Well, this is kind of depressing and gory, so…

Disclaimer: I don't own MR.

Memory after memory continuously crashed over me, relentlessly battering the walls around my mind. I retreated into my mind so as to make no sound and possibly give myself away.

Holding Gazzy as he shuddered into my chest while a thunderstorm raged against the E-shaped house. Nudge droning on relentlessly about random things. Iggy giving Gazzy a mischievous smirk as a new idea for a bomb came to him. Fang sitting stoically while I paced in front of him, ranting. A five-year-old Angel, giggling and running from me, trying to hide after pouring honey on me while I slept. Sitting in a cage after being forced to run until I literally fainted from exhaustion and looking over at Fang, seeing reassurance in his eyes, his conviction that we would get out. Hearing Iggy cry out in fear when he woke and couldn't see. Nudge's terrified whimper as the scientists unlocked her cage and began to drag her out. Gazzy standing bravely in front of Angel and growling at them as the whitecoats attempted to take his sister. Angel looking me dead in the eye as she was carried off to be experimented on, her fear evident.

My mind then decided to take an even darker turn as it pulled forth images of that day. Even now all I could stand were images as I attempted to block the feelings that accompanied them. Blood everywhere. Lifeless bodies. Most of them were flyboys or erasers. But a few weren't. Their lifeless eyes. Angel's normally bright blue eyes dull, dead. Nudge's warm brown eyes, always full of energy even when she's about to pass out with exhaustion, glassed over and void of anything. Gazzy's mischievous blue eyes which constantly held a spark of amusement and laughter, staring straight up, empty. Iggy's already sightless eyes, nearly completely ripped out of his head by erasers. Fang's black eyes that always hid his thoughts and emotions, were the worst. One was closed, while the other was an empty hole where a bullet had left a path. Their maimed bodies, bloodied and broken.

I couldn't stop the sob that burst from my lips. The memories, however, had no intentions of stopping and continued to relentlessly drown me.

Gazzy's determination not to make a sound as the scientists pulled him out of his cage. Gazzy looking guilty as I glared at him after he used my favorite jeans to make a bomb. Gazzy rolling on the floor laughing at the murderous expressions on Iggy and Fang's faces after throwing his voice to make them mad at each other. Gazzy's limp body, a deep gash running across his stomach and down his right leg…

Nudge bouncing up and down and clapping happily when she got to go shopping for the first time. Nudge talking nonstop. Nudge's relief when she saw me after I got shot. Nudge's body, her wings ripped off…

Iggy's disconcerting ability to be able to look into your eyes even though he's blind. Iggy's perverted sense of humor. Iggy's cooking. Iggy with his face practically ripped off, his arms and left leg bent at strange angles…

Angel's angelic smile. Angel's sweet giggling at Iggy and Gazzy's antics. Angel curling up with me after she had a nightmare. Angel's face, twisted in pain, while her torso was ripped open from eraser claws…

Fang. Fang smirking while I just glared at him. Fang leaning in to kiss me in the cave. Fang telling me he wouldn't leave me. Fang, broken and defeated, his body beaten heavily, his neck twisted around, deep claw marks running down his back, his wings in ribbons…

Visiting that clearing every year, where their names were carved into trees in place of tombstones…

All these memories were running constantly through my mind. I stared straight ahead. I barely noticed when it started raining again, but when I did I welcomed it. The sky was weeping as well.

Please review and tell me what you think. I have several ideas of where this can go, but I want to hear your ideas and opinions. What do you think should happen?

By the way, who else hated Fang?