If you notice any errors, I'm sorry but I'm too lazy to read through this again ;)

Sam's POV

I ran down the sidewalk, looking desperately for a sewer. Thankfully I found one soon. I ran over to it and slid underneath.

It was dank and smelly. I could hear the scuttling of rats around me and crumpled soda cans, candy wrappers, and water bottles littered the ground around me. Looking back, it was disgusting. But right then I didn't care about the jank smell. I only cared about Freddie.

I raced down the tunnel and it got darker. The little drip-drip noises started to irritate me. I shouted "Freddie! Freddie!" but, of course, no reply came…for awhile.

I shouted his name many times until I heard a soft "Sam!" A new hope came over me and I yelled his name again, louder.

"Sam!" his voice yelled back, "Sam, down here!" I saw another tunnel going right, where his voice was echoing from. I wasn't even afraid; I just started running.

I saw a faint yellow light coming from the end. I picked up my pace so I could arrive at it sooner. It got closer and closer until I felt the ground beneath me slip away.

I plummeted down to hard rock. It hurt horribly, the impact. I knew there'd be a bruise next time I checked. But I didn't matter. Freddie was all that mattered. So I just clenched my teeth and looked up.

"Holy flab." I whispered.

Before me was a throne made of skulls and fire danced around it. Sitting on the throne was a man with gray skin and fire for hair. He had a malicious smile on his face as he looked down at me.

"Ah, Samantha." he said, "So glad you could join us." I wanted to punch this guy's lights out so badly.

"Who're you?" I demanded. He chuckled.

"Why, my name is one you've most likely heard before." he said, "Don't you pay attention in History class?" Duh, no, dude! I did remember some stuff though. I racked my brains for something, anything. A name soon popped into my head and I stiffened.

"Hades…" I said, "God of the Underworld."

"Good girl!" he said, "Congrats! Just for that, I'll let you watch the show before you die." Die? Show? I felt myself get angry and scared at the same time as I stared at "Hades'" face.

"What show?" I commanded.

"Your little pal, Freddie Benson, is quite attached to you, I hear." Hades said. My eyes widened and my pulse quickened.

"What've you done?" I shouted, "What've you done to him!"

"Nothing…yet." Suddenly Freddie appeared out of thin air. He fell to the ground and I ran over to him. His skin was pale and terror was in his brown eyes. He stared at me with horror written on his face.

"Sam…" he murmured, "Sam…I love you…" He said with such finality it was like he knew he was to die. The words pierced my heart and an uncomfortable lump dropped into my throat. I opened my mouth to speak but I just ended up crying.

"Awwww…" Hades said, "Beautiful. Too bad he can't love you for long." A white mist lifted from Freddie's body. It took a human shape and I saw Freddie's face on the head. Hades hand was outstretched to grab it…he was taking Freddie's soul.

"No!" I said, falling to the ground, "No! Freddie, I love you!" Hades let out a scream and I saw Freddie's soul blow away from him. I remembered immediately what Melanie had said. The Soulless (I guess that meant Hades) fed on sadness and anger. Me saying I loved Freddie made him weak. That gave me an idea.

"I love Freddie!" I shouted, standing, "I unconditionally and irrevocably am in love with Freddie Benson!" Hades let out a yell that shook the whole place. There was a huge blast of light, and Hades was gone. His black robes laid on the ground where he had once stood. The white mist hovered over Freddie's body a second, and then fell into him. I grabbed his hand and clutched it in both my hands. His eyes fluttered open.

"Sam…?" he mumbled.

"Yes?" I whispered, afraid to be loud.

"You quoted Bella Swan…" he said. A smile spread across his face. I grinned too. A few tears fell down my face to see him alright.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you, too." he said. I leaned over and kissed him. When I pulled away a huge tornado was flying toward me. It spun feebly, then stopped. A glowing image appeared from it…Melanie.

"Congrats, Sam." she said, "You earned your good side back. May I?" She extended her hand and I gladly took it. A flash of white light came again and Melanie moved into me. I felt a wind rush against my face. Soon, it was gone.

Freddie struggled to stand. I grabbed his hand and hoisted him up. He grinned.

"We'll have to explain this to Carly." he said.

"Yeah." I said, "Come on, let's get out of here."

"Uh-huh…I love you."

"I know."

Over! It feels good to finally finish a story! Should I write an epilogue?