A/N: Hey! Sorry it has taken SOOO long for me to post this chapter. Really, really, really sorry. It's just that I've been feeling really lazy these days. But here it is and I hope you like it! Enjoy!

Getting Ready

Well this sucks. I thought to myself sadly as I looked out the foggy car windows. It had taken me a LONG time, two hours, actually, to get ready and pretty myself up. And now I had to drive myself to the high school with Orihime. Why did this suck? Well, I was sort of hoping for the precious moment when my prom date would ring the doorbell and say, "Wow…you look great!" when I opened the door in my beautiful prom dress. But since me and Ichigo technically lived under the same roof, that fantasy wouldn't work out. What we had decided to do was for me to get ready at Orihime's place while he got ready at his house. Then we would just meet up at the high school. Yah, LAME. But when you're a soul reaper that fights gruesome monsters practically every day, then I guess your luck doesn't get any better. So here's how my day went, up until driving to the school.

At Orihime's room…

"Is all this really necessary?" I asked Orihime questioningly. She had made me take a shower and wash my hair, she had put my hair up in curlers, and now she was drying my hair with a blow dryer.

"Yes, you clearly don't understand." She replied, rolling her eyes.

"But I haven't even put on my dress yet! And the makeup! You know how long the makeup's gonna take! We only have 2 hours to go. Plus, you haven't gotten yourself ready yet either!" I reasoned to her frantically.

"Relax, Rukia. I can finish you and me up in less than two hours. Plus, we can't disappoint Ichigo, now can we?" She teased.

"Hmph, whatever." I said. After seven more minutes, Orihime had finished drying my hair and was taking all the curlers out. When she finished, I looked in the mirror and my mouth opened up wide.

"How does it look?" Orihime asked me, her eyes filled with pride at the good job she had done on my simple, plain, black hair.

"It's gorgeous, Orihime!" I had perfect curls around my whole head that fell like majestic midnight waterfalls. "I absolutely love it. Thanks."I got up and hugged her.

"No problem." She smiled at me. "Now c'mon and let's do your makeup." We walked out of the bathroom and Orihime sat me down in front of her mirror.

"K, where should I start…?" Orihime questioned herself and studied my face. She grabbed some foundation, rubbed it into my face, grabbed some matching skin tone powder, and brushed it across my whole face with swift movements.

"Pfft!" I closed my eyes and tried to swat away the powder.

"Hold still, Rukia." Orihime ordered me as she finished powdering my face.

"Okay, now let's do…your eyes." Orihime grabbed black eyeliner and put it on the top and bottom of my eyes. Then she grabbed a violet eye shadow and smoothed it over my eyelid.

"K, now mascara." she grabbed some black mascara from the scattered makeup pile on her bed and applied it softly on my delicate eyelashes.

"Okay, done with your eyes. They look gorgeous." She said with a proud smile. "Now let's do your lips and cheeks." I waited patiently as she searched for some lipstick and blush.

"Here we go." She came back over and said, "Open up." I opened my mouth into an "o" and she pressed on a pinkish reddish lipstick that sparkled in the light. Then she grabbed the rose colored blush and rotated the brush on my cheeks.

"Kay! Makeup all done!" She stepped to the side and I looked in the mirror.

"Wow, Orihime. You're a natural. It's beautiful!" I complimented her while turning my head at different angles.

"I know, I'm awesome. Now put the dress on, and fast, we have an hour left and I still need to get ready. Now go!." She snatched the dress from her bed and threw it at me. I caught it and rushed into her bathroom. I stripped out of Orihime's pink robe she had let me borrow, pulled down the back zipper of the dress, and pulled the dress over my head. I zipped the back up again and turned around to look in the mirror.

"Pretty as ever!" I said excitedly as I stared at myself, twirling around and posing.

"Hurry up, Rukia!" Orihime shouted from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Coming!" I took at quick glanced at myself, smiled, and stepped out.

"Well…?" I asked her and twirled around once.

"Okay, this dress is the "perfect" dress ever!" She grinned and hopped up and down excitedly.

"I know, right? It's all thanks to you." I smiled at her and walked over to hug her.

"Aw, no problem. It was no big deal." She said and hugged me back.

"Kay, now you finish up and let's go to this prom!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Sure, I'll be done in a flash!" She said and zoomed into the bathroom.

Back in the car…

So basically that's all we did for like three hours. Hair, makeup, dressing, finishing touches, and all that other getting ready for prom junk stuff we do these days. So now Orihime was driving her car at top speed to get to the high school while I sat shotgun clutching my seat belt.

"Slow down, Orihime! You're gonna kill us!" I screamed at her. She was going 80 miles an hour. Of course I was gonna scream at her!

"I won't kill you, Rukia. Then Ichigo wouldn't have a prom date. And I definitely don't want all my work on you to go to waste." She replied.

"Well why do you have to 80 miles an hour!? We're gonna get arrested!" I asked her frantically.

"Because we're already an hour late!" she retorted. "Just chill and relax, Rukia." I pressed myself against the seat while Orihime zoomed down three more streets and turned sharply into our school parking lot.

"Yes! We're here! C'mon!" Orihime jerked her car door open and ran towards the school, holding her dress up so she wouldn't trip. I opened my door and quickly paced towards the doors of the high school.

This is it… I thought. I was finally going to my very first prom, and with Ichigo to. I halted at the doors, took a deep breath, and entered.

A/N: Well that's all! I hoped it wasn't too boring for you to read the whole getting ready part, but chapter 7 will be ten thousand times better. Hope you continue reading and please review! Bye!