Jeez. I'm really sorry. You all hate me now.

To justify, I've had a thousand-and-one things go wrong in the passed year. Everything from parents divorcing, to death in the family, and a really-bad breakup.

And I'm overloading my self with work, school, and trying to make time for anything leisure-esque.

But, anyway… I'm taking fanfiction back on (this will actually subtract from the overload... in my mind... I think...), and making it a priority. I forgot how great writing was.

Sadly, I'm giving this story, in particular, up. It was one of my favorite ideas yet, only I don't have the will to finish it, now that the 8th book is out. I'm going to write book 9 now, and should have the first chapter up within the next week. However, I would love to hand this story over to someone. PLEASE, by all means, PM me and this will be arranged. I hate for things to go unfinished...

Last but not least, it really means a lot to me that even though I had been gone for so long, I still got reviews periodically. Like, you don't even understand how much that meant. I cried. I want to thank you all. Even if you hate me now, I don't blame you. I want to thank you guys. :)

Love, ZiaMikal