A/N: Well heres Chapter 2, sorry it took longer than I expected to write it. Can't say much right now, I'm about to eat dinner. But here's Sprucefrost and Meadowkit, ah I love Meadowkit, and I hope you all do to! Thanks for so many reviews last chapter, keep em' coming please! I'll try to update tomorrow, but we'll see how many reviews I get...hehe.




Heat radiated from the sky with an intense power. The ground beneath Sprucefrost's rough pads was scorching hot to the touch, certainly hotter than it had ever been before.

Her slightly curved green eyes drifted back to a small fluffy body traveling a fox-length behind her. It was a kit, with a pelt as gray as a goose, and with eyes even brighter than Sprucefrost's.

"Meadowkit do you want me to carry you?" she asked delicately to her tiny daughter, who was lifting each paw as she walked towards her mother.

The kit looked up, "No I'm okay, I can do it by myself."

Sprucefrost felt a pang of remorse at her daughters comment, she was growing up fast. Faster than she both expected and wanted. It had been five-moons since she kitted in WindClan camp, and six-moons since the deadly battle of the Zodiacs.

When she was younger, Sprucefrost thought the Zodiacs were put on this land to help the clans and to bring serenity to the forest. But she was dead wrong.

The only thing they brought was death and destruction, the battle almost killed Sprucefrost. And Meadowkit, she added silently as her tiny gray daughter began to walk normally across the earth.

In fact the earth didn't even seem as dry and barren as before, it was now cooler and beginning to sprout grass. Meadowkit did always have a way of healing the land, once when she was younger Sprucefrost's daughter was playing with a cricket.

One of the warriors accidentally stepped on it, and Meadowkit had been whimpering the whole night. But then the next morning when she tried to play with it, the Cricket burst to life and hopped off.

"She has a power..." Sprucefrost muttered under her breath, which was what she feared since the very moment she became pregnant. The Zodiacs powers brought destruction and death, this was the last thing they needed, another cat with powers.

"Sprucefrost!" the brown she-cat looked up from her daydreaming, to see Meadowkit staring at her peculiarly.

"What my little honeysuckle?" she tried to sound joyful.

Instead of answering, Meadowkit simply extended a tiny fluffy paw forward.

"Look at the lake" she mewed loudly, "Somethings wrong with it, I think its angry!".

Lifting her very confused gaze, Sprucefrost's eyes widened in distress as the sight before her truly set in. The once calm, quiet lake was now crashing all around, sending drops flying at the two cats.

"I've never seen it like this before" Sprucefrost moved forward to stand on a mound.

Meadowkit climbed up behind her mother, her tiny paws struggling to catch in the earth. The two stood there for a short moment, staring in a mixture of shock and awe at the might waters crashing onto the shore.

"Maybe its sick" Meadowkit suggested, turning her head to the side. "I could try helping it like I did with that cricket, do you think that would work?" she lifted her small fluffy head to look Sprucefrost in the eye.

"No!" the WindClan cat turned with anger in her gaze, "First of all you never go near the lake or water without my permission, second its not safe to use your gift Meadowkit. I've told you this before, it will only bring bad things to us."

Memories of Bluecloud's dead body came rushing back to her like a mud slide, her charred body burnt of the blue-gray fur that once sparkled in the moonlight.

That all happened because she had a power, Sprucefrost un-sheathed her claws instinctively, I won't let the same happen to Meadowkit. Not my daughter.

Suddenly realizing she scolded her daughter for all the wrong reasons, Sprucefrost bent down to apologize. But instead she was met with a very disgruntled look from the gray kitten.

"I'm not you" she mewed strongly, "If I have something that will help the forest, then I'm going to use it. And I don't care if you let me or not".

And that was the last of the conversation, as Meadowkit lifted her head independently and began walking back towards WindClan camp. Sprucefrost sighed,

"She's definitely Cloudedmoon's daughter alright."

The kits father had been appointed deputy the following moon immediately after Thistlestar died of Green-Cough. Sunstrike had been made Sunstar only days later, and she had chosen him as her deputy.

"Wait for me" she called after the small kit, who had already climbed over a mound larger than herself. Just then a scent drifted through, a fishy scent, mixed in with the scents of the lake and river.

"RiverClan" Sprucefrost curled her lip, where was Meadowkit?!

But the queen had little reason to worry, just as she spotted a RiverClan patrol scouting alongside the lake.

"Sprucefrost!" Meadowkit came bounding down to her mother as the cats approached, a curious look in her green eyes.

"Stay behind me" she ordered her daughter, "This may be trouble."

The clan of the water approached slowly but calmly, the leader Silverstar in the lead. Sprucefrost noticed Otterpool amongst the large group of cats, it appeared as if the whole clan was here.

"What are you doing on WindClan territory" she called out, trying to sound strong and intimidating in case they planned on attacking.

Silverstar stepped forward slowly, "We don't mean you any harm" her voice held truth in it, "We'd like to speak to Sunstar if that's alright."

Sprucefrost exchanged a glance with the strong RiverClan leader, "She's back at camp, I can get her if you'd just wait here."

"No need" a voice sounded behind the two WindClan cats, as the tortoiseshell leader of WindClan stepped forward. "Why are you on my land Silverstar?" the eldest leader of the clans demanded sharply, "Have you forgotten the boundaries we set up?".

Silverstar lowered her head submissively, "No I have not, but that is the reason I've come to you today" she exchanged a glance with the rest of her clan.

"Well..." Sunstar hissed impatiently, "I'm waiting."

After a moment of waiting, Silverstar lifted her head to speak to the leader of the moor.

"Two nights ago our clan was attacked by a group of foxes" she began sadly, "We've tried to fight them off since then, but they refused to leave our camp."

The WindClan queen noticed Sunstar nodding without any sign of emotion on her face, "I'm sorry for that, but I don't know what you expect WindClan to do for you. Surely you don't think I'll be giving you any of our territory."

The RiverClan leader lowered her head glumly, "Please Sunstar, we have kits and queens that need food. We have nowhere else to go."

"No!" the tortoiseshell leader cut her off mid-sentence, "RiverClan didn't even lift a paw to help my clan when we needed it. And I'm certainly not going to lift one now."

The anger in her amber eyes burning like a raging inferno, Sprucefrost was even a bit frightened by her leader at this moment.

"I suggest you try ShadowClan next" the leader growled, "And if I catch you on my territory again Silverstar, I won't hesitate to attack."

Without even pausing, Sunstar began to walk away back towards her camp, flicking her tail for Sprucefrost and Meadowkit to follow.

"I've told you not to take her out of camp" the leader, Sprucefrost's grandmother growled. "Kit's belong in the safety of the clan, You need to realize that."

The she-cat didn't hesitate to pick Meadowkit up by her scruff, before walking back to camp without Sprucefrost.

"I'm sorry" she meowed quietly, but not to Sunstar.

No, that wasn't who she was apologizing to, it was Otterpool. The gray she-cat was looking at her previous best friend as RiverClan turned away, hurt in her bright blue eyes.

After seeing the hurt and pain in her fellow Zodiac, Sprucefrost could only wonder one thing.

Why were the ones to survive the battle? We're only going to suffer from the aftermath...

A warm evening breeze drifted through the nursery walls, as Meadowkit lay in a patch of moss. Her soft pelt finally felt cool as the sun began to set beneath the horizon, she couldn't stand this heat much longer.

That's not the only thing I can't stand. Meadowkit eyed her mother angrily from the opposite side of the nursery, she had no right to tell Meadowkit what to do!

Why won't she let me use this gift? Whatever it is...

It boggled the kits mind, she could save lives if she wanted to. But Sprucefrost just wanted to keep her locked up as a kit her whole life, she didn't want Meadowkit to grow up.

"Oh no!" a squeak made the kit prick her ears, as whimpering soon sounded from outside the nursery.

Noticing Goldgrass, Lionsun and Sprucefrost were all asleep, she ventured outside to see what happened. There, Weaselkit and Stripedkit sat in front of a dead dove, a hurt expression in their tiny eyes.

The kits were only four-moons old, and the sons of Lionsun and the deceased Ferretleap. Meadowkit had never met the kits father, he had died before even she was born, in the battle of the Zodiacs.

"What happened?" she asked Weaselkit who was beginning to wail loudly over the dove.

"Stripedkit killed it!" he spat at his smaller brother, who was poking at the bird curiously.

"Hey" the striped brown and white tom turned on his siblings, "It wasn't my fault, I thought it was dead! Who was I to know I'm strong enough to kill it? I guess I don't know my own strength".

Weaslekit glared with his yellow eyes, "Murderer!" he hissed angrily.

Meadowkit sighed as she stepped towards the pure white dove, "Calm down, fighting over it isn't going to help anything. Its dead."

Stripedkit rolled his eyes, "Well we know that already, why don't we eat it or bring it to Sunstar as a present?".

A gasp of horror came from Weaslekit, "Are you heartless, you have no soul!".

The two brothers soon began to argue for a long while, until Meadowkit bent down to examine the dove. Images of the cricket bouncing back to life soon came to her, she did all that just with a touch of her paw.

Sprucefrost isn't watching, she reminded herself, and it would stop Weaselkit and Stripedkit from fighting.

"Here goes nothing" she outstretched her right paw, slowly pressing it onto the doves pure white feathers. They were as soft as a cloud, but still nothing happened when her dark gray pad made contact with the birds body.

"What are you doing?" Stripedkit padded forward to look at the dove, just as a bright white light began to illuminate the small hollow they were in.

The light blinded all three kits for a short moment, and then all at once it died away, fading back into the twilight that surrounded WindClan camp.

"Holy StarClan" Stripedkit gasped in awe as the flapping of wings sounded directly in front of them, and the dove flew into the indigo sky.

"You healed it!" Weaselkit cheered, rushing into Meadowkit and nuzzling her in thanks.

She easily batted the tom off of her, and felt a feeling of joy as she watched the dove fly away into the sky.

See, my power can save lives. Sprucefrost didn't know what she was talking about, and she certainly had no impact on Meadowkit. But something did impact the kit, why did she have a power?

Could it be that Meadowkit was a Zodiac just like her mother?

"If so" she spoke quiet enough for the other kits to not hear her, "Then I'm going to be a better Zodiac than her, I'm going to use this power to help my clan."