Sorry, this update was totally unnecessary, but I wanted to say a few things before 2012. [Directed towards this story's previous readers]
First: I finally finished the first chapter of the new version of this story, and I'm very ecstatic about it! Please check it out and tell me if you like this version, or the new version better [I need criticism so I can improve!]. It's renamed, Cure Me, Please on my profile.
Second: Dr. Strawberry & Dr. Midget was published two -almost three- years ago, and I feel grateful to all the readers who had stuck with my whining and complaining in every chapter till December 26, 2010 -which was my last real update. I'll miss this story!
Third: Thank you everybody! Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year!
With Love, Bittersweetnitemare/Nintendogirl50