A/N: This is not for yaoi fans!

A Confession

It is plain to see

the reason that you are such a bastard to me.

You and I were meant to be.

Through your "ladies-man" exterior, I can see.

It is just a masquerade to hide your sexuality.

You think to yourself 'Why is God out to curse me?

If only he was a she

Love me? He couldn't possibly.

He probably loves his childhood friend Winry.'

Our age difference, that is the key.

I am fifteen and you are thirty.

Our love goes against society.

You are old enough to be my daddy.

I want to run my hands through your ebony

hair whenever you call me "shorty".

I'm not really livid. I only pretend to be.

This confession may seem O.O.C.

But Roy Mustang

damn, you're sexy!