This is different to my other story (which I'm currently developing!) and it's going to a lot shorter, but I hope you like it!

The Princess Diaries doesn't belong to me

It was a beautiful August morning that Clarisse Bonnell (formerly Her Majesty Clarisse Renaldi, Queen of Genovia) opened her eyes to, two weeks after the 'almost wedding' (although there had been a wedding), and a week after her granddaughter had become the new Queen of Genovia. She lay there, blissfully happy she didn't have a schedule to keep, and recalled the events that led up to this moment... it had all happened so fast- Mia returning to complete her training and succeeding Clarisse as Queen, the challenge from Viscount Mabrey and his ceaseless attempts to sabotage Mia's future, Joseph....

It had been a chaotic, trying and somewhat distressing time, but it had all turned out well- especially for her and Joseph... she smiled over at her husband of two weeks sleeping beside her, still unable to believe it.

After many years of devoted friendship (which had developed into something very special- love), Joseph had proposed to her in the garden where they walked daily, and while she had wanted to say yes immediately, and with all her heart, she couldn't, not while Mia's future was so precarious.

The sight of his face when she tried to explain it to him, several nights before the wedding, still haunted her, even though she knew he had forgiven her.

"As if there was anything to forgive," he said gently when, as they sat together on the couch after dinner the previous evening, she had tried to apologize again. "I didn't even give you the chance to explain anything, although, deep down, I knew why you made that decision- you did the right thing."

"Still...." she still felt guilty, but Joseph frowned at her.

"Clarisse, if you try to apologize again, I'm going to have to kiss you... in fact...." she leaned over and pulled her into his arms. "I think I might just do that anyway!".....

"Daydreaming, are we?" she heard him say, and she turned to see him sitting up against his pillows, smiling down at her, and she smiled shyly in response- it was still a little strange (in a good way) to be married to him, to be together all the time and to wake up next to him, but they had been together a long time, and it was what she had always wanted... It would take a little getting used to, but there was one thing she was certain about- every time she looked at Joseph, her knees turned to jelly... she was crazy about him, and that wasn't going to change... she just wanted everything to be perfect....

"Well, madam?" he broke into her thoughts again, and she realised she hadn't answered his question.

"Well...." she began, fluffing up her pillows and sitting up beside him. "I was just thinking how lucky I am that you married me, despite what had happened before the wedding.... and how wonderfully new it is to wake up beside you every day," she added softly.

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing," he mused with a smile. "But it did happen, and I'm with you always...." he caressed her cheek gently before leaning over and kissing her tenderly. "And I really love that part!"

He still couldn't believe they were married, and he could sense she was struggling with the same thought, but he knew she was happier than ever- they just needed time to get used to each other.

"So, what's the plan for today?" he asked as they both climbed out of bed and threw on their respective robes.

"Whatever we want!" Clarisse said with a gleeful smile- apart from Joseph, doing nothing was one of the best things about retirement, and she loved knowing her life wasn't scheduled and regimented to the nanosecond. "Personally, I don't mind what we do," she said teasingly before they collided in the doorway to the bathroom.

"After you," Clarisse said quickly, stepping back.

"No, ladies first," Joseph argued hastily, also stepping back as well.

There was an awkward pause as they looked at each other- it had happened several times over the past two weeks, and Clarisse was beginning to despair that they would never be comfortable together as a married couple, and she loved living with him.

After a moment, seeing that Joseph wasn't going to move, Clarisse hurried into the bathroom, but she was still pondering the problem when he came back out.

"Do you think we're ever going to be comfortable together?" she asked in a subdued voice and Joseph didn't hesitate to embrace her- despite the awkwardness, they were very close emotionally and physically.

"Of course we will," he said confidently, feeling just that. "We're just going through a slightly awkward stage as two independent people in the process of merging two lives into one. "Don't forget, I've never been married and have lived a bachelor life, and you've been on your own for a long time...."

"Longer than some people may suspect."

"So it will be a little challenging... but," he added, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "YOU don't need to be perfect around me, or make sure everything is perfect. I fell in love with Clarisse, a person, not a robot, and I love all of you, imperfections and all," he teased and she had to smile at that.

"You're all I want, so why don't you both just relax? Everything is going to be fine, baby."

Clarisse blushed at his words, realizing he was right- she had been trying too hard!

"So," Joseph changed the subject, leading her out by the hand to their waiting breakfast in the living room. "What is the first thing we should do today?"

"Visit Mia" they said together, laughing- it was becoming somewhat of a tradition, but Clarisse liked knowing Mia was alright.


Mia was working in her (formerly Clarisse's ) study, but she looked up with a smile when Charlotte informed her Clarisse and Joe were on their way in. Mia had had no idea about the secret relationship between her grandmother and Joseph until Clarisse had told her, but she had watched them closely after that, at the reception, and she saw plenty that demonstrated they were in love...

Like Clarisse shyly stealing glances at Joseph during the reception; or Joseph looking at her as though she was a precious jewel; or the way she blushed as they talked, her hand resting on her knee; or the way Joseph had held her close when they had their first dance, or kissed her hand when he thought no one was looking... they really were in love....

Despite the fact that their relationship had been, according to Charlotte, 'the worst kept secret in Genovia', Mia had found the shy glances and obvious attempts to keep things private (although their obvious happiness put paid to that) sweet and endearing- their relationship obviously meant more to them than anything else- and she was ecstatic for them. She had never seen Clarisse so open, her reserved guard down than she had that day, but she hoped that it would continue...It obvious was, as they usually showed up sometime in the morning, just to see her....

"Good morning newlyweds," she said with a smile as they settled in chairs opposite her. "Grandma, doesn't it feel weird not to be sitting where I am?"

"At first it was," Clarisse laughed. "But, darling, I'm more than happy for you to be in that seat."

She was very proud of Mia- now that she was crowned, and Nicholas was her boyfriend, she was over her insecurities and fears, and was rapidly gaining confidence and experience- she really was meant to be Queen.

"So how's life in the lap of luxury?" she teased Joseph, who only laughed.

"Who needs luxury? I've been living amongst it for years... this is so old," he pretended to look blasé, while smiling affectionately at Clarisse, and Mia wished she had the courage to ask them about their relationship. Clarisse, seeing her wistful expression, realized this and vowed to tell her about their relationship in the not to distant future- she wanted an even closer relationship with her granddaughter, and this would help.

"Is there anything I can help with?" she inquired with a smile- although all the time in the world in her hands was appealing, she also felt she needed to offer her assistance.

"No way, Grandma, you're retired! You just enjoy life with your husband, and I'll ask for help when I need it!"

At Mia's words, Clarisse froze slightly... husband? She hadn't heard it said in that way before, although she had heard it many times over the past two weeks... of course he was her husband, she knew that, but to hear him described as that was wonderful and that it was true... dreams really did come true... She really was married to Joseph Bonnell... they really were a couple!