I know its so long over due, sorry for keeping you all waiting, on top of schooling, exams and computer failure, I have had a case of writers block, well not anymore.
hope you enjoy chapter 4 :)

I woke up in Patch's familiar jeep, in the passenger seat with my seatbelt on and the chair reclined,
Patch was speeding through the streets, I straightened up my seat but before I could take in my surroundings Patch spoke, his words laced with concern.
"What do you remember?" he asked his tone stern, indicating he was completely serious.

" What do you mean?" I asked, my heart rate began to pick up " what happened?" I was panicking now.

Patch went to open his mouth to speak, then thinking better of it, simply replied with " nothing."

I may not be an angel but I could certainly tell when I was being deceived, and the fact that Patch was hiding something clearly important began to make my blood boil.
Okay, okay, don't be mad. You know I only ever look after you but what im about to say may very well upset you my angel.
Patch changed from speaking into my mind to in person.
"you remember how I mentioned there is a few victims every 50 or so years? Well we know who the second is" he searched my eyes, looking for a hint that I understood what he was saying.

" What who? Its not you is it, oh Patch it better not be you...Wait, can an angel even fall victim?" my head was spinning, I honestly thought Patch was in trouble, but I had a sinking suspicion deep down I knew he was not the soul in trouble.

" No, an angel cannot, and no I am not the next target" … you are.

In that moment I could barley breath, It couldn't be me, why would it be me? Patch is serious, it is me! Why does all this shit happen to me!
I had gone from being concerned for Patch to blindly furious, not that I was probably going to wind up crazy but because constantly there is all this crap in my life, something or someone always threatening my happiness! Was it too much to ask for a simple life? Finish school, maybe go to college, be with Patch. I looked at Patch, clearly he was listening to my thoughts because a small frown came over his face.

Im sorry, Angel. This is all my fault, if I had never came into your life you would very well be living happily without any troubles and nothing more to focus on other than school and how to wear your hair for Prom.

His driving never faulted, even at the 170kms we were traveling at, I never felt safer with Patch, and to think he blames himself for all of this was like a slap on the face. That was not my intention!

Don't Patch, don't you dare think this is your fault. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, i'm just upset that there is always something to ruin our time, and thats not your doing. I grabbed his left hand in both of mine, turning to face him, him watching the road and me. He didnt respond, he didnt have to, he picked up his hand with mine holding it and kissing my palm. My favourite pirate smile playing on his lips.

I turned my head and looked out the window the rest of the drive, daydreaming through the drive, It never even accrued to me that we must have dropped Vee's car off seeing as we were no longer in it.

I was watching the tree's as we drove, not paying the slightest bit of attention, until I saw a figure between two trees it was a split second, we were going to fast to see anything more, but then it appeared again, and again, as though he was standing between every tree alongside the road.
I knew instantly who he was, I had seen and read Alice in wonderland more times than I could remember. I was staring at the mad hatter, or was he staring at me.

I didnt want Patch to know about this, I didnt want to seem weak, or course this was stupid but he would only worry and I could feel it in my bones, this was just the beginning. So I shielded my thoughts the best I could, I thought of the periodic table and recited all the elements I knew of in my head. Patch clearly thought I was crazy, he turned to me with a confused look on his face, but a smile hiding at the corner of his mouth, he thought I was being funny, how I wished I was.

"what on earth are you doing?" he asked, a laugh escaping his lips.

"homework, since you keep insisting of taking me out of school I may as well work on the go" I joked, acting as calm as I could.

" I shouldn't have even asked" Patch smiled in his seat.

We arrived at our destination shortly after my Mad Hatter experience. I wish I payed more attention to the roads, I honestly had no idea where I was, other than standing at a door whilst Patch withdrew a set of keys from his pocket. With a swift motion the door was unlocked and I entered what could only be Patch's home.

"your always wondering, well here you are. My home"he held my hand and showed me around, the lounge was next to the kitchen, both beautifully decorated, though I wondered why Patch had a kitchen when he did not need to eat. I dont need to eat, but you do Patch winked at me and led me to the other rooms, bathroom and bedroom, "Patch, you dont sleep" I shook my head at him, and his bed which looked like it was covered in silk linen.
" would you rather spend the night on the floor than a bed? " Patch knew I would choose the bed and smiled.

Nora, I don't bring many people here, you know that but I trust you and now that you know where I live you must be cautious not to be followed or tell anyone. I was going to add that I hardly watched where we were going and would probably get lost in an instant if I tried to come alone but thought I better not.
You have my word I snaked my arms up his torso and around his neck, pulling his head down to mine to kiss him, Patch's hands were around my waist in an instant, the kiss deepening. One hand moving down from my waist to my ass, where I felt him put something in my back pocket, I pulled away from the kiss to inspect, what I found was a key.
I looked at Patch and knew it was to his house, are you sure? I spoke to his mind, never surer he replied and kissed me again, this time more passionately there was a hunger in his eyes, and I sure as hell felt it too.
"Patch" I spoke as his kisses trailed my neck
" I love you, you know that right? I mean, I might go crazy and stuff so while im still sane and not frozen dressed like a fairytale character, I just thought I would make sure you knew" I searched his eyes, they were filled with the same love I saw in my own.

"Nora, Angel, I will fix this, nothing will happen to you, I promise. I..i love you" he words fixed every thing.
We dived into each other, his hands trailing my back mine weaving through his hair, our lips on each others, breathing heavily he lifted me so I was straddling him, still standing in the door way to his bedroom, he carried me over and placed me on the bed, holding his weight on top of me but never breaking away...

was this it?