At that moment, a soft glow surrounded them, joining and intertwining their minds together. They were thinking as one and they became one both mentally and physically as their bodies joined together.

They woke up the next day, still intertwined together.

Oh my Rose, my dear beautiful Rose. We are finally together, as one, as man and wife. Together, in OUR Tardis – thought the Doctor

Yes, my love. We are finally together. – answered Rose.

Are you awake my love? – asked the Doctor. Rose stirred slightly, slowly waking up. – Open your eyes my love – said the Doctor

No, I don't want to wake up from this dream. Its too beautiful, I don't want it to disappear again. NO.

The Doctor chuckled slightly

Rose my love, this is not a dream. We are together now and forever. You and I are married as you would say on Earth. We are husband and wife.

Well, then my Doctor you will have the wrath of my mother upon you, that we got married without her here!

The Doctor suddenly became very pale. The though of angry Jackie turned his stomach upside down.

Well then, its just means that we will have to get married again on Earth, that is all.

Its better be a traditional wedding, I don't really want my mum to you naked.

That got the Doctor laughing.

Don't worry Rose, it will be a beautiful traditional fully clothed earth wedding.

Good, good because only I get to see you naked and no one else.

Yes my love, only you.


What is it Rose?

WE ARE MARRIED!!! – at which point she opened her eyes, only to have the Doctor eyes meet hers with a playful glint looking back lovingly at her.

Yes my love, we are married. Finally we are together, as one. Now and forever you are my wife and I am your husband. You have made me the happiest man in this universe, now and forever. I will love you and cherish you, every bit og you. Because you are everything to me Rose. Everything.

As you are to me – replied Rose