
Darkness. The unnatural chill that filled the abandoned hospital encouraged me to grip my weapon tighter. I made my way cautiously; the monsters were sure to have inhabited this place as well. Though I was only armed with a rusting steel pipe I found sticking out of a broken down car, I was ready for anything. Yet…I could not shake the feeling that I wasn't ready enough. Why was I here? Why was I looking for her? She's been dead for three years. There would be no logical explanation for her being here, waiting for me. But then again…Was there any logical explanation for the monsters? The constant fog? No, I told myself, If they're here, she's here.

I turned into the second floor corridor, listening closely for the radio's static. It was far too dark to see anything past the miniscule beam of light from the flashlight in my chest pocket. I tried so hard to make my footsteps inaudible. Then, fear gripped me. Loud static emitted from the radio. I tensed myself, preparing for the fight. Up ahead I saw what I thought was human at first. But the radio was telling me otherwise. As she grew closer and shrieked I knew for certain this nurse was not here to take my temperature. She was petite, probably about five-foot-two, and wore a filthy, slightly revealing uniform. Her head was bound in piles of gauze, also bloodstained and dirt-smeared. But what concerned me most was the three foot steel pipe in her gloved hand, similar to mine. I raised said weapon in a defensive stance; the way this new monster walked did not tell me if she knew where I was or was heading straight for me. It could be called a stumble, this erratic, spastic walk of hers. She jerked violently at times and it seemed she could not keep her swollen head upright. She stopped and pointed at me, releasing another shrill scream. To my horror, more appeared from the darkness, surrounding me. They were identical to the last bandage, all jerking and twitching their way toward me. Then suddenly, one struck out. I dodged just barely. These nurses were fast. I swung my pipe at the closest one, catching her in the head. She crumpled to the floor. I thought she would not rise again but I have been wrong before. She seemed to be convulsing in a sort of seizure before hoisting herself up on her pipe. I was cornered by now, completely surrounded by the Bubblehead Nurses. I took a chance and swung with all my strength. A few fell and, remembering the other monsters, I kicked them in the head. Those on the ground stayed there and moved no more. Finally there was an opening. Instead of sticking around to finish the rest of them I ran. I ran to the end of the hallway, almost crashing into the elevator. The nurses were not far behind; I had to move. I pushed the call button several times, as if my incessant pushing would make it come faster. The doors slid open and I got inside. The nurses stumbled closer, causing the radio static to spike. I pressed the door close button. To my relief it worked and all that was left of the threat was the sound of their pipes smacking harmlessly into the closed doors. I paused a moment to catch my breath. I was safe for now.