This takes place right after Daphne and Sabrina get out of Oz.

Sabrina get's all in a tizzy (*giggle*) because Puck isn't in Oz. He stumbled into another story, loosing Sabrina and Daphne.

The question is… which story?



-- That was my evil cackle.

Yes, it was necessary.

*Looks down in shame*

No, not really.


I know this is unlikely to happen in Book Eight, but it was just a cool (*-In my mind. It's late, so my opinion isn't exactly stable right now. But, hey, Lewis Carroll was high all the time, right?! There is hope!:D-*) idea that entered my head at 11:30 on a Sunday night.



It was clear. Puck was certainly not in Oz. Where he was and how he managed to land in a different story than Sabrina and Daphne was a complete mystery.

Oz wasn't that large of a place at all. As a matter of fact, it didn't seem any larger than Ferryport Landing. But the weirdness of it made up for lack of land. Sabrina and Daphne searched every nook and cranny in the strange Land of Oz. They searched high and low from Munchkinland to The Emerald City, from Winkie Country to The Glikkus Canals. He simply wasn't there. And, for some odd reason, this made Sabrina distraught.

All she could think about was Puck, where he was, and if he was okay... What if he wasn't okay? What if Puck needed her help? What if he was... No. She couldn't let herself think like that. She couldn't lose hope.

Luckily, while searching for Puck, Sabrina and Daphne happened to find a door, standing alone in the middle of a forest. Sabrina opened it, only to see the other side of the forest.

This only angered her more. She slammed the door with all her might, causing an apple to fall from a tree above, hitting her head in the process.

"Wait!" Daphne said. She got up from a tree stump she had been sitting on previously, and opened the door once again. She looked at it from every angle, as if she were committing it to memory.

Her sister simply gave her a strange look. Daphne caught her sisters' gaze and decided to explain herself. "Sabrina, come stand by the side of the door, please." Willing to try anything, she cooperated. Daphne picked up the apple that had fallen on her sisters' head just moments ago. Sabrina only gave her a questioning stare in return.

Daphne simply held a hand up to her sister as if asking her to wait. With this Sabrina simply gave her sister her full attention. Daphne, once again focusing on the open door, apple still in hand, made her warrior face and with all her might threw the apple through the doorway.

They both saw two different reactions, yet both reactions sparked an interest.

Daphne saw the apple go through the door, but as it did, it made the image of the doorway ripple, similar to the effect of someone walking through Mirror.

What Sabrina saw, or rather, didn't see, was what caught her eye. Sabrina clearly saw Daphne throw the apple, but she didn't see it go through the door. it was as if it somehow got lost in the process. This got Sabrina's hopes up, and in no time she grabbed her sisters' hand and ran right through the doorway with Daphne in tow.

Going through the door wasn't entirely unlike entering the Book of Everafter. Though, it also wasn't entirely unlike stepping into Mirror.

Once again everything went black.


When the girls awoke, they awoke to brightness. It was even more exquisite than Oz. They awoke to something blue... a bluish green color, anyway. It was a lagoon. It was a lagoon filled with brilliant pink flamingos, and Mermaids, and a... Pirate ship?

Sabrina drew her eyes away from the scenery to find Daphne, in a nightgown, biting down on her palm. Hard.

Realization hit.

She forced herself to look down at her own costume. Sabrina was dressed in green. Her get-up looked to be constructed of leaves, for that matter. Sabrina shuddered. She was dressed as none other than Tinkerbell.

No. Way.

"Sabrina! We're in Neverland!" Daphne practically screeched. Peter Pan had always been Daphne's favorite fairy tale. It was a wonder she didn't faint.

"Don't remind me, Marshmallow." A familiar voice came from behind them. The girls turned and looked to find the owner of the voice, but found no one.

"Over here!" The voice said. Sabrina noticed it was coming from a nearby bush. Almost immediately, Pucks head poked out from the bush Sabrina was looking at. She couldn't restrain herself. "PUCK!" Sabrina ran to him, full speed, and jumped into the bush, tackling him down in an embrace.

"Miss me, Grimm?" Puck laughed. That was all it took to bring her back to reality. She practically jumped off him, and they both stood up. Standing before her, Sabrina saw the most comical thing she had ever witnessed. Puck was wearing a green tunic, complete with matching tights and hat with a red feather through it. Sabrina couldn't breathe, for laughing so hard. She collapsed and lay there on the ground until she caught her breath, several minutes later. She stood up, still chuckling.

"Hello, Peter!" at that, Sabrina burst into laughter again. Pucks face grew red, with rage or embarrassment, she couldn't tell.

"Hey, Tink!" Sabrina froze. At that Puck burst into his own fit of laughter. There was no way he would live this down.

"Hey, you, with the tights," Sabrina said, in the midst of another mad laughing fit. Puck glowered in return.

"The stupid costume won't come off." Puck muttered.

Oh, there was absolutely no way Sabrina was going to let Puck live this one down. He was dressed as Peter Pan, for crying out loud! He was the one who landed himself in Neverland instead of Oz, he should have been more careful! Although, the Book of Everafters' stories were listed in alphabetical order by author... Barrie and Baum couldn't have to far apart in the first place. But, Sabrina decided that looking at things logically would have been no fun at the time. Puck was in tights! He landed right into his arch nemesis' story! This was too good to be true, for Sabrina, that is. This just happened to be Pucks worst nightmare.

"Hey, Peter! Where are your Lost Boys? Have you lost them?" Daphne taunted, playing along with Sabrina, who was clearly enjoying Pucks' humility much more than she should have.

"Shut it, Marshmallow!" Puck fumed.

Daphne, in turn cowered behind her sister. And Sabrina, in turn, began shouting at Puck. "Don't yell at her like that!"

Puck was glaring daggers, and his only retort was "I suppose you won't need my help getting out of this wretched place. I know I don't need your help, much less your annoying voice nagging at my every move."

With that, he stormed off. Sabrina was so mad at him, she didn't even care. She didn't need his help.

"We don't need him, Daphne! He would only slow us down. Now, let's find that door." With that, she turned around, wondering why Daphne hadn't said a word during her rant. What Sabrina saw bewildered her.

Before she could completely comprehend what exactly it was she saw, everything went black.




Was that my first cliffy?!

Why yes, yes it was.

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