Thank you to Kathiann for betaing the story.
Spoilers for season 1 and season 2.
Disclaimer I don't own any of the characters.
Mary and Marshall had finally arrived back at the Sunshine Building after being gone four days moving one of Mary's witnesses who forgot the whole do not contact anyone from your previous life policy.
The elevator opened revealing the two tired inspectors. Stan and Eleanor both looked up and noticed how they both were dragging.
"How'd it go?" Stan inquired taking a closer look at them as they made their way towards their desks.
"Let's see; we were shot at several times, almost blown up once, nearly run off the road a few times and rerouted even more times before handing the idiot to the Denver marshals." Mary stated sarcastically. "Did I miss anything?" She asked looked at Marshall.
"Nope, pretty good summary" Marshall deadpanned.
Stan rolled his eyes. "Why don't you both go home, shower, change, and get some sleep. You definitely need it."
"Are you telling us we stink?" Mary asked in disbelief.
"Oh yeah!" Eleanor piped in and Mary glared at her.
"Let's go Doofus; I can tell were not wanted." Mary grabbed Marshall by the arm and leads him to the elevator.
"Night Stan, Eleanor." Marshall called out.
Mary stared at Marshall. "They told us we stink and you say goodnight?"
"Manners are not a bad thing Mare and I'm sure they meant it in the nicest way possible." Marshall reminded her.
"Unbelievable." Mary stated shaking her head at Marshall.
They parted ways as they reached their vehicles and said goodnight before driving out of the parking lot.
The man smiled; he'd been watching them for months. Learning everything he possibly could without being caught. He watched as Marshall's partner headed in the opposite direction and smiled.
"Tonight we meet at last; tonight I claim what's mine." He spoke into the silence of his car. He'd give Marshall and hour before going to his house.
Marshall was thrilled to be home; it had been a long four days and he just wanted to sit back and relax. Remembering what Stan said he headed for the shower and changed into his rocket pajama bottoms and gray t-shirt. The bed looked so inviting by the time he'd gotten out of the shower that he decided to call it an early night. Climbing into bed, his eyes drifted closed as his head hit the pillow.
The man saw the lights out in the house and headed to the door; picking the lock he slipped in and silently headed to Marshall's bedroom. When he entered the room he saw the gun, badge, and handcuffs sitting on top of the dresser. Grabbing them all he moved towards the sleeping form. Straddling Marshall he trapped his arms before pulling out the syringe and injects it into Marshall as he began to stir. The second the syringe entered Marshall his eyes flew open and he attempted to buck the man off of him but the drug was fast acting and had him unconscious in minutes.
The man went out and pulled the truck into the garage and dragged Marshall through the house and placed him into the back cab of his truck and set him on the floor so he couldn't be seen. Once that was done he headed back into the house and grabbed Marshall's wallet and cell phone before returning to the truck and heading out into the night.
Mary had fallen asleep on the couch while watching television; something caused her to shoot up awake and she swiftly looked around the room for a threat.
"Mary, you okay?" Brandi asked having nearly screamed at the sudden movement from her sister.
Mary couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Her first thought was to call Marshall but when she saw the time she didn't want to disturb him so she shrugged it off as the left over effects of their Colorado trip.
"I think so. I'm going to bed." Mary headed to her room but it took a couple of hours before she could sleep. Her gut was telling her something was off and preventing her from sleeping.
The man waited in the old wooded chair after placing Marshall in its duplicate with his hands handcuffed over a metal pipe to prevent him from escaping. The drug would be wearing off shortly and there were important details he needed before he went to work tomorrow.
His patience finally began to be rewarded when he heard the small groan from Marshall as he began to come around. Finally they would be face to face.
Marshall was having a hell of a time opening his eyes. They seemed heavier than normal and then it clicked in his mind that he'd been injected with something. Forcing his head up, he looked at the man sitting across from him and was dumbstruck.
"Who the hell are you?" Marshall asked shocked. He felt like he was looking in a mirror; this person was a duplicate of himself.
"Well, is that any way to greet you big brother Marshall?" The man questioned.
"My older brother was kidnapped and killed when I was a year old. So who are you really?" Marshall tried again.
"Kidnapped yes, killed no. I believe my original name was Dante Mann."
"No, absolutely not. They confirmed Dante's body was found. I don't know who you are but you're lying." Marshall stated adamantly, he knew the story by heart and watched his parents grieve every year on Dante's birthday and the anniversary of the day he died. This man was playing some sick and twisted game with his mind and he didn't want any part of it.
"It's not hard to confirm when the person doing the autopsy is the one who kidnapped you. They stole me and named me Albert Jenkins. I later changed it to Dante Jenkins" He replied.
"If that's true why not run away or come back when you were older? Why take me from my home to tell me this? What's this about?" Marshall's mind was on overload and he wasn't sure what to think.
"There was no running away from them and they showed me how everyone moved on without me. Mom and Dad had their precious little Marshall to keep them happy; they didn't need me. Taking you is about claiming back my birthright. Our parents will never accept me for me but if I become you than I get my rightful place in the Mann legacy of U.S. Marshal Service and family. I've come for what should've been mine." Dante answered.
"You don't have the training or the experience; what makes you think that you can pull it off? You'll get people killed." Marshall stated angrily.
"I've watched you for months, I can do this; it's not that hard. I'll stay here for a little bit and get it down pat before requesting a transfer to get closer to our parents." Dante stated smiling. "Any details I need you'll provide or your partner, boss, and secretary will pay dearly for it. Let's start with what I need to know for tomorrow."
"I'm not helping you there's no way." Marshall couldn't do that it was against everything he'd been taught.
"Then I'll start with your partner; it should be relatively easy to get rid of her; just go out with her to check on someone and she won't make it back. Accidents happen you know."
Marshall saw the crazed look in Dante's eyes and knew he'd do it. He had to tell Dante most of the truths but give him some very subtle changes that would be recognized by his co-workers. "What information are you looking for?"
They spent the remainder of the night going over everything he would need to do tomorrow. Marshall would play it straight the first day so he could think of somehow to get a message to Stan and Mary.
Dante left early in the morning and drove back to Marshall's house. He headed to the bathroom and showered making sure to use all of Marshall's personal items; then he wandered to the closet and grabbed an outfit he's seen his brother wear together and finally grabbed the boots looked into the mirror and smiled before heading off to work.