Revenge of the Avenged

Summary: After the Defeat of Deep Blue The Mew Mews were all granted permission to re-begin their normal lives. They each went their own ways and eventually all lost contact with one another. It's been years since a threat has been posed upon planet Earth and now the "un-connected" Mew Mews must team up once again to defend what is most dear to them--without letting the past and recent changes get in their way. Can the Mew Mews once again defend planet Earth? Or will their differences get in the way? And who is the new, weirdly-magical living creature that seems to be causing such distress. This time; it's a fight to the death!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Tokyo Mew Mew---though any new characters that may appear are my own original thoughts, as well as the ideas for this fanfiction. :)

Before you begin reading I would like you to know that I'm a very diligent writer and intend to finish every project I begin unless I say otherwise. I love helpful criticism, so by all means--send it my way :)


Chapter One: A Calling.

I find myself standing on a building in the middle of an unrecognizable, yet somehow strangely familiar, city; scanning the surrounding area for anything out of the ordinary. Where the hell am I? What am I looking for?

"Danger..." the word echos in the back of my mind.

Danger? My ears perk up, concentering and analyzing the uprise around me, my eyes still scrutinizing the surrounding area. From my point of view nothing looks amiss. The city below; bustling about in the night, the sound of horns from annoyed drivers, and the distant piercing sound of police sirens on the run. I see nor hear any danger. Just the normal sounds and sights of a busy city.

I brush my bangs out of my face, shifting my standing position. Being in this "form" was always uncomfortable. Well, to fight in anyways. The pink, silk dress, clinging to my body was always classified as annoying, and slightly whore-ish. Did I mention how short and puffy the outfit is? The silky fabric ends just blow my thigh. Did Ryou want me to like, flash the aliens before killing them? Maybe he thought it would stun them for a second or two. I mentally laugh. It wouldn't surprise me...

I grasp the golden pendant with the heart-engraved symbol dangling just below my throat. Sometimes I can't help but miss the past; My friends; The cafe; The parties, the love-triangles, and of course the fights between us and the Aliens.

"Danger!!" There was that annoying voice again. My forehead creases in frustration. Where? I don't see any danger!

"Look for the red Tower..." Echos around me. This voice that I'm hearing isn't my own. It's stronger, and male. It sounds vaguely familiar...

Wait!...the red Tower?...I ponder the different "Red Towers" that I'm aware of. None come to mind with the exception of one. Surly it couldn't be...

The Tokyo Tower.

"Yes..." He answers. "The Tokyo Tower."

I'm in Tokyo; my former home. I quickly dart across various buildings landing quietly on each one. As I pounce across the rooftops the golden bell tied to my tail jingles softly. A familiar, homely noise.

I race faster and faster towards the area I vaguely remember being the Tokyo Tower. Maybe if I headed in this direction, that annoying voice would shut up...I was wrong.

The voice decided to consistently echo through my head; "Hurry. Danger. Hurry! Danger!". The statements were becoming pleas, and the pleas were becoming cries of--pain? No...urgency. I run faster, the cold wind whipping my face, and entangling my hair. My heart is racing, and an unexplainable feeling suddenly settles within my stomach. Is it...fear? I continue to run. No time for fear; I need to get to the tower. After a few minutes more of running I come to an abrupt halt, hiding myself within the shadows of a towering domicile. I can see the Tokyo Tower. But I sense something. No...not something...


"HURRY!" The voice screeches. "At the top of the tower!!"

My eyes lock with hers; glowing red. Standing atop of Tokyo Tower she looks down upon me; a smirk on her face. She's surrounded by a sphere of shining blue light. A shield of some sort...or possibly--a barrier? There's something extending out of her back...I can't make all of her features out; it's too dark, the sphere doesn't emit enough light to allow me to see her clearly.

"MOVE!" The voice demands.

The woman raises her hands above her head; palms up. Her eyes close and she mouths words that I can't make out. I shift into a solid stance, ready for an attack..

"NO! Attack now!" Its the voice once more. He sounds urgent; but there isn't much I can do. If I try to get to the top of the tower to her, she's just going to send me flying down into the asphalt. I'd rather not die. Attempting to attack her now would be just as bad as attempted suicide.-Only succeeding.

A giant bolt of red light beams from her palms, shooting into the night sky; lighting the dark clouds red. I dart towards the woman. I'm not sure what she's just done or what she's about it do, but I have to stop her.

"Its too late." Hopelessness and despair echoes around me.

No! It can't be. I reach the base of the tower, dashing, and jumping my way upward. There's an evil, grim laugh piercing the night.

The woman.

All of a sudden there's a large amount of light emitting from the sky. The entire city of Tokyo is now visible. I can feel the air around me getting warmer and warmer; the temperature is rising.

Sunrise? No. It couldn't be. It isn't. This is her doing. In mere seconds the incandescence prevents me to see clearly; completely blinding. I still try to push forward. I have to stop her. I can feel sweat pouring down my face. The heat is becoming unbearable and the womans' laugh continues to fill the air.

My boots feel as if they're becoming heavier; almost like they're sticking to the side of the tower as I try to climb.

"Melting. There's a giant fireball hurling towards Tokyo" Melting!? No! I won't let this happen! I'll kill this woman!! I won't let Tokyo be destroyed!!

"Its over...."

"No!" I screech.

The catastrophic collision hits the city of Tokyo, Japan. Leaving it in a sea of flames.

I shoot up in bed, a screeching scream escaping my throat. I secure my hands over my mouth, muffling my own noises. I breathe deeply. Calm down Ichigo. Get ahold of yourself. It was only a dream. Just a dream.

Nothing more.

I gently fall back into my pillows, wiping the sweat from my forehead. I throw the blankets off the bed. My breathing is still heavy; my heart still pounding. Calm. I take a deep breath. Calm. I thought these dreams had stopped. Guess I was wrong.

I push myself to the edge of the bed, turning the beside lamp on. I pull my sweat-drenched hair back; fanning my face. I'm still sweating. I feel as if someone has set me fire. Why does this keep happening?

Ugh, I feel as if I may pass out...

I force myself from the bedside, stumbling my way over to the balcony doors, swinging them open eagerly. The blast of cool air hitting my face is refreshing; like water being thrown on an open fire. The Atlantic breeze feels amazing on my skin. I lightly shake my head, allowing the wind to surf smoothly through each crimson strand, it falling lightly down the center of my back.

Deep breaths. Deep...Slow...Breaths.

I grasp the railing of the balcony. It's smooth to the touch, and cold. The Ocean waters are beginning to retrieve from the sandy golden beaches, as the sun inches over the horizon. The Atlantic ocean is always an amazing sight to wake up to. The water sparkles as the rays of gold light bounce off the rippling waves; beautiful.

I sigh, feeling rejuvenated, walking back into my neatly kept hotel room; my home. Working as a waitress within one the hotels five-star restaurants' certainly has its' perks. They provide me with, and pay for, my own room, and maid service. The hours are good, and the tips are fantastic. Who knew living in America would be so luxurious? I mean---wait...

There's a noise...a slight humming. I scan the room in search of the source.

The pink light emitting from my jewelry box has my mind spinning.