Rachel had watched as their fragmented group slowly drifted towards each other again. Finn had calmed down enough to be in the presence of Puck and Quinn without resorting either to physical violence or verbal abuse. Quinn, while still carving a desolate figure, was gradually awakening from the self-imposed stupor she had put herself in. While Rachel couldn't ignore the longing glances that she sent Finn (or, she thought with her heart wrenching ever so slightly, the sometimes inscrutable looks the quarterback sent his ex-girlfriend), the self-proclaimed female lead of Glee accepted what little progress there was.

As for her ex-boyfriend, he walked around with a perpetual scowl in the immediate aftermath of Babygate. Mercedes had been the first one to seek him out, apologizing for letting the cat out of the bag. One look at the carefully masked pain behind Puck's façade and Rachel soon found that Glee was really like a family of misfit toys – no matter how badly you screwed up, these people would always be ready to forgive you. These days Puck seemed to have settled back into the same groove he had before (something which Rachel considered distasteful) except this time he hovered around Quinn's periphery, not quite forcing himself on the girl yet at the same time respecting her wishes that she wanted to carry through the pregnancy herself (though Rachel could tell it pained Puck to do so).

All in all, it had brought Glee club closer and while Kurt and Mercedes still sometimes treated her as if she were a social pariah (moreso then they were and sometimes Rachel wondered why she wanted them to like her when they made a particularly cutting remark about her personality or her wardrobe), Rachel was proud to say that she could confidently call everyone in the club her friends.

Which was why she didn't see anything out of the ordinary when Matt casually greeted her at her locker before first period.

Rachel had come to find the comedic banter that Mike and Matt exchanged whenever they were within a few feet of each other extremely entertaining, and often would find herself laughing at their antics. The two boys seemed to genuinely enjoy her company and would often save her a seat beside them (of course this had initially presented a conundrum because Rachel knew that the front seat offered her the best opportunity for her views and opinions to be heard). Puck always seemed to scowl at them but when Rachel had cautiously ventured to ask him if anything was wrong, the left tackle simply brushed her off.

'Hey Rach,' Matt greeted her, a smile pulling at his lips.

'Good morning Matthew,' Rachel reciprocated the gesture, gingerly placing her notebook inside her locker.

'So, er, you know how we're all going to the fair tonight?' Matt started.

'Yes. Can I just say that I think this outing would provide an excellent opportunity for us to relax outside a formal institutional setting? While it might not inspire the miracle we need to decrease the tension evident between certain people, I nonetheless think that it's a positive step in the right direction,' Rachel rambled off. Matt blinked for a moment before answering.

'Yeah, I think so too. But I was thinking that maybe the two of us could, like, relax away from everyone else…'

Rachel furrowed her brow, processing his words and the nervous twitch of Matt's shoulders.

'Are you….are you asking me out on a date?' Her voice sounded incredulous and Rachel wanted to wince.

'Yes, I think I am,' Matt replied, sounding relieved that she had understood.

'Are you sure?' Rachel asked, textbook suspended in the air. She had heard that Matt had previously had a rather intense infatuation with Santana before her rather discrete relationship with Brittany had been revealed within their group of friends.

That was a few weeks ago.

But do you even like Matt?

Well he is well-groomed and also possesses a good sense of humour. He's kind and he doesn't mind my verbosity.

Matt gave an uneasy chuckle. 'I mean, I know I'm not a leading man or anything-'

Rachel wrinkled her nose. 'Don't be ridiculous Matthew. I would be honoured to accept your request.'

'Yeah?' He seemed surprised by her answer.

'Yes,' she said, giving him a soft smile.

'So, I guess I'll see you later then,' Matt answered with a wide grin.

Did she really make him that happy?

Rachel marveled at this for a moment. She hadn't had much experience with boys. Finn had, well, Finn had manipulated her feelings for her to his own advantage. And Puck had used her because he couldn't have Quinn.

I hope Matt isn't using me to make him forget too.

She pushed the thought to the side.

Don't do that. Just…enjoy this. Maybe Matt will inspire something within you. You'll never know until you try.

'I look forward to it,' she told him sincerely. Matt gave her a sloppy wave and Rachel giggled when he bumped into someone. He flashed her a sheepish look before disappearing into the throng of students.

When she walked towards her first class, an extra bounce in her step, she failed to notice the pair of green eyes tracing her movements.

What the fuck just happened?

a/n: This is for Bibz, because she's been ever so patient. It'll be a three or four-shot. Hopefully this will do her justice.

Now everyone KNOWS which ship I'm the captain of so DON'T FREAK. But I need "Shaft". Plus, he's kinda sweet don't you think?

I'M NAMING THE MATT/RACHEL PAIRING MATTEL! So, like, patent-pending biznitches.

I await your reviews with bated breath and anticipation.

Soundtrack for this little humble ficlet:

"Pretty Girl" by Sugarcult

"According to You" by Orianthi