I woke up before 7 am and I noticed that Carly was already up. I found it rather odd because usually, when I wake up and get ready for work, Carly would still be sleeping soundlessly. She had literally become a sleepyhead and I couldn't blame her for that. She needed to rest well.

I stood up and grabbed my towel when I heard Carly throwing up from the bathroom. I immediately ran towards her and knocked violently on the door.

"Carls. Are you alright?" I turned the knob and when I found out that it was open, I came inside. I saw Carly sitting on the floor, looking pale and sick. I sat beside her and ran my hands on her back while she was doing her thing.

She flushed the toilet and rested her head on my shoulder.

"That was icky." She muttered.

"Are you okay now? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked.

Carly removed her head from my shoulder and looked at me strangely as if I had said something unacceptable.


"It's perfectly normal Freddie. There's nothing wrong with me." She stated as a matter of factly.

"Well, just in case." I replied and stood up before grabbing her hand to help her stand. "Come on. Let's get you something to eat."


I was doing the dishes after we had breakfast and I noticed that Carly was still sitting in her spot, watching me.

"So…" I paused, "You'd rather watch me do the dishes than some interesting TV program…"

"Yeah. You look cute doing the dishes by the way." She giggled and the next thing I knew, she was hugging me from behind. Her head was on my back and her hands were wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Yeah. That's really helpful." I said sarcastically and dropped whatever I was doing. I was about to turn around to face her when she stopped me.

"Wait." She said. "Stay still."


"Let's just stay like this for five more minutes."

I sighed and turned around despite her groans of protest only to hug her tightly. She rested her head against my chest and I could heart the sound of her heartbeat.

"What's with the mushiness?" I asked her.

"Mmm," she mumbled and tilted her head to meet my gaze. "I just want to thank you for taking care of me and our baby."

I let go of her and gave her a little kiss on the lips. "Anything for you."

She gave me her sweetest smile when she suddenly leaned into me heavily for support. I held her tightly and watched her rub her temples roughly.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel dizzy." She said.

"You better head to bed."

"Bed again?"

"You should rest. You can watch TV upstairs."

I led Carly to our bedroom and helped her lie down. She was mumbling some words that I didn't even understand.

"What was that?" I asked her, grabbing the remote on top of the little TV we had inside our bedroom.

"Nothing." She replied smugly.

I sat beside her and kissed her forehead. She smiled before snatching the remote from me and pushed some buttons.

"Are you okay now?" I asked.


"What? What are you feeling?"

"I'm bored."

I laughed softly. "You want me to skip work and stay here with you?"

"No, I'll be okay." She gave me a weak smile and turned her attention back to the TV.

"Sure? Just call me if you need something alright?" I stood up and grabbed my towel again when I heard her call me.

"Wait Freddie!" I turned to her. I raised my eyebrow and waited for her to say something. She was biting her lower lip and was looking at me with those puppy eyes.

"What is it?"

"Stay?" she asked shyly.

I shook my head and smiled. "Of course."

I flopped myself on the bed and watched some TV with her.


"Time to cook lunch!" she exclaimed excitedly as she tried to get out of bed.

I stopped her. "No. I'll cook. You stay here and watch TV."

"What? There are hardly any good programs to watch and I'm watching for like two hours now. This is torture!" She complained.

I grabbed the remote from her and started flipping through the channels when I spotted that reruns of Girly Cow were on.

"Hey look. Girly Cow. You love that show right?"

"Yeah! When I was little!" She rolled her eyes at me before rubbing her tummy gently. "Baby, I'm gonna be a mommy soon but Daddy's making me watch Girly Cow."

"You're impossible!" I chuckled before leaving her in the room to cook some healthy meal.


"Carls… Lunch is ready." I peeked inside our room and saw her reading a book. The television was already turned off.

"I'll be down in a bit."

"You want me to bring your lunch up here?"

She put down her book and stood up. "Honey. I'm pregnant. I'm not sick. You're treating me like a baby."

I walked towards her and let our foreheads touch. "You are my baby. You'll always be."

I didn't know what was up with what I said because suddenly, her arms were twirled around my neck and she was kissing me like crazy.

I poked her nose gently and gave her another quick peck once our lips parted. "Don't you want me to spoil you?"

"Maybe." She smiled, "But you're overdoing it Mr Benson. You don't want me to grow up like a spoiled brat, do you?"

"You're already a spoiled brat." It was already too late when I realized that calling your wife a spoiled brat could earn you a smack on your forehead.


"I thought you don't like Girly Cow anymore?" I asked her as we watched a rerun in the living room. Her head was rested against my chest and my hand was around her shoulder.

"I like this episode." She replied and I heard her yawn.

"You're sleepy." It was a statement rather than a question.

"Yeah. I guess I'm pretty tired from doing absolutely nothing the whole day. Thanks to you!" she giggled.

I helped her straighten herself before I stood up. "Let's go to bed. I'm pretty tired too."

Carly did the same except she raised her arms sidewards.

"Carry me." She requested sweetly.

"Honey. You're pregnant. You're not disabled." I mocked.

She threw me a sharp look before she pouted her lips. "But I'm your baby."

I scooped her up without warning and started to walk upstairs. She should know by now that I never learned to say no to her, even how ridiculous her requests were.

"Jesus! You're starting to gain weight!"

Apparently, no one warned me that telling your pregnant wife that she's starting to gain weight is actually "the same" as calling her fat. And for the second time that day, I earned myself another smack on my forehead.


This chapter is dedicated to Vadercat.

Sorry guys for keeping you waiting for exactly eleven days. Haha. ^_^

Thanks for reading and reviewing!