OHHAI GUYS; long time no talk! Sorry for the wait: Writer's block + distractions = Not a good way to continue writing. But in the end result, I FINALLY FINISHED THE CHAPTER.
Important thing to remember, this chapter's in, the one and only, Stefan Salvatore's POV. That's right, and if you don't like it.. I can't really do anything about it. Haha. ENJOY READERS! xo
I looked up to see Stefan's glossy eyes gazing at me.
"I.. I'm sorry Stefan. I have to…" I was stuck for words. I shook my head and got up form the couch."Elena!"
Now - Stefan's P.O.V
I was so close; So close to touching those perfect lips, to the familiar aroma. The moment I looked into her eyes, my mind took me back to the time we first met at school. She was curious, and intrigued. Which now, has me thinking, maybe we can start over. It might sound crazy, but it could work. "Elena!" I called out to her again, beckoning her to come back and hear me out. But she wasn't coming back, she continued to take her quick paces away from me. To what once was a hopeful idea, is now looking like a useless one. "Elena!" I couldn't give up on this, there was something there; something alive, and true. I won't just let it slide, and act as if it didn't happen, or I didn't see anything.
"Leave me alone Stefan!" she screamed.
I was taken from behind, and held in a firm grip. "What'd you do Stefan?" Damon snarled. I shook off his grip and turned to face him. He was concerned, not for me, but for Elena. He really couldn't care less about our relationship as brothers anymore. We were so close once; best friends, and we let one girl, and jealousy come between us. It's amazing what love can do to you. It's enough to ruin a friendship, and enough to tear you apart. It did exactly that to both of us when we met Katherine. It took a while for both Damon and I to heal, and to trust each other again, but as everything is looking up again, another girl came along. I'm not blaming Elena for ruining what Damon and I used to be, our friendship should've been strong enough to break through the love of another woman.
"Stefan!" Damon yelled, waking me from my thinking.
"I didn't do anything." And I didn't, it was just a sudden realisation, rather than an act. Damon narrowed his eyes at me, "So what just happened Stefan? Why did she just storm away from you? Why were you calling after her? Do you mind explaining?" In defeat, I folded my arms across my chest and sighed, "What you did to Elena, hurt me too. I miss her so much-""Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah… get on with it." Damon retorted. He did this every time I'd try to have a deep conversation with him, and every time the anger would begin to brew inside of me. Which is why most times, I don't even bother with trying."Think about it Damon. I'm still in love with her."
I shrugged my shoulders and turned, as the look on his face changed blankly. Damon grabbed me by my shirt, and pushed me onto the ground. "You kissed her."
I narrowed my eyebrows, and glanced up at the ceiling, spiritless. "I shouldn't of left it up to you to take the first guess. No Damon, my lips never touched hers." It was a selfish first guess, kind of protective too. And it was surprising, never have I seen Damon care so much about something: about someone. Sure, that would've been anyone's first guess, but was it normal that Damon cared so much? Before we both met Elena, he had turned off all emotion, all feeling and all that was left was a monster. Damon had no consideration nor time to feel anything, it was all turned off. And with his humanity turned off, what was left was just instinct. He believed he was a monster, with the destiny to.. Well, do what monsters do; kill people.
Damon's jaw clenched, with his eyes darting down at me. I got off the floor, slowly walking towards him. 'If looks could kill' I thought to myself, looking into his rage filled eyes. I mean, the look in his eyes, it was almost savage looking. He looked me up and down; maybe he was planning my death? Not that I have anything to live for these days. I looked up at the top of the stairs, to meet Elena's anxious stare."You stay here." Damon muttered under his breath to me. Elena ran off out of site; my guess is back to Damon's room, and Damon followed.
Aimlessly, I began to walk around the room. There's not much to do anymore, now that Elena barely knows who I am anymore; self harm sounds good right about now. It's something to do. I shook my head, escaping me sadistic mind. I slid my hands into my pockets, and headed to the door. 'There has to be something to distract me out here.' The fresh air hit my face like a ton of bricks, it was overwhelming. It was like looking into my own mind: The clouds covered the sun, there were faint raindrops falling from the sky, and everything had a dull tint to it. That was exactly like it was in my head. Elena's the sun: So bright and so warm. She's gentle and caring and without her, I don't know what I would be. Damon's the clouds: He's keeping me from Elena, he's stopping me from seeing her incredible smile. And I'm the poor, lifeless, dull sad town that is laid out before them. Without Elena, I feel as if I shouldn't exist. And what's a plant without sun? Me without Elena? A dead plant, a sad and sorry me. That's how I feel… dead.
'C'mon Stefan. You came out here for a distraction, so.. Get distracted!' I kept telling myself. I think I'm going insane. But no matter how many times I told myself to get distracted, it became more and more impossible. But I was desperate for one.
"Stefan," someone said from behind me.
It was Caroline, which kind of worried me, what was she doing here?"Wow, I haven't seen you in a while. I mean, after Elena's death." She whispered. Wait, what?
"Elena's death?""Oh come on Stefan, I know you miss her. But it's time to move on, she's dead." Even if she was dead, Caroline was being a little shallow. I scratched the back of my head, and thought 'Who would pronounce Elena dead? They wouldn't of found her corpse in the fire, and she wasn't even classed as a missing person to begin with.'
"But she's not dead." I said. She reached for her wallet out from her pocket, "I knew this would happen. So I came prepared." She took out a card and handed it to me. It was a business card for a psychologist, 'Dr Benton.' Wow, she think's I'm a mental patient. "He helped my cousin after she had her boyfriend pass away. And she's as good as new.-" Caroline looked up into the window on the second storey, "Oh, My god. Is that Elena?" I turned around and looked to were she pointed. Yep, it was Elena.
"What? I don't see anything. Where?" I lied.
"In the top window! You were right Stefan! How'd you know?"
My muscles tensed. I have to think of something, "Caroline there's nothing there." I gave her back her card, "Here, you see Dr Breton. You need to more than me, let me walk you to your car.."
She kept looking around, searching for an excuse. At this stage she actually looked crazy, "I'm not crazy! She's in the top window!" She looked up to the window again, but Elena was no where to be seen, "She's.. gone."
"C'mon Caroline." I placed my hand on her shoulder and started walking her to her car. She walked slowly, not sure on what was going on. "It's okay, you're okay. Just drive home, and call the doctor."
"Thank you Stefan, " she murmured as she got in her car, then drove away.
If only she knew the true story. Her hopes to send me to a doctor made me smile, it probably might have helped though, I am clearly, going insane. Currently, I think of myself as a mental patient, who has lost their medication; my medication being Elena. My daily dose is quickly decreasing, and the site of her only puts a bandaid on my wounds, but when she's gone, it's as if the bandaid has been ripped off, leaving a stinging feeling to try and get over. Well, I guess I have news to tell the other two.
So much for a distraction. As soon as I get one, the conversation's about the very person I wanted to be distracted from. "Damon," I called, knowing he could hear me.
"What," I heard a dead voice from behind me.
"Can you tell Elena that they've pronounced her dead?"
Damon's shoulders relaxed, and the curiosity began to brew inside of him, "Um. Could you?"
"Am I hearing right? You want me to be in the same room as Elena?"
"Just go" He said, between his teeth, and disappeared. I wonder what happened: before he was practically telling me to keep away from her, and now he's allowing me to see her? Something must be up. I made my way up the stairs, and into Damon's room, too see Elena laying on the bed and staring blankly at the ceiling.
"Don't bother telling me. I heard you." She said, before I could begin, "but what I don't understand, is how they could pronounce me dead, without having a dead body to prove they're right. This town is beginning to become lazy." she sighed, sitting up from the bed. Elena shook her head, before shifting to the end of the bed.
"I'm sure they would've sent a search party out for you.."
"Of course, but why give up! For what I've seen in the television, they don't give up a missing person's case: it could go on for months! Think about the boy, in Australia Daniel Morcombe , the case never died! It's nice to know That Mystic Falls is gonna give up that easily…" Her baffled stare met mine, instantly changing the conversation.
"No Stefan, get out!"
I closed my eyes, and walked further into the room, "You need to hear this Elena." I pleaded. She sighed in defeat, and laid back in the bed, getting comfy. It's like everything was going my way now for this half of the day: first Damon lets me see Elena after days of no communication, and now Elena's actually cooperating with me and is willing to hear what I have to say.
"I know, the past few days haven't been the best; you're emotional, you're not 100 percent sure on what you're capable off. And you don't remember much of you life as a human. I'm trying to help you, one step at a time: You said you wanted to know who you loved in your past life, and you now know. Which, is easier for me," by now I was sitting at the end of her bed, "And maybe you and Damon are meant to be. I've seen the way you act around each other, the way he makes you smile, the way he reassures you, but I can't help but to be filled with all this jealousy, all this hate, knowing that you were mine…" I paused, and looked back up at her.
Elena was actually listening to me, which was a relief. She sat there, captivated in my words, interested where I was going with this: her posture had even changed, in showing interest. The silence surrounded us, leaving only curious looks being exchanged throughout the room. I swallowed hard, and continued, "Every night, I face the same dream; of losing you. And with every day that passes, the dream becomes more, and more prone to happening, and I don't want it to. And I die a little bit more inside, every moment I see you with him, I need to hear you say you love me, you're all that's worth living for-"
"Stop. That's too much. There's only so much I can take." she slowly shifted from the other end of the bed, and sat closer to me, "I'm imagining the way we felt for each other was strong, and unbreakable. But whatever happened then, can't happen now. What's done is done, and I can't change that. Whatever feelings you have for me, will eventually weaken, and you'll be able to move on, with your life, and you'll find somebody you'll want to spend eternity with-"
"How can I move on with my life, when you are my life." I interrupted, looking into her flawless eyes. My jaw tensed; the look in my eyes must've been upsetting, I could feel it. I felt as if I was going to cry, but I had to fight back the tears. I had to be strong, "and I want to spend eternity with you."
She got off the bed and headed for the door, "You're going to leave again?" I sighed, resting my head in my hands. The door closed, making a quiet thump.
Elena put her hands on her hips, "No. I'm going to sit here and listen."
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