A/N: I would just like to say I DO NOT OWN BLEACH! Just getting that straight. Lol. Enjoy! :)


I walked into school and the first things I saw were fliers. Fliers on the lockers, on the walls, and stuck onto drinking fountains.

"What the heck is going on?"

Orihime ran up to me pulling Tatsuki along by the arm.

"It's prom night, Ichigo! I and Tatsuki are the managers. It's going to be great! Our theme is undersea paradise. Like?" Orihime said in wonder.

"Um, yah totally. Great."

"You better get a date, Ichigo. Prom's tonight and all the girls are flying by!"

"Er, yah okay. Talk to ya later. I'm going to be late to class otherwise, and I cannot afford another detention."

"Um…okay Ichigo. Bye then." Orihime said a bit sadly.

I walked to my locker. I hate this prom stuff. To me it's just a whole bunch of stupid junk. I got to my locker, got my stuff, and went to class. I stepped through the door just when the bell rang.

"Late again, Kurosaki."

"But- I'm in the classroom!"

"I think the rule was you had to be IN your seat to count as not tardy."


"Sit down and shut your mouth, Kurosaki, or I'll double your detention to 2 hours after school."

I shut my mouth and sat down.

"Late again, huh Strawberry?"

"Oh shuttup, Midget." I whispered back at Rukia.

"Did you get beaten up by a Hollow?"

"I said, shuttup."

"No, make me."

"I will!"

"Kurosaki! Kuchiki! What are you two yelling at? I'm in the middle of teaching. One hour detention after school to you to, Kuchiki."


"Haha." I laughed at her.

"You, Mr. Kurosaki, get TWO hours."

"Haha! Who's laughing now?"

"Shuttup." I said angrily.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUTTUP!" Yelled the teacher.

Aw man…only twenty minutes of class have gone by…it seems like hours…

"Hey, Strawberry."

"Rukia, shuttup! We're going to get an even longer detention if you keep on rambling."
" It's a hollow, Ichigo!"

"What? Great! How are we going to-?"

"Ow! Ichigo! Why'd you do that?"


"What's going on now, Mr. Kurosaki and Ms. Kuchiki!"

"Ichigo just punched me!" Rukia yelled.


"Ichigo! You know better! Take Ms. Kuchiki right now to the nurse!"

"But, I didn't-"I stammered.
"Let's go!"

Rukia grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door and took me outside and we started running.

"Why'd you get me in trouble? I didn't hurt you. And I wouldn't ever." I quietly muttered the last part.

"Well, we needed an excuse to go kill that hollow."

"So your excuse is that I punched a girl? I spent years maintaining my reputation and you just ruined it!"

"Stop complaining Strawberry. Plus you wouldn't even be able to lay a punch on me." Rukia said smirking.

"Oh really?" I said smirking to.

"Hmph. Try me." Rukia said as she sped up ahead of me. I followed with a grin.

A/N: I hoped you liked the first chapter! There is two more to come. When they fight the hollow and prom night! So I hope you read those. And please, please, please review! K, Thanks! :D 3 IchiRuki!