A year had passed to the day since Professor X had died at the hand of his most beloved pupil Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde realized as she slowly traced the engraved words on the monument constructed in his honor with a tentative finger. A flame still flickered at the base of the stone. Its undying light representing the ideals that lived on long after the death of the man who first imagined them. Kitty owed so much to the man who had dedicated his life to making the world into a place where she and those like her could be accepted. His dream had not yet been realized, but because of the sanctuary he had left behind, Kitty truly believed that one day it would be. However, the young woman was woefully ignorant to the evil that existed outside the walls of Xavier's institute. From the cover of trees, a man observed the small girls private moment of grief, and he was not so naïve to the world. Revenge burned in his heart as his plan slowly fell into place.
I don't know if anyone else thinks a Shadowcat/Deadpool fic could be amazing, but I do. Please review and let me know if I should continue.