of who I am, but because it could have great consequences for the people around me. But for some reason I find myself trusting you. Now I would like to talk it over with my wives before I give you a final answer but I think I would like to talk with you some more."

"Thank you Dr. Cullen. If you do agree to this I can guarantee you that everything I write will be honest and respectful." I was mentally jumping up and down I was so excited. This could truly be an amazing article that I am sure will skyrocket my career. Reaching into my bag I hold out a card to the doctor. "Here is my card it has all my contact information on it. I look forward to hearing from you."

"Well I did come in here for a reason. I don't see a need to keep you here any longer so I have signed your discharge papers. Just see the nurse at the front desk on your way out to get the instructions on the care for your stitches. I am also going to write you a prescription for a mild pain killer. Your arm will be very sore and painful for the next few days, you have to take it easy. Come back to the hospital in one week to have the wound checked and the stitches removed." He turns to leave but stops at the door. "Bella I will be in-touch with you in the next few days with my decision."

After stopping at the pharmacy to fill my prescription I make my way to the diner across the street from my hotel. I haven't eaten since this morning and I am starving. I order a burger and fries to go. It has been a long day and I want nothing more than to take a hot shower and have an early night.

While I eat my dinner I can't stop thinking about Dr. Edward Cullen. I had never met anyone like him before, he just seems too perfect for words. If I were to say that his lifestyle didn't scare me I would be lying. Until I meet Dr. Cullen and Mr. Banner I expected all polygamist men to be womanizers who were hard and unfeeling. But they were nothing like that, they both were caring and compassionate men. I got the impression that they would both do anything for the ones they loved.

I started to wonder what it must be like to be one of the women that were married to these men. How did it feel to be in love with a man that did not cherish only you? How did they deal with jealousy? Did they always do things together or were they allowed alone time with there husband? How did they divide there time? There were so many questions that I needed answers too. Hopefully I would get the opportunity to ask those questions to the good doctor and his wives.

That night I fell asleep with images of the beautiful doctor in my mind. I had the most erotic dreams about what Dr. Cullen's hands could do to my body.