Title: Melt

By: Metamorcy

Rating: T

Pairing: HibariXTsuna 1827

Summary: Tsuna has had many things happen to him over his life, mafia, dangerous babies, etc, etc, but getting stuck in a room with Hibari? That's new…

Disclaimer: don't own and if I did then the whole world would be filled with yaoi

N/A:I changed Tsuna's brown eyes to honey colored. I think it sounds better.

This has been beta'd by tokyomewmewlvr.

Tsuna felt like he was in heaven. It was all warm and comfortable, something he hadn't had for a while since Reborn showed up. He snuggled into the cushions and sighed blissfully. He could hear some faint shuffling in the distance but he didn't care, he didn't want to get up, not yet that is.

But wait…wasn't he in the refrigerator?

And wasn't he in Hibari's lap…


Tsuna shot up, knocking the jacket, which had been lying across his body, off. He looked around the room, finding himself no longer cold and in a classroom. His large honey-colored eyes turned to the person sitting at the desk, going over some paperwork by the looks of it.

He was in the reference room.

And there was Hibari, glowering at the papers before him. He wrote a few things on the sheet before looking up. His gray eyes were glowing dangerously and Tsuna was tempted to jump up and run the hell out of here. But his fingers clenched down on the jacket instead, still able to feel the warmth from it. He could smell Hibari's scent, a mixture of blood and spice, on the article and pull it up closer to his body. Not sure what made him do it what he did next but he did and regrettably stood up from his comfy spot. He held onto the jacket for dear life and went around the desk, taking small quiet steps. Hibari watched him carefully, Hibird as well, tilting his head to the side.

Slowly, Tsuna slid the jacket onto the owner, covering up the white undershirt. "Thanks…" He gave a soft smile and backed away. "Well, I better get going."

Hibari didn't say anything and watched as the brunet left, closing the door behind him. He remained where he was seated and reached up, pulling his jacket closer. He could faintly smell Tsuna's sweet scent mixed with his own on it. It was a pleasant smell and was soft to his nose. The jacket was warm from body heat and the shivers he had previously been hiding because of the temperature of the room went away. Hibird squeaked and hopped off his head, deciding that the shoulders were better.

He froze when he realized what he was doing. His fingers dug into the palm of his hands and turned away from his jacket, trying to get back to work. 'Something has to be wrong with me…'

But no matter how much he tried to get his thoughts cleared, it kept coming back to Tsuna.

Tsuna and his smiling face.

Hibari growled to himself but there was a faint tint of red on his cheeks. 'Damn…'

Throughout school the next day, Tsuna's mind would drift to the moments he had Hibari had been together and no matter what he used to keep himself busy, they somehow went back. To think he had used the perfect as a pillow and then get carried to the reference room without getting hit or woken up. It was so embarrassing…and kinda romantic. Tsuna slammed his head into the desk at that thought. Things were starting to get out of hand, he knew that, but his lips were sealed. He wouldn't dare tell anyone about what had happened, not even Reborn, who had been trying to force it out once he returned home. Tsuna was going to take this secret to his grave. Plus, he doubted that Hibari would let him live if news got around.

He sighed and looked around the classroom. His eyes widened when he spotted a couple of missing desks, about four or five of them. It was obvious about what had happened to them. 'I hope Hibari-san doesn't hurt them too much.'

"Juudaime, is something wrong?" Gokuderu asked, leaning to the side from his desk, whispering.

Tsuna blinked and shook his head. "Nothing's wrong, just thinking about something."

With that, the storm guardian looked satisfied but he was still curious about his bosses' behavior. But Juudaime's word was law to him and he wasn't planning on going back on it anytime soon. Yamamoto shot the brunet a look as well but didn't say anything since he was too far away unless he wanted to get in trouble. Tsuna tried to look like he was working and when the teacher turned to their direction, he would scribble into his notebook but it was a bunch of nonsense and doodles. Gokuderu was working hard as always, taking down everything the teacher wrote and more.

Tsuna didn't want to listen anymore and glanced out the window to the front area of the school. He just stared when suddenly a figure started walking towards the front entrance. He recognized the short black hair and the flapping black jacket as Hibari. The little speck of yellow known as Hibird was fluttering around in circles, probably singing the school anthem. The rest of the committee wasn't far behind but was keeping a distance from their boss.

The perfect paused at the gate and turned back to the group that was following him. Tsuna watched with interest as the group spread out into different directions, covering the whole field. That was until Hibari looked up and spotted him.

For a second, Tsuna had thought that it was impossible. He was too high up and there was darkened glass between them. But when the perfect continued to stand there, staring at his direction, he was starting to doubt that idea. He looked around his classroom and noticed that everyone's attention was on the board and looked back at Hibari, who hadn't budged from his spot. Hesitatingly, after peaking at the teacher to make sure she wasn't looking, he waved at the other with a soft smile.

This seemed to create a reaction. Hibari folded his arms and turned away. But then he looked back, nodded, and walked off, a couple from the committee following right behind. Tsuna blinked, his cheeks heating up, and twisted away after knowing Hibari was gone. His eyes drifted to his desk and felt his heart pounding uncontrollably.

'What's going on with me?' He thought absently. 'And Hibari-san is acting weird too…I didn't do anything embarrassing around him, did I?' His expression changed to fear but then softened. 'But if he was angry, he would have come after me long ago so why is he acting like this? It's almost as if he's being…kind…'

Tsuna stared at the piece of paper before him, deep in thought.

"Hey, Juudaime, what happened to you yesterday?" Gokuderu asked on their way from class. School had just ended and people were beginning to leave the building, saying goodbye to friends and classmates. Some stood around outside and talked while others were gathering together to walk perhaps to one's house or another's or to a store.

Tsuna looked up at the silver-haired teen and just shrugged his shoulders. He tried to keep his face straight, he didn't want anyone to find out what had happened yesterday, even if he wasn't all too clear on it. "Nothing happened yesterday."

"Oh, come on, Tsuna. Reborn said that you were late last night. Why was that?" Yamamoto grinned, carrying his baseball bat on one shoulder. Today he had no practice, which he was glad for since that meant more time with his friends. Plus, it was a nice day out.

At those words, the brunet flinched. He cursed inside his head, Reborn had told them. That wasn't good and he was pretty sure that they had seen him jump at the mentioning. They looked at him in anticipation and kept silent to hear.


"It's nothing, alright." Tsuna walked a little faster and was almost out of the building when someone called his name. He was tempted to ignore it and continue on saying that he had never heard it but the voice seemed a little…upset. He slowly turned around, knowing he was going to regret it, looking down the entrance hallway towards the person that was running towards him. Yamamoto and Gokuderu looked between each other than to the person. Tsuna sighed, this was going to tell his friends that something was definitely going on. "Kusakabe-san? What is it?"

"Did something happen between you and the Kyouya-san yesterday?" Kusakabe asked, stepping closer, whispering to Tsuna since he didn't want anyone else to hear. The crowds in the hallways broke apart at his appearance and disappeared, not wanting to get involved.

"What do you mean?" Tsuna blinked.

"Well, he's been acting strangely today. He seems so distant even when he was fighting, he kept looking away back towards the school. And he seemed so deep in thought. It's very unusual."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Gokuderu asked, standing in front of Tsuna protectively. He didn't know what was going on and as much as he would like to know, he had to protect his boss no matter what. Yamamoto was at the side, watching the conversation as it went. Some people in the hallway stared but didn't stay long.

Kusakabe was about to reply when Tsuna did.

"Alright, I'll go. Is Hibari-san in his office?"

"Juudaime!" Gokuderu yelled then continued. "I'll go with you!"

Tsuna looked at his two friends/guardians and shook his head. "No, its okay. I think I'll go alone. Thanks for the offer though." He stepped away from the two, smiling. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

This didn't seem to lighten the darkened mood in the area. Both friends were worried about Tsuna's safety knowing Hibari's habit of beating people up.

"Tsuna, when you get home, call us alright? If he does do anything to you, don't hesitate to tell us, alright?" Yamamoto smiled and patted the sky guardian on the back.

"Don't worry I know how to run. I don't think I'll be staying very long either." Tsuna smiled again, walking away with Kusakabe at his side. When he turned the corner, looking back the whole to make sure the others weren't following him, he weakened his smile and stared worriedly ahead. Honestly, he was scared…more like scared shitless. His fingers shook at the thought of meeting Hibari. Kusakabe didn't say a word on Tsuna's shaky appearance and stopped once they got far enough.

"Sawada-san, I'm going to head back to the others, okay? I can't leave my post or Kyouya-san will be angry." The older teen nodded in apology, hoping for everything to go for the best. It had too. He kept that in mind as he marched back, leaving Tsuna alone in the hallway. The brunet sighed in fear and gripped his clothes to help straighten himself as he walked.

The door of doom was coming up fast. He checked behind a few more times to make sure he wasn't being followed and knocked on the reference room door. The hallway was completely empty around this area, voided of people, even the Disciplinary Committee didn't dare come here unless it was something important. His shuffling seemed to echo and he knocked gently on the door again, waiting for a voice in return. For a while, he stood there.

'Maybe he's not in…' Tsuna thought to himself but decided to enter anyway. He opened the door carefully, peeking inside to see if there was any metal flying his way. When it was clear, he opened it wider to let his body in. His eyes trailed over the area, first the floor then to the couch slowly moving upward. He spotted Hibari standing by the window, looking out into the distance. The perfect had been so deep in thought that he hadn't even heard Tsuna entering nor the knocks from before.

"Hibari-san?" The brunet called out.

At his name, the black-haired teen snapped his head up in surprise then turned to the other in the room. His eyes were slightly wide before narrowing them, stepping away from the glass, arms folded neatly across his chest. "Herbivore, what are you doing here? School has ended already."

Tsuna flinched at the harsh tone. "Well, I came to see you."

"See me?" Hibari looked surprised at that then narrowed his eyes further. "Why?"

"Ah, well…" The sky guardian squeaked out. He didn't want Kusakabe to get in trouble for telling him this. "I was told that you weren't feeling well."

"I'm perfectly fine, Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna sighed, this wasn't going to be easy and collapsed onto the same couch he had been lying on yesterday. He deemed it was safe to stay since Hibari hadn't threatened him yet. "Then why were you staring out the window just now? You didn't even notice me when I came in either. And why did you look at me from the gates?"

Hibari tensed and looked away, not saying a word.

The brunet noticed the reaction and knew that this was going to happen. "Hibari-san, is there anything I can do for you? Everyone's worried, I'm worried…so I want to be able to help you."

The perfect didn't budge. It was more like he didn't want to move.

"Hibari-san…" Tsuna stood up, suddenly feeling brave and went closer to the other. He had to look up to see the face since the perfect was taller and blinked his large honey eyes. The darker eyes that were staring at the ground beyond the window were swimming in confusion. "Hibari-san, what's wrong?"

"Don't you have something better to do? Those herbivores of yours are probably looking for you." The cloud guardian grumbled, glaring at the brunet.

"They know I'm here with you." Tsuna smiled weakly, getting closer. He leaned forward, getting their faces close. "Kusakabe-san was even worried about you, you know. And if he's worried then there's something definitely wrong. Come on, I may not be able to help at all, but I can at least listen."

Hibari sighed, not about to give in completely and kept himself strong. But the pouting and pleading look Tsuna kept sending him would break anyone's will. He weakened a little under the gaze. "I'm just confused about something but I've already figured it out."

"Really?!" Tsuna perked up at this. "What is it?!"

The perfect stared at the hopeful younger teen before taking a deep breath, sighing loudly. He might as well try and get it over with. "This." Hibari pulled further away from the wall and closed off the distance between them. He placed a hand along Tsuna's right shoulder to hold the other still, not wanting Tsuna to try and run away. Their lips brushed gently at first before Hibari shoved the rest of the way and tilted his head to the side.

The honey eyes widened at the sudden touch and froze up. But he didn't resist, he didn't move at all. All he did was stare ahead in shock, feeling the warmth on his own lips, feeling how nice they were… The touch was soft and careful, almost gentle. No, it was gentle. Tsuna could feel the warm breath from the nose brush against his skin. Then it was gone.

The cloud guardian retracted.

Then the impossible happened.

Hibari was blushing, it wasn't a full face one like Tsuna would usually do but it was a light tint on the cheeks. The sky guardian opened his lips slightly, still able to feel the tingling on his own and continued to stare. The hands were still on his shoulders and made no movement whatsoever. Slowly, it dawned onto him. That had been his first kiss and with a guy too!

Suddenly, he was blushing and he would have fainted if Hibari's stern gaze didn't keep him up straight. His fingers twitched, fiddling with each other to get his thoughts together. He had basically stopped functioning because of one single kiss that had taken his breath away. Tsuna blushed harder. 'What am I thinking?! I like Kyoko-chan! Not Hibari-san! But…but…he's not so…' His eyes drifted to the older teen, who was waiting for a response.

Just as he opened his mouth to speak, something else beat him to it.

"Juudaime! Are you there!?"

'Gokuderu-kun?' Tsuna blinked then sighed, he should have seen this coming. Though, he hadn't been expecting the storm guardian to come in at the wrong time or right time? It didn't matter at the moment. The banging on the door got louder and finally slammed opened, revealing Gokuderu all flustered. He must have run all the way back from home. "What are you doing here, Gokuderu-kun?"

"I can't leave you here alone with him! And I need to make sure that you're safe at all costs!" He looked proud of himself, standing there in the doorway, all disheveled. Tsuna sighed again, deeper this time, and turned to Hibari, who was back to normal and was inching towards his tonfas. Tsuna panicked at that.

"Ah! Gokuderu-kun, I'm coming right now so go ahead first. I'll be right behind you." Tsuna edged the storm guardian out the door, trying to avoid a conflict between the two that would definitely end in bloodshed. He didn't need that right now. "I promise, I'll be right out, okay?"

The moment Gokuderu was away from sight, he stepped towards Hibari, finding new courage to go against the stronger teen, and leaned forward when they were close enough. He hesitatingly kissed the right cheek, it was just a short peck before pulling back. His own cheeks were red and smiled brightly, eyes closed, and left the room, running to get to Gokuderu before the silver-haired teen decided to come back. Tsuna talked to the storm guardian out in the hallway as if nothing had happened and willed his blush away.

Hibari, on the other hand, reached up to touch that exact spot where Tsuna's lips had touched. His fingers sent chills down his spine and his eyes narrowed. He blinked a few times and then the red tint returned and turned away from the door after making sure to close and lock it. His eyes faced the window, able to see his reflection from the glass looking back. He growled at it since he could see his face but it didn't help his cheeks. As he continued to look out, he caught sight of the two teens leaving and watched as they talked so carefree.

Then Tsuna paused, rotating around towards Hibari's direction. He had a soft smile on and waved lightly before heading back to Gokuderu's side.

The perfect almost waved back but didn't. Instead, he smiled in return.

A small gentle smile.

The herbivore wasn't too bad.

Not bad at all.

Complete! I tell you, complete! Thanks for reading! Hope you've enjoyed it!