Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, Harry Potter or any of the characters or objects owned by others. I simply apply my lackluster skill to tell my own stories using their brilliance as a template. I do not make or seek to make any profit with these works. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Authors Note: Well here we are the last chapter of Lost. Thank you to everyone that reviewed, faved and followed this story. It was one of my first stories.
I also want to thank those who prodded, poked, reminded and generally harassed me to get off my butt and finish it. It was hard work and the ending changed at least six times. Anyway enough babble, I hope you enjoy this.
"Nothing Happened we just kissed a bit," insisted Harry as his cheeks turned pink.
"Hmmm," Sirius was trying hard not to laugh.
"Anyway do you think we can beat him?"
Sirius allowed his godson to change topics. "I think so La Forge and Worf think so as well. Voldemort is not unbeatable." He was going to say more when his Klingon communicator beeped. He flipped it open and saw L'kor.
"What's wrong?"
"Tell me about the Fidelous charm," asked L'kor.
Lost – Chapter 14
IKS Kaveth Nar - Engineering
L'kor was making notes on her screen as Sirius spoke. Every so often she would ask a question or get him to repeat or explain a new concept. Eventually Sirius worked his way through what he knew about the topic.
L'kor was staring at her screen with an odd expression on her face.
"L'kor are you okay?" asked Sirius.
"Y-yes fine...I have something I need to check," she reached down and opened up a channel. "Commander La Forge, I want to send you something."
The Klingon engineers hands flew over her screen before she sat back looking at the small screen showing La Forge.
"I...oh...that's inspired L'kor how did you come up with that?"
"Sirius gave me the idea when we're discussing how magic works. The principals are there if you look hard enough for them. Now will it work?"
"If...I need to have Data and a few of my people look this over but if you are right then yes it should work."
L'kor grinned showing a mouthful of sharp teeth.
Enterprise – Captain's Ready Room
"You said it was important Commander."
La Forge nodded, "Yes sir, it is. The Klingon chief engineer L'kor has come up with a way of stopping magical transportation."
"I thought our shield adjustments were going to do that?"
"That will hamper them moving about the ship and disrupt their magic. This is a bit different; the spell is used to hide an object or location from sight and has a mystical element that prevents anything being protected from any magical protection. Now it doesn't affect our scanners but it should make any magical transport fail unless they know the 'secret'. It takes away their ability to transport and their ability to scan and gain magical intelligence."
"Will it work?"
"Sirius says it should," confirmed Geordie. "We are going to test it once Sirius sets it up."
"Good once it is confirmed inform the other engineering heads and I will brief the Commodore."
"The Romulans sir?"
Picard shook his head, "No, I'll make that call."
IKS Kaveth Nar
D'Mek laughed as Moros pointed out the human entering the mess.
Sirius had a fresh set of scratches and a bruise forming on his forehead. Others looked in the human's direction and joined their captain in showing their amusement. Several off duty engineers clapped him on the back as he passed. He quickly grabbed a bowl and began looking for a seat.
Moros waved to the human, "Over here Sirius."
As Sirius both Klingon officers noticed his winch as he adjusted how he sat.
"By Kahless you need to be careful she doesn't kill you," said D'Mek as he studied the human.
"Nah, I'm good just a bit sore," replied Sirius with a cocky grin.
"Well she certainly marked you," said Moros. "I hope you are serious about wanting this."
"What do you mean?" asked Sirius as he swallowed a mouthful of Racht.
"Our women will mark a suitor if he meets her standards, it's traditional," explained Moros.
Sirius smirked, "Well what do you know; I just wished she didn't bite so hard. The one on my wrist drew blood."
"On your wrist?" asked D'Mek.
Sirius nodded as he took another mouthful before washing it down with a drink.
D'Mek and Moros exchanged a look.
"What?" asked Sirius.
"My friend once the battle is over, come to me and we'll share a bottle of blood wine and I'll explain Klingon tradition to you…for now just don't bite back."
"Will it work Commodore?" asked Captain Hayes of the Shepparton.
Culloven glanced at the data showing on the screen."With the latest technical advances we will be able to negate many of their abilities."Our engineers are confident that the Klingons are right and Mister Black has concurred."
"Do the Romulans have any intelligence on what we might be facing?" asked Picard.
Culloven shook his head, "Not that they have revealed and I'd suspect that it would be something they'd want us to know."
Hayes looked over the display that outlined the tactical plan, "I'll admit I'm still a bit uncomfortable with the aggressive stance we are taking here."
Picard could understand his fellow captains concerns, "The Klingons are well suited for their role both the ship and crew have more exposure to the sort of battle we are likely to face."
Culloven deactivated the image before turning to face Picard and Hayes, "Plus they'll have Black."
Voldemort's Romulan Flagship
The operations officer turned to face the dark robed man sitting in the command chair, "Our scout reports that they are still following us My lord."
Voldemort offered up a cold smile, "Good let them come; I know where the veil of time is now hidden and how to open it and more importantly how to return."
"And if they bring reinforcement my lord, should we not call in our other ships?" asked one of Romulans on the bridge..
Voldemort sighed; it had been easier when he was the delusional mad man of his long lost youth. His 'loyal' Death Eaters would not have dared to voice such a question. The return of his sanity had lent him patience if nothing else. "We need them in place should we succeed," or if I somehow fail, he didn't add. "No we have sufficient forces to delay our pursuers. Once I have what I need I'll beam down and secure the device."
"Yes my lord."
Voldemort sat silently as he considered the culmination of his plans. For centuries he had been planning just how to return himself to his magical and physical prime. His foolish and ultimately futile experiment with Horcrux had been a disaster that had nearly led to his demise. It had not been the path to immortality; each new horcrux had lessened him. He had unwittingly crippled his mind, body and magic. With the reabsorbing of each of his surviving horcrux he had recover more and more of his humanity. Eventually he had reverted enough to capitalise on other technologies to enable his survival. Potter was the last one, his last anchor.
It was almost a shame that he couldn't thank the boy. It was that last anchor that allowed him to survive those many years in the darkness. Now as he approached the climax of his plan his final horcrux was drawing ever closer. Once he was close enough he could reabsorb it. Perhaps Potter might even survive the process.
Once he was as close as he could be to his original soul he could use the newer, better methods to ensure his survival. Thanks to forbidden technologies, dark alien rituals and his own brilliance he had mastered the true possession of other bodies. His essence could escape his earthly vessel and transfer to another host. Never dying and never losing his sanity or his magic.
Yes, he was at the cusp of realizing a future that was far grander than any he had foreseen and yet there was one thing that held that back…the dispersal of magical blood. There were few mage born left. For some reason magic had begun to disappear, the magical flora and fauna, the Goblins and then the decline of the wizards.
Few were born now that were little more than squibs, magical nulls. Oh he could find some with minimal potential but that was all. So he had once more turned to technology. Cloning, genetic manipulation and his own magic had allowed him to build a small army of followers but they were far too few. Each one he lost took years to replace.
No, to build an army he needed to have followers, families to breed and crossbreed with his Romulan servants. To achieve that he needed to visit his own past, he needed to return to magical Britain and bring his followers through the veil of time.
Soon all the pieces would be in place.
IKS Kaveth Nar
L'kor waited while Sirius stared at the bulkhead.
"It's a new set of Klingon armour."
"It's yours," explained L'kor.
"D'Mek thought that you deserved it, after all you helped save the ship. We owe you an honour debt," L'kor grinned at Sirius as he studied the armour with a puzzled expression.
'I...I don't know what to say."
L'kor ran a hand over the armour before touching the house symbol, "D'Mek has put his house symbol on it. A gesture that he has promised you sanctuary, should it be necessary."
"You think it will be?"
"I think most humans forget that the Federation is not always right."
Sirius frowned as he considered L'kor's words, "Should I be worried about Harry?"
L'kor shrugged, "With Picard? No he has a strong sense of honour but I don't know every command level officer on board the Federation ships."
"We'll cross that bridge when we need to."
Harry's cabin – Enterprise
Sirius faced his godson's wrath without flinching, "You stay here Harry."
Harry ran his hands through his hair in frustration, "You can't be serious...and no bad puns please."
"You are not going to be fighting you'll be here being protected...if anything happens to me I want to know that you'll be safe."
"And if Voldemort comes after me?"
"Then he's in for a nasty surprise when he realises L'kor and the other engineers have pretty much stopped apparition from working. If he somehow got aboard he'd be taken down in minutes. Find Emma and her family and keep them safe and when everything is over we'll decide what to do. You can yell at me then."
Harry nodded still unconvinced but realising that Sirius probably wasn't going to budge.
"Captain we are approaching the Tal Sigma system."
"Signal the others."
"Aye Sir."
"Red alert, Mister La Forge raise the dispersal field and prepare to bring the shield modification on line the moment we drop out of warp."
"Yes Sir."
"Open a channel to our fleet please mister Data," ordered Commodore Culloven. "This is Culloven, if the enemy surrenders prepare to activate plan alpha if hostilities commence plan beta is organised. Good luck people, Culloven out."
The enterprise and the Shepparton dropped out of warp and were almost immediately followed by the three Romulan ships of their allies.
Arrayed above Tal Sigma five were half a dozen ships including two Romulan cruisers and a Warbird.
Picard nodded to Worf, "Hail them Worf."
'This is Captain Jean Luc Picard you are ordered to stand down immediately or we will be forced to engage."
Nothing..."Mister Worf?"
'They have received the message Captain. I can...they have raised shields and are powering weapons."
"Target the Warbird and the cruisers," ordered Picard. "Full spread of photon torpedoes."
The enterprise rocked slightly as disruptor fire lit up its shields.
"Mr La Forge?"
"Shields are holding and the modifications are working. However I am seeing some fluctuations in the EPS power grid," reported La Forge.
"Is there a risk it won't hold?" asked Riker.
"No sir, the mods are just drawing a bit more power than I had expected"
The Romulan renegades were putting up a fight however they were outgunned and soon one of the cruisers had exploded into a ball of flame followed by one of the scout ships.
"Sir we have detected a spike in energy...no wait a dozen spike in energy. I would say someone just tried their teleportation trick," reported La Forge. "The field looks like it has worked."
"Concentrate fire on the Warbird," ordered Picard.
On Tal Sigma five Sirius appeared with D'Mek and four armoured Klingon warriors.
Sirius nodded and looked around before casting a point me spell, "This way."
The landing party moved quickly toward the veil room.
Voldemort looked around the room built around the veil as his people scurried about. The battle was going poorly with his troops being repelled by some sort of energy field. Still the veil was here and he could afford to lose a few ships if...he hissed in annoyance as he felt a magical signature approaching, Black.
"You must hurry we have company coming."
"Yes my Lord," replied the Romulan who was kneeling beside a heavy duty transporter transponder. "It should not take long."
"You two," he gestured toward two heavily armed Romulans and then the door on the far side of the room, "Go and delay any attackers coming from that direction."
Voldemort checked on the engineer's progress to find they were on the second to last booster.
Weapons fire followed by screams followed by an explosion drew his attention back to the far door.
Knowing that his magic may interfere with the transponders he drew a disrupter and took aim at the door. Seeing a shape he fired; then cursed as a black dog leapt out of the darkened doorway throwing itself at the engineers. The huge animal took them to the floor and more importantly knocked over the transponder.
A disruptor blast struck the wall behind him as several Klingons charged into the room as he managed to raise a shield. Looking over at Black he cursed as the animagus stood above one of the engineers with a blood covered muzzle. Using both his wand and disruptor he tried to fight. The Klingons however were spread out and hitting him with an almost steady stream of weapons fire and now spells.
Pain lanced through him as something struck him in the back.
Either way this battle was lost.
With a final glance at the veil he concentrated and apparated away.
Sirius transformed back and looked around the room the Klingons had the other Romulan stunned and under guard. D'Mek raised an eyebrow at the dead one and it's torn out throat.
"He's run for it," said Sirius as he turned to look at the archway. "What was he doing?"
"Trying to transport it by the look of the transponders," said D'Mek.
Sirius cursed silently. The veil was a potential way home unfortunately it was also a way home for Voldemort. "Contact Picard and then blow the damn thing up and let's get out of here."
D'Mek nodded and began roaring instructions to his warriors.
The bridge of his ship was a scene of chaos.
"My lord we are being overwhelmed...there are too many..."
Voldemort ignored the coward and considered his options. He had been unprepared to face this sort of firepower and now his plan to secure the veil had failed. There was however one victory he would not be denied. Using his wrist beacon he sent a signal to his personal scout ship.
"Concentrate all fire on the shields of the Enterprise," ordered Voldemort.
'Sir their shields are too strong."
"Then we must make a sacrifice," hissed Voldemort as he drew his wand.
USS Enterprise
"One of the scouts has cloaked...sir we are receiving a great deal of concentrated fire...shields are holding at seventy percent."
Picard studied the disintegrating Romulan fleet as the Warbird suddenly leapt forward.
'Evasive maneuvers," ordered Picard...a fraction too late.
The Romulan Warbird struck the Enterprises shields rocking the huge ship.
"Damage report," demanded Picard.
"Shields are fluctuating...back on line at sixteen percent. We have damage and casualty reports from deck three through to nine...EPS conduits have blown out.."
Harry held Emma's hand as the ship shuddered and rocked.
"God that was a big one," said Emma.
"I...argghh," Harry gripped his head as pain exploded from his scar.
Emma cradled Harry as he fell to the floor."
Emma's father tapped the communications panel, "Medical emergency cabin three..."
"Avada Kedavra"
"Avada Kedavra"
Harry tried to scream, to keep his eyes open but everything faded to black.
"...Harry wake up"
Harry opened his eyes to see Emma looking at him.
"Emma what happened?"
Emma's eyes flashed red as she smirked, "Such a powerful witch." With a gesture she twirled Harry's wand around.
"Voldemort...what have you done?" demanded Harry as he eyed his wand.
"Come now Harry surely it is obvious? I was dying thanks to having to deal your new friends so what better retribution than to choose one such as this as my new host," Emma gestured and the communications unit exploded. "I've always preferred male hosts but I think I'll keep this one for a while. Now up you get we have things to do." Voldemort may have sounded polite but he was practically radiating an aura of menacing hatred.
"What do you want?" asked Harry as he slowly stood
"We are going to the transporter room and then to my ship."
"I won't help you."
"Then I will kill this host and take you as a replacement and you'll help me anyway."
"You'll kill me anyway," replied Harry as his eyes flicked to Emma's murdered parents.
"If you force me to Potter but I have another use for you, it's the least you can do since you ruined my plans for the veil. Now stand still Harry," Voldemort disillusioned Harry and them himself. "Now move, oh and while your survival would benefit my plans I won't hesitate to curse you if you do anything stupid and heroic."
Commodore Culloven relaxed back into his chair as he realised that they had actually won. Well won the battle anyway.
"Commodore we are receiving a message flagged to your attention, from the Romulans," said Worf.
"On screen please Lieutenant," ordered Culloven.
"An inspiring victory Commodore," said Colonel Vorak..
"Indeed Colonel although I still wish to confirm the fate of the Voldemort. He's too much of a risk to not make sure he is dealt with."
"On that we agree, I shall send word to the Proconsul and the senate. We shall be vigilant."
Culloven nodded, "Do you need our assistance to track down the two ships that fled?"
The Romulan studied the Commodore for a long moment before he shook his head, "No Commodore we have sufficient resources in the area to do so. I would like to be informed if you discover anything further about this Voldemort."
Culloven nodded again, "I will see to it Colonel."
"Thank you, you have the gratitude of the Romulan star empire."
"Good Hunting Colonel."
The Romulans lips quirked upwards. He was silent for a moment before he simply nodded and closed the channel, disappearing off the screen.
"Captain Picard please contact the Shepparton and the Kaveth Nar I would like to see all senior officers at eighteen hundred hours." With that Culloven stood "My compliments to your crew Captain" before he walked off the bridge his mind already composing his reports.
Sirius Black rematerialised on board the IKS Kaveth Nar just as the ship was rocked by a heavy blast.
D'Mek immediately opened a channel to the bridge, "Moros status report."
Moros answered straight away, "Commander the ship has sustained minor damage; a Romulan cruiser just lost containment...We are just receiving confirmation from the Enterprise the Romulan fleet has been destroyed."
D'Mek grinned, "Well done Moros, and the target below?"
"The targeted area was completely destroyed, L'kor reports that there is nothing coming up on sensors."
D'Mek punched Sirius on the shoulder, "You see Sirius, I told you we could do it."
Sirius grinned teeth white through his dirty bloodstained face, "Never doubted."
"Commander is Sirius with you?"
Sirius started unsure why Moros was asking, a spark of worry crossed his mind was in Harry or L'kor, "Yes I'm here Moros."
"Commander Riker has just hailed us with a priority request for you to beam aboard the Enterprise."
D'Mek snarled and gestured to the other Klingons in the away team, "Get ready to beam to Enterprise, no argument Sirius. Let me know if you need help."
Sirius climbed back on to the transported pad.
USS Enterprise – Deck Six
Harry waited for his chance to fight back, to run or something but Voldemort was no fool. He was close enough to stun Harry but far enough away to prevent a physical assault.
So Harry walked slowly toward the nearest transporter room.
The minute he crossed the threshold however his disillusionment failed.
The two Starfleet crewmen in the room looked surprised as Harry shimmered into view. "Watch out!"
One crewman reacted by diving behind the transporter console but the other was too slow and was hit by a spell that sent her crashing into a wall.
Harry dived forward colliding with Voldemort who, in Emma's much lighter body found himself airborne before colliding with a wall. Thinking he might have a chance to get his wand back Harry reached for it only to be thrown backwards by a spell.
The security crewman fired his phaser but Voldemort somehow shielded himself and replied with a killing curse that only just missed its mark.
With a silent curse Harry threw himself at Voldemort's feet hoping to distract him so that the Starfleet officer could get off a shot.
Unfortunately Harry was too slow.
Voldemort spun to the left and lashed out with some sort of over powered cutting curse that literally cut the poor man in half.
"Most valiant Harry Potter but foolish," Harry felt his feet leave the ground as Voldemort gestured with his wand. An invisible hand gripped him around the neck in a vice like grip. "We will leave now and you can be my victory, your DNA mixed with mine and with other superior beings...and in the end I'll have the perfect host. It would have been quicker with more of my followers but as they say when one door closes."
Harry's vision was greying out when he felt something hit him hard in the side.
After a moment of blackness he came back to himself and realised that he was on the floor next to an unmoving Starfleet engineer. In the doorway a furious Sirius Black was duelling Emma while killing curses, phaser and disruptor fire flew around the room.
Harry looked to the right looking for something that would help when he spotted the transporter console, still operational mere inches from his hand. Moving slowly he began inching his way across the floor toward the console...a half formed plan in mind. If the console was akin to its Klingon counterpart he might be able to escape.
Voldemort taunted the other wizard as he twisted away from a killing curse, his shielding spells flaring as the weapons fire struck it, "Killing curses Black what would Dumbledore have said?"
Sirius responded with another round of spells while behind him La Forge was frantically typing on a wall terminal.
Then the power fluctuated reacting to the magical duel. Next to Harry the transporter console flickered and died.
"There is no way you can beat me Black, even if you kill this body I'll simply take a new host, I'm immortal." Voldemort lashed out and a Klingon fell lifeless to the floor next to Harry as the wizard laughed.
Harry knew in that moment what he needed to do. Energy weapons were useless, but a physical attack might work or at least drive Voldemort to flee. With a quick move he dashed forward and grabbed the knife on the belt of the dead Klingon, then launched himself at Voldemort.
Harry ignored the warning as he drove the knife in Voldemort's back.
Voldemort screamed and spun to face Harry blasting him with a burst of pure magic sending him crashing against the console his head striking the corner, sending him once more into the blackness.
When Harry awoke he was lying in sick bay with Sirius asleep in a chair next to him.
'Welcome back Mister Potter."
Harry turned his head to see Doctor Crusher approaching his bio-bed. She glanced at the monitor and then returned her attention to Harry. "How are you feeling?"
Harry shrugged, he felt...numb.
"You had a fractured skull and a rather nasty concussion."
"What happened?"
Beverly Crusher the mother appeared for a moment as she took Harry's hand, "It's over Harry he's contained."
Harry should have felt something at that but he didn't.
"I'm sure your godfather will want to talk to you about it," said Crusher.
Harry nodded, he had seen Emma die, by his hand...closing his eyes he tried to see her face.
"Harry...thank Merlin I thought he'd killed you."
Harry opened his eyes to see Sirius standing beside him, "I wish..."
Sirius's expression grew serious, "I know what you are thinking and no, it wasn't your fault. Merlin you helped take him down. He killed those people not something you did or didn't do."
"Tell that to Emma and her parents," said Harry with a great deal of bitterness in his voice.
"Their death was a tragedy but you couldn't have done anything to stop it. I'm sure that Emma will understand..." Sirius was cut off by Harry's sharp intake of breath.
Sirius looked puzzled for a moment before understanding appeared on his face, "She made it Harry, she's alive in stasis but otherwise physically fine. Counsellor Troi and the others are working on a way to force Voldemort out."
Harry felt a surge of hope, "What...I thought...what happened?"
"What do you remember?" asked Sirius.
Harry walked through what happened from his perspective while Sirius listened quietly.
"Unfortunately for Voldemort when he tried his little body swap trick Geordie got the anti-magic field up again. Basically he...what did he call it...that's right he got a containment field up and forced him back in to Emma," Sirius held up a hand. "And no I don't like it either but for now they can hold him securely."
"So it's over just like that, what about Emma?" asked Harry.
Sirius shrugged, "No it's not over and no one is giving up on freeing Emma. When I came down here L'kor, Geordie and Troi were still discussing what to do with him now?"
"As soon as you are up to it we'll go see that Emma is safe." said Sirius with a sad, understanding smile.
Picard and Culloven studied the data on the presentation screen as Troi took over from La Forge.
"We may need to seek another solution. I contacted my mother and walked her through this scenario she agrees that a powerful telepath should be able to force Voldemort to leave. Once that is done the containment field would be sufficient to trap and then contain him."
"And Miss Kelly's chances should this work?" asked Picard.
"She should, with counselling make a full recovery," replied Crusher with a nod to Troi.
Picard considered what would be the best course. He and Culloven had discussed the issue and the Commodore had left it in his hands stating the he was 'Miss Kelly's commanding officer and was acting loco parentis.'
"Very well Counsellor confirm a rendezvous with your mother and let Commander Riker know so we can adjust our course accordingly. l will let Sirius and Harry know."
Harry looked forlornly at Emma as she lay motionless within the stasis field.
"We'll get her back pup."
"I...she looks so helpless."
"She's strong, she'll make it if we help her"
Harry finally turned to look at his godfather, "What if..."
"I'll tell you something your grandfather told me once, "Don't deal in what if's. It is far too easy to lose sight of what you should be concentrating on when you are caught up doing that. We'll get Emma back and then you...we can help her."
Voldemort gradually became aware that he was able to think coherently. After a long period of black nothingness it appeared that the surrounding darkness had receded somewhat. An odd diffused light slowly grew allowing vision to return. For some reason he was back in a male body...young and magically strong, so like his own long lost form. Looking around he could see nothing beyond a featureless grey space. Where am I?
"You are not welcome here."
Voldemort turned to see a young blond girl standing behind him.
"How are you doing this?" he demanded.
"I want you to leave," said the girl.
Voldemort studied the girl before smiling, his expression smug. "Ahh my host...you are powerless girl. I'll escape whatever you've done here and then this last vestige of you will be gone."
"I believe she asked you to leave," said a new voice.
Voldemort spun to see an older dark haired woman.
"What is this who are you?"
"Leave or I will be forced to make you leave, a painful process I'm led to believe."
"Avada kedavra," yelled Voldemort who watched in satisfaction as his spell struck the woman in the chest.
The woman shook her head, "Violence and death...your mind is an unpleasantly open book. Normally I'd want little to do with such a twisted, damaged psyche. You are a fragment of a mind which is I admit rather unique, as is how you have imprinted yourself on to a young girl but I think, no I know my daughter is correct. You are a blight, an evil that should have perished long ago."
Voldemort felt a moment of true fear before he sneered at the woman and raised his wand again, "You lack the power to hurt me."
"I am Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed, the holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. You are nothing Voldemort, a psychic leach. I could explain but I rather think young Emma wants to be free of you."
Lwaxana raised her hand and suddenly there was light.
Counsellor Troi appreciated Will Riker's presence as she watched her mother twitch and shudder on the biobed.
Doctor Crusher studied the readouts as she closely monitored the elder Troi's readouts, "Her vital signs are well within normal limits although her brain activity has spiked upwards." There was a hint of concern in the doctor's voice.
"Mother is powerful, one of the most powerful telepaths on Betazed, she can do this."
Lwaxana's eyes opened as she gave her daughter a weary smile, "Thank you dear one."
On the other side of the room La Forge and Data were working on their containment field.
"Do you have him?" asked Riker.
"The genie is in the bottle," said La Forge with a wide grin. L'kor's concept had worked perfectly as a shield and just a few tweaks made it a perfect prison.
As soon as Harry walked in the door of her cabin Emma threw herself into his arms. Sirius stepped out into the living area of the cabin and left them to begin healing.
USS Enterprise - Captains Ready Room
Harry, Emma and Sirius sat watching as Picard lowered the PADD to study Emma.
"Miss Kelly I believe I can understand why you have made this request but I have a duty of care and given the circumstances there will be a certain amount of scrutiny on you."
Harry stiffened but Emma squeezed his hand, "I'm thinking of it like work experience Sir. I am still returning to Earth but on the Kaveth Nar. It is a great opportunity to study another culture," she took a deep breath as Harry squeezed her hand in return. "Sir I don't have any other close relatives on Earth."
Sirius grinned at Picard, "I'll look after the both of them Captain. D'Mek told me to tell you that he owes us a debt of honour. Then there is the magical training."
Picard frowned not understanding as Harry passed Emma his wand.
Emma concentrated and swished the wand causing the end to light up before she called out, "Nox."
Picard raised an eyebrow, "I understood that this wasn't possible Sirius."
Sirius smiled sadly, "We think that Voldemort's possession did something to her, turning her magic on."
"All the more reason for Miss Kelly to..." began Picard.
Sirius cleared his throat, "She needs to be trained. Untrained witches can be dangerous to others and themselves."
Picard sat back in his chair and studies the two, no three magic users. "Very well I will speak to the Federation Science council as well as Starfleet. I also want you to be cleared by Counsellor Troi." Picard didn't mention her parent's death, nor did he mention that he knew Miss Kelly had already had a grief counselling session with Troi, a session that had seen her supported by Sirius and Harry.
"What will happen to Voldemort?" asked harry.
Picard shook his head, "I don't know. Commodore Culloven's report has caused a storm at Starfleet headquarters. I suspect both the Federation legal teams and the science council will want to explore the facts before a decision is made."
"He's dangerous," warned Sirius.
"I know and we will keep him contained until a more permanent means to deal with his is found," Picard assured them.
Sirius and Harry were less than convinced but given the circumstances the crew of the Enterprise were doing their best to put an end to the threat Voldemort presented.
USS Enterprise - Captains Ready Room
"Are you sure this is the right thing?" asked Crusher as she closed the file on Emma Kelly.
Picard took another sip of his tea, "Sure? No, I am not sure but Sirius is right she needs to learn to control her new found powers. We do not want another Amanda Rogers on our hands. I hope that once on Earth we can find out exactly what happened on Tal Sigma Five and clear the air, so to speak with Sirius and Harry."
"There will no doubt be questions."
"I know, but for now I am willing to let the situation evolve."
Romulan Senate House - Proconsuls Chambers
"And you agree with this solution?" asked the Proconsul who had sat as expressionless as a Vulcan throughout the Tal Shiar leaders report.
"Culloven has already reported what has happened to the executive leadership of Starfleet. My agents say there has been a spate of arrests."
"No doubt they are clearing house as the humans would say," muttered the Proconsul. "So we have garnered some credit with the Federation, we can use that. What of the Kihra'eri in our midst?"
"We have begun to question the few prisoners we have. Soon we will begin dismantling their organisation."
The Proconsul nodded his eyes locked on to the Tal Shiar before him, "There can be no mistakes they are a threat to the Empire."
"And the humans?"
"With the Klingons we believe, they are said to be wary of the Federation. We shall of course monitor the situation."
The Proconsul was silent for a long moment before waving the Tal Shiar away.
As the officer left the senate a figure appear beside him, stepping out of the shadows.
"As we expected, do you have them?"
"Yes although the woman died, by her own hand."
The Tal Shiar's expression changed for a moment before returning to it's usual impassiveness. "I see, do we still have what we need to proceed?"
"For now."
The Tal Shiar nodded as his subordinate disappeared down a crowded street. The Proconsul was right the Kihra'eri were dangerous but a door had been opened that could now not be fully closed. So he would see to it that the Empire was prepared should the threat ever grow again.
IKS Kaveth Nar
L'kor didn't bother with small talk as D'Mek walked in, "What did the High Council say?"
"They have agreed."
"And the children?"
"The offer applies to them as well," confirmed D'Mek.
L'kor nodded, "A wise decision."
D'Mek laughed, "They agreed with you so they are wise. Back to work chief engineer we need to make good speed back to Earth."
L'kor left as her Commander went back to his logs. Making her way through the ship she passed engineering and walked to her quarters.
"The high council has given permission for us to accompany you to Earth and for their adoption as wards of my house."
Sirius pulled L'kor into a tight hug before releasing her and pulling Emma and Harry in to another.
"Does that mean I call you mum?" asked Harry before taking off out the door as L'kor bared her teeth at him.
Here ends Lost but don't worry the story will continue in the next story in this crossover for now provisionally named "Heirs of magic".
Thanks for your patience and I hoped you enjoyed it.