Just something that popped into mind. I was furious when Kakashi put down Sakura's skills, she's not my favorite kunoichi but she doesn't deserve to be put down by a man who never taught her anything anyway

She was grinding her teeth as she ran towards her goal. How dare he? How DARE he? Hadn't she trained just as hard, for just as long as Naruto? Wasn't she an acknowledged prodigy in her field? And when was the last time he had really seen her in action? How often had he just patted her head and ignored her? How often was she pushed behind one of them and later told that it was for her own protection. Ha! Protection, where were they in those three years? Where were they when she went on her first solo mission? Where were they? Who was Kakashi to judge her skills when he never really saw her? He wasn't her teacher, never mind that she addressed him as such. The only thing he ever taught her was that it was possible to use charka to walk on trees.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to throw a tantrum and make them acknowledge her, make them realize that she was their equal, that she didn't need them to protect her, that she was strong damn it! She wasn't the idiot fangirl she used to be and she was so tired, so tired of them continually putting her down, ignoring her.

She knew that it had been wrong of her to try to manipulate Naruto by pretending to confess love to him but she was so sick of feeling guilty that Naruto was still chasing after the traitor, furious that He was still out there- taunting them and mocking their team, wanting to destroy Naruto's dream. She hated him for that. She may not love Naruto in the romantic sense, but even as a delusional genin she had never wanted to destroy his dream and she wasn't going to let anyone else destroy that dream. She hated Him for helping to hurt Tsunade, the woman who was more of a mother to her than her real one ever was. She hated Him for being another continual reminder of how weak she used to be, how weak she refused to let herself be anymore. She hated Him for being stupid enough to listen to Madara.

This was the only thing that could be done. Even if Madara died, He would not stop so she had to stop Him.

Naruto would not forgive her, or Shikamaru perhaps, but if it meant that Konoha would survive and Naruto would be Hokage she could live with that.

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