"So what's for breakfast?" Carly asked enthusiastically as she sat down on her usual spot at the dining table.

I decided to cook breakfast for us since it was Saturday and I didn't have work. Carly was three weeks pregnant then and I made sure I'd take care of her properly until she gives birth to our first child. Of course, I was excited for the baby to come out so I could be a dad already but I knew we still had a long way to go.

"It's a surprise. But you'll love it." I smiled and walked towards her to give her a peck on the lips before turning my attention back to what I was cooking again.

When it was ready, I put her breakfast in a plate and settled it down in front of her. I watched her eyebrows furrow in frown before she turned to me and pouted her lips.

"Beans?" she asked smugly as I sat down on the chair across from hers.

"Yes. I read from the internet that legumes are high in folic acid so it will be good for our baby's developing brain and spinal cord." I told her before placing an egg and some strips of bacon on my plate.

"How come you get to eat eggs? Can I have one?" She asked. She was already holding her fork up and was about to get an egg from the bigger plate in front when I smacked her hand gently.


"No eggs for you." I warned her.

"Okay… No eggs." Carly shrugged. I really thought she would be pissed that she can't eat eggs for breakfast but she took it maturely. Or so I thought. Because before I could practically shove some bacon into my mouth, she already had a strip of her own on her fork.

"Drop it."

"Please Freddie. For me?" she asked with those puppy eyes which she always used whenever she wanted something from me real bad.

"Not. Gonna. Work." Well, it almost did.


"It's fried. You have to stay clear of those foods."

"How come you get to eat them and I don't? That's totally unfair!" she grimaced.

"That's because you're carrying our baby and whether you like it or not, I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to make sure you eat the right food and you do what the doctors tell you. Now, can we please eat? I'm pretty hungry."

"You don't love me." She pouted again.

I laughed softly. "Carls… You know how much I love you but I love our baby have to take good care of her. Or him. So please, be good?"

"I don't have to eat beans for nine months, do I?" she asked as she played with her food. I thought I heard her mutter something like 'stupid legumes' but since I wasn't sure if I heard it right, I let it go.

"Of course not. You can eat bread and rice too. Carbohydrates' good. Fruits are good for you too." I stated.

She sighed. "Okay. I guess it's beans or nothing for me today."

"That's my girl."

I watched her eat her food and when I was sure she had eaten enough, I tried to focus on my own breakfast while reading the newspaper. When I heard Carly stand up, I put the paper down and watched as she grab things from the kitchen counter.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I want some coffee." She replied, not bothering to look at me.

I let out a heavy sigh and walked towards her. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I never knew she was so stubborn and I guess it was up to me to make sure she does the right things.

"You can't have coffee." I snatched the mug away from her and put it aside.

"Coffee too? Oh man!" she complained as I led her towards her seat again.

"Sorry honey. I'll get you some milk, okay?" I poured her a glass of milk from the ref and put it beside her plate.

"Thanks. So I guess I can't drink sodas too, right? I'm gonna miss preppy cola." Her face dropped and I could tell she was really upset.

I hated seeing my wife like that. Although I admit, she still looked gorgeous whenever she would pout her lips but I'd prefer the way she looked when she was happy and smiling. It'd always lit up her eyes and that was just the way I liked it.

"Hey. Why don't I take you to shopping later? Sounds good?" I asked, hoping to make her feel better.

"Really?" Her eyes did light up after she heard the word 'shopping' and I just nodded at her.

"Yey!" she clapped her hands excitedly like a little child and proceeded to eat the remaining beans on her plate.

I shook my head satisfyingly and smiled at how cute she looked. Thank God shopping really is a girl's best friend.

When we finished eating, I washed the dishes immediately as Carly rested in the living room, watching some TV. I then took a shower and waited patiently for Carly to finish her turn.

"Aren't you ready yet?" I sat on the bed and watched her apply some make-up in front of the mirror.

"I'm ready." She replied and grabbed her bag from the bedside table. I stood up and put my arms around her waist as we walked towards our car.

"Give me your bag." I commanded as soon as we got out of the car. We were already at the mall's parking lot.


"It's pretty heavy."


"You can't lift weights."

"It's just a bag Freddie."

"Don't be stubborn. Let me carry it."

She groaned but she handed the bag to me anyway. I started to walk towards the mall entrance when I noticed Carly wasn't walking with me.

"Are you coming or not?" I turned around to ask her.

"You're scaring me." She looked at me strangely and backed away a little.

"What? What did I do?"

"You sound like your mom already."A grin was plastered upon her face and before I knew it, she was clinging into my arms. "Should I do tick-baths too?"

"Really Mrs. Benson?" I chuckled as I put an arm around her shoulder.

"I told you not to call me that!" she cried. Yeah, that was a good comeback. If only Sam heard that, she would be so proud of me.


"I'm not your mom."

"But you're Mrs. Benson now."

"I'm Mrs. Carly Benson." She corrected.

I laughed. "Whatever you say Mrs. Carly Benson. Now, let's go before I change my mind about this shopping thing."


I wanted to write something like this again because I feel depressed whenever I write a chapter for Dissipated Light. lol

This story may be composed of 9 or 10 chapters. It's completely plotless. One chapter for every month of Carly's pregnancy and the chapters may or may not be related to one another.

I just hope I don't actually update this on a monthly basis too. Haha. I'll try to post the second chapter as soon as I can.