Here it is, the last chapter. I've enjoyed writing this story. I hope you enjot this last chapter. I own ntoing, but Kimaria, the rest is owned by Disney. I hope you enjoy.

Mauaji = Murder

Last Time:

"I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!" Scar cries, striking Sarabi across the face and sending her sliding across the ground. Without a second thought, I run out of the cave over to Sarabi just as a large flash of lighting echoes overhead followed by a growl. I glance up and freeze; my heart pounding in my chest, there is no mistaking it: Simba's a live!

"Mufasa…no you're dead!" Scar whispers, shrinking back into the shadows.

The young, strong golden lion bounds down from a cliff; his eyes fixed on Scar. After a moment, he turns and begins to walk over me and Sarabi. His brown eyes grow wide as he stares at me. Taking a step forward, he looks between me and his mother before his eyes settle on me. He blinks, confusion etched onto his face before he looks back to his mother. He walks over to her and nudges her gently. Sarabi moans and blinks turning her head toward the young lion.

"Mufasa," she whispers, uncertainly.

The young lion shakes his head. "No, it's me."

"Simba?" Her eyes shift over to me and grow wide. "Kimaria…you're both alive…how?"

Simba glances over at me and then back at his mother. "It…it doesn't matter. We're home."

Simba nuzzles his mother as I wrap one arm over Simba and the other around Sarabi. I breathe in deeply, allowing his scent to fill my lungs. My fingers dig into his mane as a low purr vibrates through him; Simba…my little brother who I thought had died. How has Simba bring brought back to us? Yet, none of that matters now. Quietly, I whisper a small prayer to the gods and the Great Kings of the past. Off to the right, I hear Scar muttering under his breath before he clears his throat. I glance up as Simba looks over at his uncle.

"Simba?...Simba…Kimaria well I'm little surprised to see you, alive," Scar says, shooting an accusing glance at three hyenas.

I push away from Sarabi and stand up as Simba starts to advance on his uncle. Simba sinks low against the ground, his voice layered with a growl. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't rip you apart?"

I walk over and place hand on his back; his fur and body tense, but he doesn't look at me. Above us, the three hyenas gulp and back away without looking at us. Scar blinks and looks me and Simba as he continues to back up against the wall. His eyes plead with us, but his words are directed at Simba.

"Now…Simba…you must understand the pressures of ruling a kingdom-"

"Are no longer yours," Simba says, his voice deepening in authority. "Step down, Scar."

Scar nods, smiling lightly. "Oh I would…" he pauses and points upward to a army og hyenas parched on the ledge, "However, there is a small little problem, they think I'm king."

I gulp, but Simba rubs against me in encouragement. Again, I place my hand upon his back while my other one crosses my stomach protectively. Scar shifts his eyes to me; his eyes searching my face for a moment. A flash of sorrow and confusion fill his eyes, but it vanishes as quickly as it had come. I shake my head; now wasn't the time to be stuck in the past.

Scar smiles, again looking between me and his nephew. "And think of it this way, I'm saving you two from having to choose. After all, which one of you would rule? Why not let everyone think of me as the king?"

"You're not," Nala says behind us. "Simba is the rightful…" Her voice trails off as I turn around as Taariq helps Sarabi to her feet. "Kimaria…but Zira said you died."

My eyebrows shoot up as I glance back over at the cave. I have not seen Zira at all, where is she? Behind me, I hear a low growl from Scar. After a moment, Nala clears her throat. "Simba and Kimaria are the rightful heirs."

Nala stands in the center and stares at the three of us. I scan the group of lionesses; my heart sinking as I see that three are missing. I had not known all of them, but it still hurt. Behind me, I hear the hyenas begin to chuckle before Simba growls and looks back at his uncle.

"The choice is yours Scar either step down or fight us," Simba says.

Scar slinks low to the ground and moves around us; his fur rubbing against my leg as he passes. Simba and I turn around to face him and the pride. All the other lionesses gasp as they stare at me. On instinct, I place my hand over my stomach and watch as Scar walks over to the lionesses before turning back to us.

"Does this all have to end with violence? I know I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member, don't you agree Simba?" Scar asks, his eyes narrowing on Simba.

My stomach knots as I glance down at my hand. Jamal's blood still stained onto my fingers. I press my lips together and look away from the pride as Simba stiffens beside me. For a moment, Scar shifts his gaze over to me; his eyes narrowing as he stares at me. The scar across his eye seems to mock me before he turns away from me. Beside me, I feel Simba take a step forward as he shakes his head.

"That's not gonna work Scar, I put it behind me," Simba says.

Scar nods, but looks back over at the lionesses. "Yes, but what about your faithful subjects, have they?"

My eyebrows furrow, but Nala beats me in asking, "Simba, what is he talking about?"

Scar smiles as he walks back over and begin to circle us. "Ah…so you haven't told your little secret. Well Simba why don't you tell them? Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death."

I narrow my eyes at him. What had happened to the little Taka I had loved as a child? How can he put Simba through this when Simba didn't even know who did it? Simba takes another step forward and looks directly at the pride. For a moment, I glance over at him but he ignores me as he surveys the pride again.

"Well who killed Mufasa?" Scar asks looking at Simba.

Taking a deep breath, Simba says, "I did."

A small gasp erupts from the pride; shock etched onto each face with wide eyes. I blink twice as his words sink in. Yet, they don't make any sense? II sink down beside him and place my hand against his mane; my fingers digging gently into it, but he won't look at me. After a moment, Sarabi breaks away from the group and walks over to us. Simba tries to shrink away, but I tug at him gently. Sarabi looks between us for a moment; her eyes searching for some truth or trace of a lie. His lower lip quivers as her eyes settle on her son.

"It's not true. Simba…tell me it's not true," she begs in a whisper.

Simba closes his and looks down at the ground. "It's true."

"You see he admits it, Murder!" Scar says as lighting flashes behind him; his green eyes flashing as looks at Simba and I.

I gulp, but stand up facing him. Scar walks over and begins to circle us again despite Simba's despite pleas of innocence.

"If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead, do you deny it?" Scar asks.

Simba watches his uncle cautiously. "No."

"Than your guilty!" Scar declares.

"No!" I cry as I take a step in front of him.

Scar smiles and shakes his head. "You can't protect him anymore, wa kike."

He shoves past; his eyes now glued onto Simba. A low growl rumbles in my throat as I take a step forward, but several hyenas circle me; their fierce yellow eyes scanning my body. Once more, my hand began to slide over my stomach, but I force my hand to stay down. No can know that I carry a child. I shiver as a cold wind blows around me as dark clouds hang overhead. Shaking my head, I look over as Scar advances on Simba with a group of hyenas following behind them. I couldn't hear Scar's words, but Simba's body quivers in fear as he backs up toward the ledge of Pride Rock, until he slips down almost over the edge.

"Simba!" Nala and I cry out together.

Lighting flashes and sets the dry grass below catches fire. The smoke rising has a hellish orange glow as Simba roars in pain. I cringe at the sound as an image of my old family; their screams merging with Simba's. Tears rim my eyes, but I suck them back down, now isn't the time to think about that. I try to get past the hyenas, but they keep me back. Near the edge of Pride Rock, Scar slinks down and whispers something into Simba's ear. With a great feat of strength, Simba jumps back up and lands on top of Scar.

"No, Simba, please," Scar begs.

"Tell them the truth," Simba commands in a low growl.

Silence falls across the pride as all pairs of eyes turn toward the two lions. My heart starts pounding against my chest. No…Scar couldn't have told him about what our past together? What had he said? Nothing made any sense as I strain to hear Scar's reply. Simba raises his paw off of Scar's throat and whispers something else. I strain to hear it, but I still can't hear the exchange between them.

After a moment, Scar clears his throat and says, "I killed Mufasa!"

I feel my body go numb while the lionesses and hyenas push past me and attack each other. Claws, teeth, and screams of pain surround me as I try to move in between them, to stop the fighting. No…now is not the time to stop it. Bloodshed is inevitable and I shiver as I hear Jamal's cry of pain. I'm not innocent anymore and I need to take control. Hyenas pounce on the lionesses as growls and roars echo around me. My back hits the ground as sharp claws rip into my skin; a low chuckle from the hyena meets my ear. I cry out as I try to twist away, but his claws rip through my hair as I scream harder. A loud smack and a high pitched fighting call causes the hyena to release me. Craning my neck up, I see Rafiki before he jumps down and starts to fight off a group of hyenas on his own. I scramble back toward the cave just as a small market runs inside being chased by another hyena. I stumble inside as Zazu cries out to be set free.

"Let me out, let me out!" he cries.

"Let me in! Let me in!" the market shouts at the same time as he slides inside the cage. "Please don't eat me."

The hyena laughs at the plea. Zazu glances over at me and starts to say something, but another voice cuts him off. Spinning around, I see a large red warthog. The hyena looks over at us, confusion etched onto his face. Slowly, I inch closer toward Zazu, ignoring all the banter between the hyena and warthog.

Zazu looks up at me and whispers, "Are you okay?"

I open my mouth, but again I'm out off by the warthog as he gives a battle cry and runs towards us. His large tusks cut the cage of bones open before he turns and asks the hyenas. Chaos surrounds us as the bones of the cage snap and break while the hyena screams in pain. I wince as I back up against the wave; blood running down my shoulder, staining my blouse. Beside me, I feel Zazu flap his wings before he settles himself on my other shoulder. High pitched yelps echo around the cave as the hyena runs out of the cave. The market and the warthog cheer as we follow the hyena outside. Emerging from the cave, I spot Scar off to the right, trying to run away. A sudden roar of vengeance echoes from the right as Simba starts to run after him. For a moment, he pauses and looks over at me; his eyes wide as he stares at the blood.

"Kimaria?" he asks.

"Simba, we-"

"I know," he says, lowering himself onto the ground. "We have to go."

Carefully, I swing my leg over his back and sit upon him; my fingers gripping his mane with all my strength. Without another word, he bounds forward to follow Scar. I feel his body sway beneath me as he quickens his pace. My stomach twists as I try to keep myself on his back as he climbs the rocky edge. Ahead of us, I see flames of fire surrounding the back; the small dried grass burning into ash. I gasp and lower myself as Simba jumps through the flames; the heat and blaze licking at my bare skin and hair as we pass through it. Landing on the other side, I force myself to slide off Simba's back, but my hand holds it on to steady myself. Simba glances over at me concern flickering through his eyes, but I nod and he turns his attention back on his uncle. His eyes narrow as he takes a few steps forward.

"Mauaji," he whispers.

"Simba…Simba…Kimaria…I beg you please have mercy, I beg you," Scar pleads, looking between me and Simba. His eyes linger on me for a moment longer, but I lower my eyes. I can't see him as the small cub I had once. He was a monster now and after thing he had done….I shake my head as Simba answers. "You don't deserve to live."

"But…I'm family," Scar says, looking directly at me. "It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault, it was their idea."

"Why should I believe you, everything you ever told me was a lie," Simba says softly.

Scar's eyes grow wide and his voice begins to tremble in fear. "What…what are you gonna do?...Yu wouldn't kill your own uncle."

Simba sighs and glances over at me. I bite my lip and glance over at Scar. For a moment, I see the little cub cowering in fear as he waits for his sentence of life of death. My heart skips a beat as his eyes lock with mine; those large green eyes begging for life. Shaking my head, I glance back over at Simba and then back at Scar.

"Run…run away, Scar," I say, my voice quivering with uncertainty.

"And never return," Simba finishes.

Scar's face twists into frown or fear and then into a small smile. He slinks low to the ground and moves between us. Simba and I turn and watch him pause at a pile of hot embers. Looking down at them, he says, "Of course, your majesty!"

He smacks his paw through the embers, tossing them at Simba. Instantly, Simba backs up shakes his head at the hot embers. I glare at Scar, but he pays no attention to me; his eyes fixed on Simba. The dark lion jumps and pins Simba to the ground by the neck. Simba cries out in pain, but shoves his uncle off and starts to jump. Yet, his eyesight might be a little off cause he jumps toward me. Something shoves me in my side hard and I collapse onto the ground; a roar of pain echoing in around me before I slip into darkness.

Something wet hits my face as I struggle back into consciousness. More rain drops hit my face as I open my eyes. The sky has darkened even more as the rain quickens its pace. Low hisses surround me as smoke rises up from the dead fire. I blink twice and look around and spot Simba looking down over the cliff. I gulp as I feel Jamal's blood washing off my own hands. After a moment, he turns back and walks over to me silently. I open my mouth, but he just shakes his head. My heart sinks down into my stomach as I blink back tears. I can't cry for that monster….he wasn't the little cub. Again, my heart skips a beat as I lay my hand over my stomach and sigh in relief. Together, Simba and I walk back down and meet the pride.

Zazu flies down and bows respectfully at us as we pass. All the other lionesses watch us as we step down onto the main ground below Pride Rock. All of them circle around us, except for Zira who stands off alone, shielding two little cubs from the rain. For a moment, I glance over toward the horizon. Smoke fills the air as the rain tries to wash it away. Dried grass and dried up rivers starch beyond my sight, but there is no time to think about it. Off to the right, I see Simba nuzzling Nala lovingly. A tiny smile forms at the corners of my lips as Sarabi comes up to me. I kneel down and wrap my arms around her as she nuzzles my neck.

"Oh my daughter…I love you," she whispers.

I pull away and look into her eyes. "I love you, mom."

Sarabi licks my face as Simba comes over to us. I smile and wrap my arms around him and breathe in his warm, wet scent; my fingers digging into his fur. A single jingle of a gourd breaks us apart as we turn. Rafiki stands at the back base of Pride Rock and points his staff up to the top. I feel my breath catch in my throat as Scar's words echo in my mind. Who is gonna take the place to rule? Simba and I look at each other and slowly I begin to curtsy to him, but he shakes his head. I glance up at him, our eyes locking for a moment. In the back of my mind, I feel the lionesses watching us, but I ignore them. Biting my lip, I stand up and turn with my brother toward Pride Rock as we begin to climb.

When we meet Rafiki, he arches his back and bows to us. Sumba pulls him into a hug as I slide my hand into my pocket. The silver necklace seems to shine in the rain as it lies in my palm. Slowly, Rafiki pulls it up as I pull my hair back. The pendant slides into place inches above my breasts; its cool metal feels warm against my skin as I let my hair back down. Turning back to Rafiki, he places his hands on both of our shoulders and smiles at us.
"It is time," he says.

Slowly, Simba and I glance at each other and then begin to walk up Pride Rock. My heart skips a beat as we continue to climb, side by side. At the ledge, I pause and clutch my necklace in my hand. How can we do this? I'm not a lion or lionesses. For a moment, I look at the sky as a patch of clouds part to reveal to a patch of stars.

Closing my ears, I hear my parents and Mufasa's voice merging into one saying, "Remember."

I open them and lower my hand from my necklace and take a step back down the edge. Simba looks at me, confusion etched onto his face. Yet, I smile and nod at him. For a moment, he hesitant, but then takes a deep breath and roars over the pride lands, taking his rightful place as king. On his second roar, I cry out with him in a pure lioness roar of being the second queen beside Nala. Below the pride joins us as they roar with acceptance of the ruling. As their roars fill my ears, I smile, feeling my child inside of me. I had come so far and have survived so much being a daughter to my tribe…my family…and my pride, I was the daughter of a pride.

Well there is is, the final chapter and end to my story. To answer the question you're all dying to know was that Kim basically became like an extreme trustful adviser with being the "second queen" and is still royal, but is not a full queen. Sorry I just couldn't bring myself to do Simba and Kim being the King and queen because of the speices thing and then I coudn't take Simba's moment away from him either, so please don't be mad at me.

What did you think of the ending? And did Kim grow at all during the story? But don't get side there is one squeal I have an idea for, if you want another story with these characters. I hope you guys all enjoyed. And please review and I LOVE ALL my reviews. You guys are AWESOME!