Disclaimer: Richard O'Brien owns all, I own very little, I just play with them a little bit.
She didn't know what she was doing there.
This place was not what she wanted. Nothing made sense. It was too bright. It smelled funny. The odd vehicles that everyone drove emitted noxious gases that filled her nostrils and burned her eyes.
Not that she ever went outside, not even in the yard. It just wasn't safe, and, besides, she didn't want to see any of the landscape that reminded her of how far from home she was.
He had promised – once – that their stay would be a short one. To learn from a different environment, to understand this society. Science, it was all for science. Or it had been, once.
Laughing a bit, she rolled over to her side. Had he really had such noble intentions? Honestly, did she believe it?
No. Of course not.
But…she had wanted to come. And not for the improvement of her own world, for purely selfish reasons. "Selfish," she muttered. "Silly girl. It's your own fault. You knew what would happen."
She had known, when they'd left, that there was a great chance they would never return. But she had wanted so much to believe the prince when he'd promised. Because she had wanted the anonymity of another world, a place to escape to when her own – even as it was – was so critical of what she wanted.
Back before they had left, she and her brother had discussed what they might do after their shift with the prince was over. He had even mentioned, perhaps, they could stay on Earth while the prince went back home. After all, no one knew them here, and they could start a new life away from suspicious glances. She had readily agreed that it was a possibility, not suspecting that Earth would be such complete hell.
It was too hard. With every passing year that she was away from Transylvania, she felt herself growing stranger, more disconnected. She didn't know what was happening in her homeland, and she didn't know what was happening to herself. The distance between the two frightened her. More than once she had seriously considered sneaking into the control room – but her fear of the repercussions outweighed her desire to contact her friends. The prince always seemed to know when they had done something wrong, broken one of his rules.
"He doesn't know all," she smirked, confident that her biggest secret was still kept. Then her smiled clouded over as she remembered how close she had come to letting it out just a short while before.
She thought she should really clean up a bit. He could arrive at any minute – work was over for the day. Even in the midst of her depression, she worried that the sight of her as she was right then would hurt him. He had so much to worry about already; she didn't want to worsen it.
Slowly, she stretched her arms and legs, wincing at the soreness in her lower half. Damn him. She hated him. She curled into a vaguely upright position, kneeling on the black sheets. She was so tired, she just wanted to sleep. Emptiness threatened to envelop her.
No, she couldn't do that, couldn't let that happen. No matter what, no matter how she hated the prince and the empty feeling he left her with, she wouldn't succumb to it. She wouldn't leave her brother all alone.
It was getting worse. Today she had almost broken. He had pushed into her before she was ready, but the pain, as always, was overcome by false pleasure. "And damn him for that, too!" she spoke aloud. It was wrong to feel pleasure with the prince, who she loathed so. But she couldn't help it – the man knew what he was doing. She had come so close this time to screaming her brother's name, even opened her mouth to utter the first syllable –
"R –"
and then quickly closed it, jammed a hand on top of her lips, eyes wide and terrified as she climaxed, horrified at herself for losing control. The prince had never even noticed, leaving as soon as he had finished. The darkness had crept over her as she lay stricken on the bed, and she couldn't bring herself to move, not even to cover herself with the dress that was crumpled on the floor.
"I must go back," she whispered, over and over again. "I must go back, I must go back." She was losing herself here; she wasn't the same happy girl she'd been when they'd first arrived.
There was a soft knock on the door, and it opened before she had a chance to hide her current appearance. She didn't care anymore. She heard him curse and repeated the word, chuckling softly. Then the door shut and locked, footsteps, and finally, finally, he was beside her, wrapping her in his arms. She sighed, uncurled, and let the tears fall.
He said nothing, keeping her tightly embraced, stroking her smooth arm and gently kissing her wild mane of red hair. When her sobs finally died out, he tilted her chin up so her eyes could meet his. "'Genta."
She breathed out in ecstasy, reveling in the sound of his voice as it wrapped around his pet name for her. "Riff."
"This is not forever, my most beautiful sister. Very soon, we will be home."
She wanted to believe him, knew it would make him happy if she did. "I know." She couldn't believe it, not really. Such an empty promise, so full of a hope that could not come to fruition.
His hand reached up to caress her cheek. "I know you don't believe me. I understand. But this time it is true." He leaned closer to her, a smile beginning to form on his lips. "I have a plan."
Yes. Of course he had a plan, he always did. By now she understood that his "plans" were make-believe. They were something comforting for him to say when she felt so upset. A kind word for his little sister, very much like their special signal – full of good intentions, lacking in anything concrete. Sometimes she just wanted to reach up and shake him, force him to admit that there was no plan. Why would there be? The prince liked him – Riff was never attacked in the middle of the night. He didn't have to mop and wash and serve like a common slave. He was the prince's Laboratory Assistant, because he was intelligent and had earned top grades at his university, where as she, Magenta, had not been able to finish grammar school. But she wasn't stupid. She understood that they were going to stay on Earth for a very long time. She just wished he would admit it.
But she smiled and kissed him, like she knew he wanted. Tonight she would let herself be pacified by his words and by the touch of his hands and arms as they raised them together. Tonight she would succumb to his sensual kisses. They would join in a blissful passion between the sheets, and she would forget all of her problems and all her bad memories of the prince. That was how it always worked.
Tomorrow would be the same as ever.
A/N: This is actually the very first Rocky Horror story I'd ever written, more than two years ago. I'm reexamining it. There's at least one more chapter, maybe two. Please review and let me know what you think!