~ Prelogue ~
My life has always been simple. Easy you could say. I have never had to ask twice for something or even fight for anything that caught my attention. All I have ever had to do is ask for it. And bam. It was mine.
For this I was called a spoiled rich jerk by jealous classmates and even family. However the reason why I always got what I want is simply because I was an only child. My mom had some sort of diffaculty when in labor with me and it caused her to never be able to bare children again.
Which was fine with me. I didn't like to share and I sure as heck didn't want some drueling snot nosed little sibling.
"Edward." I hear my mothers voice. I roll my eyes. What did she want now? I was busy with this new composition I was working on and she knew I didn't like to be bothered. "Edward." She calls again.
Ugh. I pause my finger's on the keys as I call out"Yes mother?" I try to sound polite however I sound irritated.
"Will you come here. Me and you're father have something to discuss with you."
I can feel my forehead scrunch together in confusion. Her voice sounded almost nervou and excited. I place the cover over my keys and stand up from my bench. What ever they were about to tell me must've been important if it coudln't wait until I was finished.
I go walking through the halls of our huge house. My dad was a Cardiologist. Which is just a fancy word for Heart Surgin and my mom is a very popular home designer. Which meant we were rich. Actually we were loaded. I finally found them in my dad's study, both sitting in the love seat. They both look up as I walk in. My dad's bleach blonde hair made me question how I was his son but then I look to my moms bronze locks and know that I got my wild bronze locks from her. And my green/blue eyes from my father and my facial strucure. I was thankful that both my parents were good looking. Because of that I am also handsome.
"Yes?" I say as I sit in the chair opposite from them.
The look at eachother before looking back at me. I raise my eyebrow in question.
"Son, you know how I've been thinking of moving into another hospital?" I nod hesitantly. I already knew I didn't like where this was going.
"Well I've found a hospital whose in desperate need of a good Doctor. There low in staff and there's alot of injured and sick. Theres also a case there that I'm very intrigued with. So.. what I'm saying is..." He drifts off as he looks to my mom, who nods with a smile in encouragement. "Were moving."
I stare at them in confusion as I try to absorb what he just told me. Moving?
"But what about school? What about my music?" I'm quick to point out. Surely there wasn't anywhere better than New York to study music.
They look to eacchother before looking at me with a smile. Oh no. "Actually they have a very nice Private school. Which has a very wonderful Music program. I've talked with you're teachers and they all agreed that the music program is just as good there as it is here." I frown.
Well there goes that excuse.
"But what about my friends and the house and... moms job!" Now I just sounded desperate and panicked. To be honest I didn't really hve friends. And if I did I knew I wouldn't care a bit about leaving them.
"Well you can make new friends and we're selling the house. We've already bought one down there. And you're mother has recieved a very good job offer as an interior designer so she will be fine." I couldn't help but notice how they never told me specifically where we were moving to.
"Where exactly are we moving?" I ask curiously.
My mom bites her lip as my father answered. "Washington."
Oh. Well I suppose Washington wasn't that bad. It could be worse. "Oh. What part of Wasshington?" I ask.
"Its name is Forks. Forks, Washington."
I stare at him in question. What kind of town is called Forks? Next thing you know were going to be moving to a place called spoons or spatula.
I sigh. There wasn't a point in fighting no matter how much I didn't really want to move, I t wasn't exactly a big bother for me. 'When are we moving?"