A/N – Sorry it took so long for the update, but I had a little writer's block. Here is the conclusion to this one, but I am thinking of doing a sequel. Thanks again for reading and I hope everyone enjoys! As always I love reviews!

Catch ya on the Flipside!

Chapter 13 – Love Is All That Matters After All


3 months ago

"You can't just leave." Trini said, tears streaming down her face. "We can help you."

"Tri, I need to do this for me. I need to get away." Kim said softly, her own tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Just stay in touch please." Jason pleaded, not wanting to let his best friend leave, but also knew he couldn't stop her.

"Yeah girl, just let us know how you are and come home soon." Aisha smiled through her own tears as she hugged her best friend.

"And if you need anything, please let us know." Zack added.

"We are always here." Billy said softly as he stood next to Zack.

"I know and I promise. Please just let everyone else know I'm okay and I love them." Kim said as she hugged everyone.

Stepping up to Jason last, her "brother" wrapped her up in strong embrace. This was harder than he thought it would be, but after almost losing your two best friends, he wanted to only hold on longer to everything. "I thought he would make it." Kim whispered in Jason's ear as she returned the tight embrace.

"I know Firebird, but Zordon said only two us could come down and he refused. He hasn't talked to anyone since that night he saw you." Jason whispered back.

"I don't think he would have come regardless." Kim said sadly.

"He's just hurting Kim. He's been through a lot too the last couple of months and you leaving again is just about killing him." Jason replied.

"I know…I hate that I am hurting him again, but…"

"I know Kimmie, just don't wait too long to come back."

"I won't…watch him for me okay?" Kim smiled as she let go of the embrace, said one last goodbye and was gone from everyones lives once again.

Kim took a plane to Malibu, she was going to stay at her grandmother's summer home in Malibu. She had called her grandmother, everyone said Kim was just like her, told her she needed a place to stay and rest. Being the wonderful woman she is, her grandmother told her she could stay at her summer home in Malibu for as long as she wanted, no questions asked and that if she needed anything there was money in her bedroom. The former pink ranger jumped at the chance to stay at the empty house by the ocean. The six bedroom house was way too large for just her, but it sat at the end of a street and had its own private pool, beach, private everything. It was just what Kim needed. Her only set back was leaving her friends and leaving Tommy.

She hadn't talked to Tommy since the night he had teleported to her room in Florida. She tried to call him, but only was met with his answering machine. She left messages, but was only met with silence. Tommy was hurting and Kim knew his way of coping was to crawl back into the shell she had broken him out of and shut everyone out. She was just hoping he wouldn't shut her out.

Kim spent the next three months getting herself healthy. She spent her solitaire days sleeping, swimming, walking along the shore of the beach, playing her guitar and writing songs. There was also countless hours spent practicing kata's Tommy and Jason had taught, taking lessons at a local martial arts studio and harnessing her spirit animals powers. She updated Trini, Jason, and Aisha once a week and they would update everyone else. Kim also wrote Tommy a letter everyday and everyday she received no response. Things between her and Tommy were a mess, but she hoped when she returned she could fix everything.

End Flashback

When did everything get so messed up and so confusing? She had been sleeping for hours, days…weeks and still she felt exhausted. Her skin didn't look so pale anymore and some of the weight she had lost had slowly come back. Sometimes she could feel her old self returning, but then the moment would pass and everything that had happened in the last four years would flash before her eyes. That's when she would remember who she was and what she had gone through. She felt so much older than eighteen, but who wouldn't after facing death as many times as she had. Due to healing powers you couldn't see a scar on her skin, even her Ninjetti powers protected her after she had given up her power coin, but there were many invisible scars from basically fighting a war for years. Healing was one benefit of the powers, but the other was the link she shared with the man that held her heart. The power of the link increased every day, his emotions, and sometimes thoughts would flood her senses, but they had also both learned to control it. A frown appeared on her face as she thought of how he learned to control it, he had been blocking her for weeks and that is what drove her to return home.

So here she sat on the cold bleachers of the Angel Grove Race track watching a car go in circles. What was so fun about this anyways? The drone of the car was almost lulling her to sleep and it was loud and smelly, but she knew why he liked it. It was the adrenaline rush and something he craved especially now that they had passed a piece of himself away. That was something she didn't understand either. She had felt it the day it happened. His emotions were all over the place, but one stood out the most: sadness. Being a ranger was a part of him and no matter how hard it was or dangerous, he loved it and she knew a part of him had been ripped away that day. The sudden sound of the car shutting down broke her from her thoughts as she lifted her gaze zeroed in on the person she had come to see. Taking a deep breath she opened the connection, hoping he would open his too as she made her way over to the pit.

He threw the white helmet off, anger rolling off in waves at his race time, but he knew why. He could feel her presence getting closer and closer each day until he knew she was really close by. His emotions were all over the place when it concerned the petite brunette that held his heart. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath as the memory of the last day he saw her rolled over him in waves. How stupid he had acted. The former leader of the rangers was ashamed at his behavior a few months ago in Florida and knew she had been right about everything, he just didn't want to admit it. It was Jason who had literally beat that revelation into his brain, heart and body. He knew he wasn't any better than her. Sleep was far and in between as was eating. He shut everyone out and had come close to death…again. So to say everything that had happened in the last year was overwhelming was a huge understatement. He should have listened, should have come up with a plan to make it better, but instead he yelled and left. His heart and instincts always won out when it came to her and that day in her room his heart and instincts had yelled at him that any scenario involving them being apart was wrong. If only his head had stepped in a little then maybe he wouldn't have spent the last few months depressed and missing her more than ever. The tingling in the back of his head broke him from his thoughts. A smile crossed his lips as he could feel her walking towards him.

"Hey Beautiful." Tommy greeted as he turned around to the beauty before him. He was going to fix this and never let her go again.

"Hey yourself Handsome." Kim smiled at the man standing before her. She was surprised by his demeanor towards her. She thought he would still be angry, but happiness and nervousness were all she felt through their link and he didn't look angry at all. His hair was longer, his natural curl taking over his messy locks. He looked so good and she had missed him so much.

"When did you get back?" Tommy asked as he shrugged off half of his red jumpsuit revealing a white tank top.

"Just this morning." Kim answered as she stared at Tommy's tight muscles.

Tommy noticed her stare and couldn't help but stare back. The glow she had always possessed had returned to her skin and eyes. She had even put some weight back on which he was very grateful for. The girl before him was gorgeous standing in a pair of white shorts and a pink tank top. She had let her hair grow longer, the caramel colored locks hanging down her back while a few side swept bangs framed her beautiful face.

"See something you like?" Kim smirked.

"Do you?" Tommy smirked back. He was happy they were able to revert back to their easy banter. He was so nervous she would be upset with him for his past behavior, but instead happiness and relief flooded through the link they shared and she had one of the brightest smiles on her face.

"Always." Kim said breathlessly as Tommy took a step closer. She could feel his breath on her face and her whole body was humming.

"Really?" Tommy questioned softly.

Kim tilted her head up and looked into his deep brown eyes that revealed his underlying question. A smile crept unto her face as she leaned in a placed her soft lips on him hoping to convey her answer. Initially he was shocked by the kiss but quickly responded. The kiss was soft at first as they were reacquainted with the sensations they had both been yearning for. Suddenly the underlying passion they had always held for each other quickly took over as the kiss became deeper and hands began to roam.

A soft moan escaped Kim's lips as she pressed herself into Tommy's long frame feeling as if she couldn't get close enough. The warmth from his body only increased her need to feel him. Her head knew they should talk more and figure everything out, but her heart screamed at her head to shut up and enjoy being in his arms again.

"Not that I don't think everyone is enjoying the show, I think maybe you to should reunite somewhere else." The voice of Tommy's Uncle John announced starting the two former rangers causing them to quickly jump apart.

Kim could feel her entire body turning red from being caught as she hid her burning face in Tommy's chest. "Uh, sorry Uncle John. We'll be leaving now." Tommy replied as he tried to get his breathing to even out and his body to calm down which was increasingly hard when you had someone like Kim pressed against you.

"No worries Tommy boy. Glad to see you and Kim together. Don't screw it up this time." Uncle John whispered in Tommy's ear as he walked past the couple.

"Oh my god. I'm so embarrassed." Kim said as they entered the trailer at the race track to retrieve Tommy's things.

"It's not that bad." Tommy responded.

"Yes it is! Your Uncle John just saw us basically groping each other in the middle of his pit." Kim retorted as she began to pace the small trailer.

A deep chuckle erupted from Tommy's chest as he watched his girl, the spit fire, get more distressed. "Don't you laugh at me Thomas." Kim said turning to face him causing him to laugh harder.

"I'm sorry, but you look adorable when you get like this. I can't believe I let you go." Tommy smiled as he wrapped his arms around her petite waist.

"Tommy…" Kim began, his comment reminding her of the conversation they needed to have.

"I know Kim, but let's not talk about it right now. I don't want to have this conversation in smelly trailer with my uncle and the pit crew outside listening. I am dying for a shower and I'm starving. I want to do this right." Tommy explained as he pressed his forehead against hers.

"Okay. I wouldn't mind cleaning up too and getting some food." Kim smiled as she pressed her lips against his again.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. Her bright smile, beautiful eyes, and soft skin kept him in a trance as he sipped on his cherry smoothie. "You might want to wipe the drool bro." Zack laughed as he leaned closer to best friend. "Drool is not very becoming."

"Shut up. I do not drool." Jason retorted as he quickly wiped his mouth just in case.

"I beg to differ oh fearless leader." Adam smiled.

"They have a valid point Jase. Your point of vision has not left her form since we got here." Billy added.

"We know you just want lie her down on that mat and have your way with her." Rocky smirked as he stuffed some French fries in his mouth.

"Watch it Rocko." Jason glared at his predecessor.

Shrugging at Jason's warning and glare Rocky continued to eat his fries. "What? Just stating the obvious."

"Whatever." Jason grunted as he turned his attention back to the beauty before him. She was performing a complex t-chi on the mats and Jason couldn't take his eyes off her fluid movements.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Aisha's said as she, Kat and Tanya came behind the group of boys.

"Not much, Rocky's stuffing his face, Billy's working on a new project and Jason is drooling over Trini." Adam stated.

"So basically nothing new." Aisha snickered.

"Basically." Rocky mumbled through his food.

"Boy, chew with your mouth closed." Aisha said while rolling her eyes at the display of the boy in front of her.

"So when is Tommy supposed to get here?" Kat spoke up causing Jason to turn around and glare at her.

"He said he was going to finish at the track around two so he should be here soon." Jason answered hoping Kat would continue to keep away from Tommy as she had been since their confrontation months ago.

"Actually he is here now." Tommy laughed as he snuck up behind Jason.

"Jesus bro, scared the shit out of me. Stop doing that creepy stalking thing." Jason groaned as he turned around to face his friend.

"Did I just here you laugh fly boy?" Aisha asked looking at her former teammate suspiciously.

"And smile." Tanya added. She was just as confused as everyone else. Tommy had spent the last few months moping and detaching himself from everyone. It was only a few weeks ago that his demeanor started to change. He started to eat more, sleep more and spend time with everyone a little more, but the sadness that had been engulfing him for months was still lingering.

"Yeah what's up with this happy Tommy? Are you evil or something?" Rocky asked trying to see if something was off about his friend.

"Why does everyone always think I'm evil when I act differently?" Tommy asked as he crossed his arms across his broad chest.

"Because you usually are or you have drank those stupid energy drinks which make you jumpy." Kim interjected, appearing behind Tommy.

"I don't drink those anymore." Tommy retorted turning to face the petite girl behind him as everyone watched in utter dismay at the scene before them.

"So that's why there was an empty can in your car?" Kim smirked placing her hands on her hips.

"Uh, that isn't mine." Tommy replied, a smile starting at the edge of his lips.

"You are such a bad liar Oliver." Kim said, her own smile starting to take over as she gazed into his deep brown eyes.

A shriek from across the Youth Center suddenly broke Kim and Tommy from their banter along with everyone else who stood their staring. Trini had seen Kim from the mat's and came running up to her yelling her name as she almost knocked the small girl over in a tight hug.

"Kim…oh my god you are back!" Trini continued to yell.

"Trini…need to breath." Kim gasped for air.

"Oh sorry." Trini giggled as she released her old friend. "When did you get here?"

"That's what I would like to know." Jason interjected, the rest of the group nodding their heads in agreement.

"And what is up with you and Tommy?" Aisha asked, happy at the couple's earlier display.

"Okay one question at a time." Kim replied.

"Also how about we get some food too." Tommy added pulling up a chair to the table for him and Kim as Ernie came over.

"Hey Kim! It's good to see you." Ernie greeted as he ethusiacially hugged the small girl he had known for years.

"It's good to see you too Ernie. It's good to be home." Kim said as she returned the hug.

"The usual for everyone?" Ernie asked and was answered with a chorus of agreement.

"Okay spill." Aisha demanded, her patience wearing thin.

"Sha….I just got back this morning and I'm not discussing Tommy and I right now." Kim answered, but was met with a scowl from her best friend.

"Fine, but we will talk later." Aisha replied.

"Where are you staying?" Billy asked happy to see his childhood friend. He had noticed that she looked healthier than the last time he saw her. She had gained some weight and didn't look so fragile, but he could also see the same sadness that had plague Tommy for months as well.

"At Jase's house. His parents offered me the guest room." Kim answered noticing Tommy's stare.

"Yeah, but you weren't supposed to come till tomorrow." Jason said. "She is going to be living with us for the rest of the school year. It made sense since she practically lived at my house when were kids."

"That's right, she was always climbing that tree and sneaking into your room." Zack added.

"Why did she do that?" Kat asked, annoyed at the fact that Kim was home and Tommy couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"My parents were always fighting so I used to run to Jason's house and stay there. His mom never cared. She would just call my mom and tell her I was there again. Jason's family was more of family to me anyways." Kim answered sadly.

"Well you got us too pinky." Rocky interjected next to her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks Rocko." Kim smiled at her friend.

The next few hours were spent catching up and eating as Kim filled in everyone on what she had been doing. She had kept in touch with everyone, but only really told Jason, Trini and Aisha everything. Kim was happy to see her friends, everything was falling into place. This is how is supposed to be, but she also knew the talk with Tommy still needed to occur. They needed to talk privately and she was desperate to get him alone.

Sensing Kim's tense mood, Tommy knew Kim wanted to go. He knew she wanted them to talk just as badly as he did, but first he had to tear her away from the group so they could have some privacy. The conversation that needed to happen could occur in front of their friends. "Um, guys, Kim and I need to go." Tommy spoke up suddenly.

"Where are you guys going?" Kat asked much to everyone's annoyance.

"None of your business." Tommy hissed as he was still keeping his distance from Kat.

Kim was a little surprised by Tommy's tone with Kat, but Jason had told her about the confrontation and conversation that had occurred. "We just need to talk guys." Kim explained.

"Got it. I'll see you back at the house. I'll tell my mom your with Tommy, although she probably already knows." Jason said as he hugged Kim goodbye and herded the group out of the Youth Center before more protests could be heard.

"So where do you want to talk?" Kim asked as she and Tommy were the only ones left at the table.

"I think I have a good spot." Tommy smiled as he grabbed Kim's hand and lead her out of the Youth Center.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, they two ex rangers came to a halt. Kim looked around at the scenery before her as multiple memories flashed before her eyes. "I thought this might be where you would want to talk." Kim said softly as she looked up into the sky at the starts shining down on the lake.

"Yeah, well it's our spot and it's quiet." Tommy smiled as the girl before him. The moon light cast a wonderful glow that made her even more beautiful.

"Well where do you want to begin?" Kim asked nervously as she played with her hands.

Feeling her nervous feelings Tommy took a step closer and wrapped his larger hands around her smaller ones causing Kim to look up him. He cupped her cheek while thumbing her soft skin and Kim leaned into the soft caress. "I'm so sorry for what happened Kim…"


"Let me finish, please." Tommy pleaded as Kim nodded her head. "I'm sorry Kim. I was too blinded by my own wants and needs to see yours. I know both us weren't in a good place. I wasn't eating or sleeping for months, you weren't and add in you being in and out of the hospital, both of us on the brink of death and you have to very exhausted and worn out people. My only thoughts were to keep you near me and the thought of you leaving or loosing you again just about killed me." Tommy started to explain.

"I know. It killed me too. I didn't want to leave Tommy, but I needed to fix myself before I could fix us. I'm so sorry I hurt you Tommy. I am so so sorry, but I was messed up. I was confused, exhausted, sick and hurting." Kim said trying to hold the tears at bay.

Tommy could feel the last few months of anger starting to return. "I know that too Kim, I just wanted to be there to help you."

Kim knew she needed to explain her behavior and make Tommy understand. "But you couldn't help me, not right away. I had to fix this myself. All that happened in the last year and basically the last six months had eaten away at me piece by piece. I came close to dying four times, I wasn't eating well or taking care of myself. I was an utter mess and depressed."

"To me it felt like you were running away!" Tommy yelled.

"I didn't run away!" Kim yelled back defensively.

"Yes you did Kim and I get, I really do, but you have to see it a little from my point of view." Tommy argued as he released Kim's hand's and began to pace.

Kim could feel the tears starting to streak down her face as she lost the war with her built up emotions. "What can I say to make this better?"

"Did being away really help?" Tommy questioned as his pacing stopped, but he kept his back to Kim.

Kim took a cautionary step towards the man who held her heart and placed her hand on his back. "I think it did. I'm healthier and feeling better, but I missed you every day. I sent you letters, I called you…" Kim rambled, her voice shaking with emotion.

Tommy released a breath at her last statement. He felt so guilty for his behavior while Kim was gone. He didn't respond to any of her letters or call her back. "I know." Tommy sighed.

"So why didn't you ever answer the phone or respond to one of my letters?" Kim asked as she wrapped her arms around her body.

"I didn't know what to say." Tommy answered honestly.

"I wish you would have answered just one phone call or letter." I know you were angry, hurt and confused, but so was I. I could feel everything until you blocked me out." Kim replied.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I could feel you too, but I just didn't know what to do." Tommy said as he turned around to face Kim.

"So what do we do now?" Kim asked looking up at man before her.

He hesitated. "You are really back permanently?" Tommy finally answered.

"Yes. Most of my stuff is at Jase's house and the rest was shipped. I'm going to finish out the year and graduate with you guys." Kim answered causing Tommy to smile.

"Then there is only one thing left to do." Tommy said as he leaned down, his mouth inches away from hers.

"And what would that be?" Kim questioned, her heart thumping loud in her chest as Tommy's closeness.

Without answering Tommy closed the last bit of space between them and brushed his lips against hers, savoring her unique and delicate taste. "I love you." He told her.

"I love you too." Kim said softly.

Kim cupped his face and brought it back down to hers placing butterfly kisses across his cheeks, lips and along his jaw. She had missed him so much and the pent up passion was brimming over the edge. Finally moving her tongue along his lips she kissed him fully on the mouth. Tommy's eyes closed and he opened to her, a rumbling purr sounded in his chest as he eagerly returned her kiss. His hands wandered down her back to grip her hops and pulled, bringing her flush against the growing bulge in his jeans. His tongue swept into her mouth, sensually swirling and dancing with hers. He could feel his heart thumping loudly in his chest as he once more reacquainted himself with the succulent taste that was all Kim. Tommy felt as if he had almost forgotten how sweet she was. The kiss continued to deepen as his tongue stroked hers, sending shock waves through both their bodies and their link while igniting a buried passion that was waiting to burst forth.

"I missed you so much." Kim purred into Tommy's ear.

Pressing soft kisses along Kim's jaw, Tommy made his way back up so he could see her eyes. "I missed you too Beautiful. Welcome home."